% Eigenvalues of the transition matrix, T = down2(2 H H') %h = 1; p = 0; %h = [1 1]' / 2; p = 1; % smax = 0.5; h = daub(6) / 2; p = 3; % smax = 1.0 %h = [1 2 1]'/4; p = 2; % smax = 1.5 %h = [1 4 6 4 1]' / 16; p = 4; %h = [2 1 -1]'/2; p = 1; %[x,phi,psi] = phivals(h,5); %[f,h] = biorwavf('bior2.2'); p = 2; h = h'; % 5/3 %[h,f] = biorwavf('bior2.2'); p = 2; h = h'; % 3/5 %[f,h] = biorwavf('bior4.4'); p = 4; h = h'; % 9/7 %[h,f] = biorwavf('bior4.4'); p = 4; h = h'; % 7/9 %h = [-1 0 9 16 9 0 -1]' / 32; f = 1; p = 4; % Halfband filter %[h0,h1,f0,f1] = biorfilt(h',f); %[x,phi,psi,phitilde,psitilde] = biphivals(h0,h1,f0,f1,5); %plot(x,phi); %pause a = conv(h, flipud(h)); % Method 1: Use the function given in Ch 7, p221. T = down(a'); % Method 2: Use basic Matlab commands. N = length(a); v = [a; zeros(N,1)]; V = toeplitz(v, [v(1) zeros(1, N-1)]); TT = 2 * dyaddown(V, 'r', 1); if norm(T - TT) ~= 0 error('Something is wrong!') end lambda = flipud(sort(eig(T))) pause hs = 1; for i = 1:p hs = conv(hs, [1,1]/2); end hq = deconv(h, hs); aq = conv(hq, flipud(hq)); TQ = down(aq'); lambdaQ = flipud(sort(eig(TQ))); lambdaMax = max(lambdaQ) / 4^p; disp(sprintf('Largest nonspecial eigenvalue = %0.14f', lambdaMax)); disp(sprintf('Smallest special eigenvalue = %0.14f', 1/2^(2*p-1))); disp(sprintf('Smoothness, s_max, = %0.14f', -log2(lambdaMax)/2));