11.188 Lab #1 In-Class Notes: =================================== website: http://mit.edu/11.188 this file: http://mit.edu/11.188/www/labs/lab1/lab1_inclass_notes.txt Administrative: (1) Tell us if you did *NOT* get class email today (2) We will meet in W31-301 on Mondays 2:30-5:00 for lab and in 14E-310 on Wednesdays at 2:30 pm for lecture LAB #1: http://mit.edu/11.188/www/lab1 (1) Understand basic setup of machines and ArcMap (2) Experiment with basic GIS functions and analysis (3) Prepare PDF 'printout' of thematic map of Cambridge Getting into the 9-251 computing lab: (another place where you can do class exercises) Combo is different from MIT public clusters: <<< combo given in class >>> WinAthena PCs: login, your MIT "Athena" home directory is on Drive I: (Drive H:\ is your locker for Windows-specific stuff) Find class locker in either of two ways: (1) in Z:\athena.mit.edu\course\11\11.520 (2) in Drive M after you run this command in a DOS window net use M: \\afs\athena.mit.edu\course\11\11.188 [ makes Drive M: = /afs/athena.mit.edu/course/11/11.188 datasets: mostly in M:\data ] Datasets: shapefiles: e.g., cambbgrp.shp (one name, many files) [ArcGIS also supports 'coverages': this file format stores geometry in a coverage folder, and attributes in 'info' folder] Access ArcGIS datasets via the ArcCatalog tab along right side of ArcMap or use the Windows/Catalog choice from the main menu Copy all sizeable datasets into C:\temp before using them in ArcMap -- Use ArcCatalog to copy shapefiles and coverages -- OK to use Internet Explorer for copying if entire workspace is copied ArcMap: (key elements of Lab #1) Map window: experiment with buttons and geometry/attribute links Layer properties: experiment with thematic maps, symbology, ... classification: think about choices -- quantile, equal interval, ... -- be sure to look up description of classification choices in ArcGIS Help Saving & Printing: -- ArcMap - View as 'layout' -- save PDF copies of what could be printed; -- See Pharos and CRON instructions for actual printing Google Earth: Think about what Google Earth needs to know in order to overlay your map Edit properties of your overlay and set transparency to 50% Zoom in/out and pan around to see the accuracy and perspective changes Software on your machine: Download ArcGIS 10.1 desktop software from: http://ist.mit.edu/software-hardware?type=27 (MIT certificate required) or during lab from our external USB drive Also need: (see http://ist.mit.edu/software-hardware) Kerberos for windows 3.2.2 or later VPN Client (Cisco AnyConnect VPN) For AFS file access: http://openafs.org Mac alternative: Citrix server (https://citrix.mit.edu/)