The Appendix: a journal, founded in
December 2012, devoted to
cenochronic history, although not mainly of science. Note in particular the
interesting "Letters" section.
Forty two years counting spots: solar
observations by D. E. Hadden during 1890-1931 revisited
by V. M. S. Carrasco et al.
[2013/05] "We have recovered the sunspot observations
made by David E. Hadden during 1890-1931 from Alta, Iowa.
We have digitized the available data published by Hadden
in different astronomical journals. This data series [has]
been analyzed and compared with the standard sunspot number
series. Moreover, we provide additional information on two
great sunspot groups, previously not described, that
originated two important extreme episodes of space weather
on February 1892 and September 1898."
Hertha Ayrton:
Electrical pioneer, feminist educator,
saviour of many lives in the trenches of the Western Front:
not a person in the eyes of the law, however,
and therefore denied election to the Royal Society.