function [x,w] = fnnls(XtX,Xty,tol) %FNNLS Non-negative least-squares. % % Adapted from NNLS of Mathworks, Inc. % % x = fnnls(XtX,Xty) returns the vector X that solves x = pinv(XtX)*Xty % in a least squares sense, subject to x >= 0. % Differently stated it solves the problem min ||y - Xx|| if % XtX = X'*X and Xty = X'*y. % % A default tolerance of TOL = MAX(SIZE(XtX)) * NORM(XtX,1) * EPS % is used for deciding when elements of x are less than zero. % This can be overridden with x = fnnls(XtX,Xty,TOL). % % [x,w] = fnnls(XtX,Xty) also returns dual vector w where % w(i) < 0 where x(i) = 0 and w(i) = 0 where x(i) > 0. % % See also NNLS and FNNLSb % L. Shure 5-8-87 % Revised, 12-15-88,8-31-89 LS. % (Partly) Copyright (c) 1984-94 by The MathWorks, Inc. % Modified by R. Bro 5-7-96 according to % Bro R., de Jong S., Journal of Chemometrics, 1997, xx % Corresponds to the FNNLSa algorithm in the paper % % Modified by S. Gunn 20-9-97 % % Reference: % Lawson and Hanson, "Solving Least Squares Problems", Prentice-Hall, 1974. % initialize variables if nargin < 3 tol = 10*eps*norm(XtX,1)*length(XtX); end [m,n] = size(XtX); P = zeros(1,n); Z = 1:n; x = P'; ZZ=Z; w = Xty-XtX*x; % set up iteration criterion iter = 0; itmax = 30*n; % outer loop to put variables into set to hold positive coefficients while any(Z) & any(w(ZZ) > tol) [wt,t] = max(w(ZZ)); t = ZZ(t); P(1,t) = t; Z(t) = 0; PP = find(P); ZZ = find(Z); nzz = size(ZZ); z(PP')=(Xty(PP)'/XtX(PP,PP)'); z(ZZ) = zeros(nzz(2),nzz(1))'; z=z(:); % inner loop to remove elements from the positive set which no longer belong while any((z(PP) <= tol)) & iter < itmax iter = iter + 1; QQ = find((z <= tol) & P'); alpha = min(x(QQ)./(x(QQ) - z(QQ))); x = x + alpha*(z - x); ij = find(abs(x) < tol & P' ~= 0); Z(ij)=ij'; P(ij)=zeros(1,length(ij)); PP = find(P); ZZ = find(Z); nzz = size(ZZ); z(PP)=(Xty(PP)'/XtX(PP,PP)'); z(ZZ) = zeros(nzz(2),nzz(1)); z=z(:); end x = z; w = Xty-XtX*x; end