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10.491 Integrated Chemical EngineeringSpring 1999

Material Property Estimation and Design

Instructor: Gregory C. Rutledge
66-368, x3-0171,

Teaching Assistant: Numan Waheed
66-453, x3-6484,

Meeting times: MTWF 10-11am, 66-144

Office hours: M 1-2pm (Rutledge)

Recommended texts:Web Site:

Van Krevelin, Properties of Polymers, 3rd ed., Elsevier: Amsterdam, 1990.

Rowley, R.L., Statistical Mechanics for Thermophysical Property Calculations, Prentice Hall: Engelwood Cliffs, NJ, 1994.

Billmeyer, F.W., Textbook of Polymer Science, 3rd ed., Wiley Interscience: New York, 1984.

Grading: homework sets 50%
design project 40%
class participation 10%
(no final exam)

This module is a case study of a product design problem, with a focus on
development of an environmentally benign new polymer. We will look at the influence of molecular structure on properties of polymers and learn to use state-of-the-art computer simulations to characterize polymers and generate estimates of material properties.

Most assignments will make use of the MSI suite of molecular simulation modules, accessible from any Athena SGI workstation, as well as from SGI workstations in the department graphical workstation cluster located in 66-008. 10.491 Integrated Chemical Engineering

Module III: Material Property Estimation and Design April 7 - May 12

DateTopicReading assignment
Week 1Apr. 7,9Issues and Methods in Product DesignNarayan
Reid et al
Week 2Apr. 12Electronic classroom session, 4-035
Apr. 13,14,16Introduction to Polymer PropertiesWeb pages: Introduction to Polymers, conformation, tacticity
Week 3Apr. 19,20Patriots' Day Holiday
Apr. 21,23Methods for Estimating Properties of MaterialsGroup contributions
Topology method
Apr. 21Electronic classroom session, 4-035 (4-6pm)
Week 4Apr. 26Electronic classroom session, 4-035
Apr. 27,28Methods for Estimating Properties of Materials (cont)Molecular simulation
Apr. 30No class
Week 5May 3Electronic classroom session, 4-035
May 4,5,7Product Design ConsiderationsEngelberg and Kohn
Gilbert et al
Outside reading
Week 6May 10Electronic classroom session, 4-035
May 11,12Design presentations

1. Each Monday with the exception of Patriots Day (Apr. 12, 25, May 3,10) the class will meet in the Athena cluster in Room 4-035 for a computational laboratory in molecular simulation.

2. There will be no class on Friday, Apr. 30. Instead, we will have a special evening electronic classroom session from 4-6pm on Apr. 21.