3.3.0 Molecular Dynamics Overview

Starting from a (more or less arbitrary) point in phase space (p, q), the time evolution of a trajectory of a system of particles is followed, usually by applying the classical mechanical laws of motion.

For example, given N identical sphere interacting through pair potentials which depend only on the distance r_ij separating particles i and j:

Pair force:

Newton's equation of motion:

6N coupled first order differential equations.

Method: the 6N coupled equations are supplemented with 6N initial conditions (for example, 3N coordinates at one time and 3N coordinates at a later time, or 3N coordinates and 3N velocities at a common time) and solved numerically. Common algorithms are the Verlet algorithms or Predictor-Corrector algorithms (e.g. Euler-type predictor with trapezoid corrector).

Properties are then computed from samples along the trajectory:

for simple thermodynamic averages, like <U>, <V> etc. The total internal energy is the sum of the potential and kinetic contributions:

<tau> is a "configuration temperature".

Pressure (if volume is allowed to vary during the simulation):

Pressure (if volume is held constant during the simulation):

Note that for small molecules it is conventional to associate pressure with intermolecular forces, where f_ij is the force between molecules i and j. For polymers, this distinction becomes vague, and it is important to distinguish between the "molecular virial" and the "atomic virial".

Combinatorial properties are implicit in the MD ensemble, but may be obtained relative to a known thermodynamic state by the use of thermodynamic integration:

Other quantities may be found from fluctuations in quantities like energy, volume, etc. For more detail, refer to Allen and Tildesley, Chapter 2.

Molecular Dynamics, by nature, samples phase space using equations of motion which are energy-conserving, that is, constant NVE. Methods have been proposed to "rescale" the equations of motion so that other ensembles are samples (e.g. for NVT, see S. Nose, J. Chem. Phys., 81, 571, 1984; for NPT see M. Parinello and A. Rahman, J. Appl. Phys., 52, 7182, 1981.)

However, one of the real advantages of MD is that it allows estimation of dynamic quantities (i.e. transport coefficients) in NVE.

3.3.1 Transport Coefficients

Einstein Relation (ca. 1900)

Green Kubo Relation (ca. 1955)

In this manner, any molecular property F can be related to the corresponding transport coefficient b:

coefficient of self diffusion

coefficient of thermal conductivity

static electrical conductivity

3.3.2 The Correlation and Autocorrelation Functions

The quantity <F(t).F(0)> is a special case of the general formula for the Correlation Function <B(t)A(0)>. If B=A, this is called the Autocorrelation Function. In the limit of very long time, B and A become uncorrelated, so that the limiting value of the correlation function is the product of the averages:

It is common to subtract the limiting value from the correlation function and then to normalize this function to get a function which decays from 1 to 0. A related function is the Fluctuation Correlation:

3.3.3 Issues in MD

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