Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Department of Urban Studies and Planning

11.188: Urban Planning and Social Science Laboratory

Lab Assignment 3: Database Operations in ArcMap
Due Monday, March. 2, 2015 (on Stellar)

Your Name: ______________________________________

Your Athena Username: _____________________________

1. What are the block group count, and the mean and standard deviation of Med_hh_inc fpr those Cambridge block groups with median household income of $40,000 or less?

Count: ______________;    Mean: ______________;    Standard Deviation: _____________

2. What are the mean and standard deviation of those Cambridge block groups with median household income of $40,000 or less and a median income greater than zero?

Mean: ______________;    Standard Deviation: _____________

3. What is the third highest percentage of low-educated adults among the Cambridge block groups? (The highest is 55.5%).

Third-highest p_lowed in Cambridge block groups =: ______________ for block group ______________

4. How many block groups have a p_lowed >  40%? _______________

5. What are the mean and standard deviation of the p_lowed field for the 21 Cambridge block groups containing the low-priced housing sales (<$150K)? What about for the 70 block groups containing the other sales?

21-group Mean: ______________;    21-group Standard Deviation: _____________

70-group Mean: ______________;    70-group Standard Deviation: _____________

6. What are the sales count, and the mean and standard deviation of the RealPrice field for those Cambridge sales that fell within the 750 meter buffer of Mass Ave?

Sales Count: ____________;    Mean RealPrice: ______________;    Standard Deviation: _____________  

7. Save the PDF of your map from Part IV and submit it as a separate document or include it within the document containing your answers to the above questions.

Updated Sept. 2001-15 by Thomas Grayson, Joe Ferreira, Jeeseong Chung, Jinhua Zhao, Xiongjiu Liao, Mi Diao, Yang Chen, and Eric Schultheis.
Last Modified 27 Jan. 2015 by schulthe.

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