Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Department of Urban Studies and Planning

11.188: Urban Planning and Social Science Laboratory

Lab Exercise 4: Database Aggregation and Chart Creation in ArcMap

In-Lab Notes - 9 March, 2015

Recent events at MIT

The recent deaths of two undergrads are particularly upsetting. Please come talk with me if these events impacted your progress with this class, or if you would just like to talk with someone besides your classmates about life and work at MIT.

Key Ideas in Lab #4:

  1. Mapping population density with too-detailed a map -- handling one-to-many relationships in ArcMap
  2. Constructing meaningful indices (such as population density)
  3. Charts and business graphics in ArcMap
  4. Handling one-to-many relationships in MS-Access

Key Techniques in Lab #4:

  1. Joining attribute tables in ArcMap
  2. Summarizing ArcMap attribute tables:
  3. Charting the correct table
  4. Moving tables from ArcGIS into MS-Access


Last modified on 9 March 2015 [jf].

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