Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Department of Urban Studies and Planning

11.520: A Workshop on Geographic Information Systems
11.188: Urban Planning and Social Science Laboratory

Presentation Tips, Test Feedback, & Project Work


April 23, 2014, Joseph Ferreira


  • Homework #3: Part 2 (discussion and model builder) due today (but extended to Monday, April 28)
  • Project Mini-Proposal: due Wed., April 30
  • No new lab exercises or homework
    • focus on individual project work
    • especially, do you have appropriate data for useful spatial analysis


  • More feedback & discussion of test
  • Project presentation tips (using Cherrie Abbanat's slides)

Test Feedback

  • Test grading is finished
    • Graded tests have been uploaded to Stellar along with a PDF of solutions with added discussion
    • Answers with discussion also linked to test webpage:
  • Test could be an (abbreviated) example of a possible project
    • This year: examining consequences of newly released FEMA flood zones for Mass
      • Possible project focus: What residences and commercial buildings are in 500 year flood zone
      • Compare with structures in 100 year flood zone; research recent changes; estimate increased insurance cost due to changes; estimate extent of recent Congressional 'rollback'
    • Last year:
      • Possible project focus: look separately at land and building values and residential/commercial/academic uses; aggregate and interpret at block and neighborhood lever.
    • Spring 2012: spatial and socio-economic factors correlated with vehicle miles travelled (VMT )
      • Possible project focus: examining other measures (such as distance to CBD, density, train station, etc.); comparing two or more communities
    • Project would require a little more digging and spatial analysis
    • Project could provide context and first step in a longer study
  • Comments on test - Common issues and suggestions:
    • Several ways of doing many parts:
      • Select by location vs. spatial join vs. intersect
      • definition query vs. selection
      • ArcGIS query vs. MS-Access
    • Classification
      • Classify buildings after selecting those in the 500 year flood zone
      • Quantile vs. natural break vs. equal interval vs. standard deviation
      • Match interpretation to choice of method and specify method
    • Map design and readability
      • Which background (street map vs. terrain)
      • Foreground/background emphasis
      • Use of transparency
    • ArcGIS reliability
      • 2000 row chunks for large attribute tables
      • Use 'export' to consolidate joined tables and workaround sluggish or wrong ArcMap results
      • Personal Geodatabase: MS-Access database such as camb13_start.mdb is handy for storing project files

File organization and performance issues for project work

  • C:\temp is local, desktop and I:\ are not
  • Set LOCAL locations in the environment for workspace and (especially) scratch space
  • Redundancy can be good!
    • Read-only copy of originals (e.g., test14data)
    • Local working copies
      • proj14_working folder that you move from network to C:\temp and back
      • Many MXDs: 11.188_proj13_working1.mxd, 2, 3, ...
      • Use Access (personal geodatabase): 11.188_proj14_working.mdb to store datasets
    • Use multiple windows (especially on big screens)
      • Use Data Frames with different joins, coordinates, etc.
      • Open multiple ArcMap sessions along with Access and Excel
        • Just keep the file versions straight
        • And you may need to close files if locked for another use
  • Refresh issues in ArcMap
    • Sometimes, removing a table and adding it again will add the old version
      • Save ArcMap document, exit ArcMap, and restart - then add table
      • This happens if you edit the table outside ArcMap and do not change the name

Project Presentation Tips

  • Cherrie Abbanat's powerpoint slides
    • Tips on technical presentations and writeups
    • Group discussion about project and CI requirement
  • Help from the GIS Services group in the MIT Libraries
    • send email to
  • Next few class sessions
    • Work individually on project
    • Discuss project focus and data issues with me

Last modified 22 April 2014 [jf]
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