stopifnot {base}R Documentation

Ensure the Truth of R Expressions


If any of the expressions in ... are not all TRUE, stop is called, producing an error message indicating the first of the elements of ... which were not true.





any number of (logical) R expressions, which should evaluate to TRUE.


This function is intended for use in regression tests or also argument checking of functions, in particular to make them easier to read.

stopifnot(A, B) is conceptually equivalent to

 { if(any( || !all(A)) stop(...);
   if(any( || !all(B)) stop(...) }

Since R version 3.4.0, when an expression (from ...) is not true and is a call to all.equal, the error message will report the (first part of the) differences reported by all.equal(*).


(NULL if all statements in ... are TRUE.)

See Also

stop, warning; assertCondition in package tools complements stopifnot() for testing warnings and errors.


stopifnot(1 == 1, all.equal(pi, 3.14159265), 1 < 2) # all TRUE

m <- matrix(c(1,3,3,1), 2, 2)
stopifnot(m == t(m), diag(m) == rep(1, 2)) # all(.) |=>  TRUE

op <- options(error = expression(NULL))
# "disabling stop(.)"  << Use with CARE! >>

stopifnot(all.equal(pi, 3.141593),  2 < 2, all(1:10 < 12), "a" < "b")
stopifnot(all.equal(pi, 3.1415927), 2 < 2, all(1:10 < 12), "a" < "b")

# long all.equal() error messages are abbreviated:
stopifnot(all.equal(rep(list(pi),4), list(3.1, 3.14, 3.141, 3.1415)))

options(op)  # revert to previous error handler

[Package base version 3.4.1 Index]