11.188 Labs #2: In-Lab Notes on March 1, 2021

Main Ideas:

  1. Compare Cambridge housing prices with
    1. the socio-economics of the neighborhood
    2. proximity to Mass Ave
  2. Practice making thematic maps and 'layouts' more readable
  3. Learn data manipulation tools
    1. Simple queries using 'select by expression' tools
    2. Compute 'basic statistics' for any numeric fields
      1. Compute stats for 'selected sets'
    3. Create new 'virtual layers'
    4. Spatial joins (to find neighborhood containing each sale)
    5. Add new field (column) to data tables
    6. Field calculator (to compute percent with high school education)
  4. Buffering Mass Ave
    1. To compare sales prices of housing that is close/far
    2. Extracting Mass Ave street segments from the Cambridge TIGER file
    3. Create a 750 meter buffer of Mass Ave street segments
    4. Compute statistics for 'selected sets' instead of all rows
  5. Further experimentation with 'Layout Manager' and adding a second 'locator' map
  6. Call attention to 'multiple sale' problem
    1. Some Cambridge houses sold more than once during 1989
    2. Create a new virtual layer with only one row per unique house
    3. Build a SQL expression with 'group by' to average the sale prices of houses with multiple sales

  -- You can start this week's lab with the same QGIS project document
     that you ended with for Lab#1.  Just check that the CRS for your map display
    is in Mass State Plane (NAD33, meters) Mainland projection.