11.188 Labs #3: In-Lab Notes on Feb. 24, 2014] REMEMBER HOMEWORK SET #1 DUE Wednesday, MARCH 6 LAB #3: Spatial queries and joins (1) Main Idea: Compare Cambridge housing prices with the socio-economics of the neighborhood and proximity to Mass Ave (2) Add new columns to data tables (3) Merging, editing, saving data (e.g., to compute the percent with high school education) (4) Spatial joins to find neighborhood containing each sale (5) Buffering Mass Ave and comparing sales prices of housing that is close/far (6) Extracting Mass Ave street segments with a specific coordinate system (7) File locations and ArcMap startup: -- Checking ArcMap's 'scratchspace' location to avoid performance problems -- You can start this week's lab with the same 11.188_lab2_web.mxd document and shapefiles as were bundled into the zipped cambridge_shapefiles for last week's lab. That way, you will have the MassGIS and ESRI web services and you can add the additional shapefile (middle_county.shp) after copying it to c:\temp. Homework grading: A. Some comments have been posted for Lab #1 - review them to see what we want for a basic map to be readable and meaningful. B. Note, for lab #1 we do not emphasize readability of maps, but we will from now on C. Lab #2 deadline is extended 24 hours (to 2:30 pm tomorrow) so you can tweak your submission based on Lab #1 feedback The extra lab times and reserved rooms this week are: Tuesday, 5-6:00 pm in Room W31-301 (with 11.521) Wednesday, 4-5 pm in Room 9-251 (after lecture) Friday, 2:00-3:30 in Room W31-301