Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Department of Urban Studies and Planning

11.188: Urban Planning and Social Science Laboratory

Project Preparation, Online Data, and Misc. Tips


May 2, 2012, Joseph Ferreira, Jr.



  • Are you caught up on Labs (#8) and Homework (#3, part 2)?
  • Have you turned in your project mini-proposal?
  • Have you started work on the title and abstract due Monday?
  • Have you identified enough data (and a narrow enough topoic) that you have a feasible project?

Outline for Today

  • Mostly individual project conversations plus comments about the following topics
  • Review and consolidate recent tips regarding project work
    • online data sources
      • MassGIS web services are working once again
      • Z:\\course\11\11.188\www\labs\lab8\11.188_web_service_examples.mxd
    • GIS services from MIT Libraries
    • project management
  • Graded tests will be uploaded onto Stellar. Should be finished by tomorrow


Review and consolidate recent tips

  • Project work
    • Online data sources:
    • GIS services at MIT Libraries
      • GIS Lab inside Rotch Library
        • GeoLytics CD with 1990, 1980,... census data using 2000 geography
        • Geocoding US addresses using seemless US street map
    • Project management
      • Keep original data separate from working copies
        • Copy project folder to local drive
        • Copy back when finished with your work session
      • Save ArcMap documents early and often
      • Never work on your only copy of a valuable ArcMap document
        • Open a COPY of the document
      • Keep a 'lab notebook' with brief notes about what you have done each day


Last modified 2 May 2012 [jf].
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