Expansion Problem

One kilogram of liquid water at 100°C is vaporized to steam at 100°C in a piston. (Equilibrium can be assumed). What procedure is needed to determine how much heat would be required and how much work is done in this process? If Q does not equal W, what accounts for the difference?

Calculating Work

Use the differential:
dW = PdV

The differential is based on the extensive (total) volume, not the intensive (per mole) volume.

P-V Diagrams

work on the PV diagram
Work is the area in the rectangle.

zoomed out graph showing isotherm
The l-v boundary and an isotherm at 100° is shown here.

Integrate from initial Volume to final Volume

W = integral from Vi to VfPdV


note that P is a constant
W = Pintegral from Vi to VfdV
W = P(Vf - Vi)

Look up the volumes in a steam table

Vi = Volume of liquid water = 1.044 cm3/g
Vf = Volume of gaseous water = 1673 cm3/g

Since the volume of the liquid is negligible compared to the volume of the gas, we can ignore the initial volume of the liquid. That is, Vf >> Vi.

W= P(Vf-Vi)
~ PVf
= 1 atm x (1673)cm3/g x 1000 g x 1 bar/.987 atm x 1 J/10cm3 bar
= 169.5 kJ

If we didn't ignore Vi:

W = 169.4 kJ

Alternative method

W ~ PVf
By ideal gas law (PV=nRT)
W ~ nRT
~ [1 kg x 1 mol/18 g x 1000 g/1 kg] x [8.314 J/molK] x [(100+273)K]
~ 172 kJ

Why does this diverge from our earlier answer?

We assumed that the vapor is an ideal gas. This turns out to be a poor assumption for water because water has strong hydrogen bonding not present in the ideal gas law assumptions.

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