10.28 Students had a field trip to Shire, where they were able to learn more about process development in an industrial setting.
Course 10.28/10.28L* will introduce the complete design of the bioprocess: from vector selection to production, separation, and characterization of recombinant products. It will utilize concepts from many fields, including chemical and electrical engineering, and biology. Student teams work through parallel modules spanning microbial fermentation and mammalian cell culture. With the bioreactor at the core of the experiments, students will study cell metabolism and biological pathways, kinetics of cell growth and product formation, oxygen mass transport, scale-up and techniques for the design of process control loops. Introduces novel bioreactors and powerful analytical instrumentation. Downstream processing and recombinant product purification also included.
The Chemical‐Biological Engineering Laboratory will offer experiment‐based projects presented in a modular format. You will have an opportunity to do hands‐on, real‐life research combining techniques of biochemistry and chemical engineering and applying them to solving some of today’s biggest global challenges. You will have a chance to put "principles into practice,” using state‐of‐the‐art equipment and software, including bioreactors, mass spectrometry and a software management tool that monitors real-time data and events in an integrated systems approach.
The course will focus on concepts that are relevant to current industry practices. This course will be very relevant for students interested in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries.
10.28/10.28L can fulfill the CI-M for Courses 10 and 7A. The course is 15 units.
*Course 10.28L is another flavor of 10.28 piloted in IAP/Spring 2018 which utilized a more online format. The majority of the labs were concentrated in IAP. During the spring semester students came in every week for a shorter lab time and focused on deepening their understanding of different concepts. Additionally during the spring they focused more deeply on the writing assignment for the class. Note: this course is not guaranteed to be offered in future semesters.
Jareatha Abdul-Raheem, 10.28/10.28L TA, Course 10, Class of 2017, jareatha[at]mit.edu
Victoria Xiao, 10.28/10.28L TA, Course 7, Class of 2017, vxiao[at]mit.edu
Jean-Francois Hamel, PhD, Instructor-in-Charge, jhamel[at]mit.edu
Website last updated: May 30, 2018