Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Department of Urban Studies and Planning

11.520: A Workshop on Geographic Information Systems
11.188: Urban Planning and Social Science Laboratory

Lab Exercise #6 - In-Class Notes: Vector Spatial Analysis

Overview - = 771-286-772

In this exercise you will use the spatial analysis capabilities of ArcGIS to:


Lab #6 Issues:

General ArcMap Tips:

Leftover from last Wednesday's lecture:

In last Wednesday's lecture, I did not have time to cover all of the part of the lecture notes on finding the XY centroids of blockgroup polygons in the 5-town area around Cambridge. Instead of using the 'Field/Calculate-geometry' option, we could have done our own 'Field/Calculate' and used aVB Script or Python code to pull the XY values from the in-memory data model. ArcGIS v.10 changed the syntax of the VB scripting and adds a Python option. The lecture notes showed the old VBA script for ArcGIS 9.3, but the notes have now been updated to also show the Python code.


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Last modified 19 March 2012 by Joe Ferreira.