Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Department of Urban Studies and Planning

11.520: A Workshop on Geographic Information Systems
11.188: Urban Planning and Social Science Laboratory

Presentation Tips and Project Work


April 18, 2018, Joseph Ferreira


  • Lab #7 (GPS field work): due Monday, April 23
  • Homework #3: Raster Analysis and ModelBuilder
    • Part 1 (raster) due today, Wed., April 18
    • Part 2 (discussion and model builder) due next Wed.. April 25
  • Project proposals:
    • See feedback on Stellar
    • Talk to us today or Friday (3-5 in 9-255)
    • We will move to 9-255 today after ~30 minutes
  • No new lab exercises or homework beyond lab #7 and Hwk #3
    •  focus on individual project work
    • especially, do you have appropriate data for useful spatial analysis


  • Start in City Arena and MOVE TO 5TH FLOOR LAB after half hour...
  • Project presentation tips (using Cherrie Abbanat's slides)
  • Progress on projects

Homework #3 raster bug 

Project Scope

  • Project ideas: 
    • Most of you are reasonably settled on a project topic
    • What about project scope and expectations
      • In-lab test is an (abbreviated) example of a possible project
  • For example: consider this year's look at voting patterns in the 2016 election
    • What geographic and socio-economic characteristics explain county-level differences in results
    • How has this changed over a few elections
  • Another example: examining municipality budgets in greater Boston area
    • Comparing equalized assessed value per capita and various town revenues and expenditures
    • Examining spatial pattern within metro areas with particular attention to location of infrastructure; population demographics, community type, etc.
  • In general
    • Project would require a little more digging regarding reasoning, literature, evidence, and spatial analysis
    • Project could provide context and first step in a longer study you anticipate in future semesters

File organization and performance issues for project work

  • C:\temp is local, while desktop and I:\ are not
  • Set LOCAL locations in the environment for workspace and (especially) scratch space
  • Redundancy can be good!
    • Read-only copy of originals (e.g., test18data)
    • Local working copies
      • proj18_working folder that you move from network to C:\temp and back
      • Many MXDs: 11.188_proj_v1.mxd, _v2, _v3, ...
      • Use Access (personal geodatabase): 11.188_proj_working.mdb to store datasets (BUT, create it via ArcCatalog as a personal geodatabase so it has geospatial tables that ESRI wants before it lets you save new data into it)
    • Use multiple windows (especially on machines with big screens)
      • Use Data Frames with different joins, coordinates, etc.
      • Open multiple ArcMap sessions along with Access and Excel and a text editor
        • Just keep the file versions straight
        • And you may need to close files if locked by another application
  • Refresh issues in ArcMap
    • Sometimes, removing a table and then editing and adding a new version of it will add the old version (from cache)
      • Save ArcMap document, exit ArcMap, and restart - then add table
      • This happens if you edit the table outside ArcMap and do not change the name
    • When ArcMap is slow to redraw maps
      • If the mapped layer has joins to large tables, then redraw may slow down
      • You can always export the joined layer as a new shapefile and add it back for much faster performance
      • You can copy the symbology from one layer onto another layer

Project Presentation Tips

  • Cherrie Abbanat's powerpoint slides
    • Tips on technical presentations and writeups
    • Group discussion about project and CI requirement
  • Help from the GIS Services group in the MIT Libraries
    • send email to as well as
  • Next few class sessions
    • Work individually on project
    • Discuss project focus and data issues with us

Last modified 18 April 2018 [jf]
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