by Akakii Melikidze (Princeton University)
A. Melikidze, Net Adv. Phys. Spec. Bibliog. 2:3 (2000).
Dear Reader,
Below you will see a list of educational articles, of which most are availible on-line. Though, for obvious reasons, the selection of the topics can't fail to reflect my own reasearch interests, I have tried to adhere to certain principles when compiling this list. These principles are:
I have used or am still using most of the articles in this list. Thus my idea was to share all these useful papers with those visitors of this page who have interests in condensed matter theory.
STRONGLY INTERACTING SYSTEMS: General; --- MESOSCOPIC PHYSICS: General; --- QUANTUM HALL EFFECT: General; Chern-Simons-Landau-Ginzburg Theory; --- SUPERCONDUCTORS: General; Vortices; SO(5); --- DISORDER: General; Spin Glasses; --- METHODS IN PHYSICS: General; Integrable Models; Path Integrals and Field-Theoretic Techniques; Bosonization; Duality; Conformal Field Theory; Diagramatic Methods; Various; --- CROSS-DISCIPLINARY PHYSICS: Various;
Strongly Interacting Systems:
Mesoscopic Physics:
Quantum Hall Effect:
Cross-Disciplinary Physics:
Creation Date: October 20, 1997
Last Modified:
November 15, 2000