TABLE (MATRIX) SECTION - from Summary File Three (SF3) Documentation of US Census for 2000
Table   Field   Text                                                                 Segment
P001            PERSONS                                                              STF301
P001            Universe: Persons
P001    P0010001Total                                                                STF301
P002            UNWEIGHTED SAMPLE COUNT OF PERSONS                                   STF301
P002            Universe: Persons
P002    P0020001Total                                                                STF301
P003            100-PERCENT COUNT OF PERSONS                                         STF301
P003            Universe: Persons
P003    P0030001Total                                                                STF301
P003A           PERCENT OF PERSONS IN SAMPLE                                         STF301
P003A           Universe: Persons
P003A   P003A001Total                                                                STF301
P004            FAMILIES                                                             STF301
P004            Universe: Families
P004    P0040001Total                                                                STF301
P005            HOUSEHOLDS                                                           STF301
P005            Universe: Households
P005    P0050001Total                                                                STF301
P006            URBAN AND RURAL                                                      STF301
P006            Universe: Persons
P006            Urban:
P006    P0060001  Inside urbanized area                                              STF301
P006    P0060002  Outside urbanized area                                             STF301
P006            Rural:
P006    P0060003  Farm                                                               STF301
P006    P0060004  Nonfarm                                                            STF301
P007            SEX                                                                  STF301
P007            Universe: Persons
P007    P0070001Male                                                                 STF301
P007    P0070002Female                                                               STF301
P008            RACE                                                                 STF301
P008            Universe: Persons
P008    P0080001White                                                                STF301
P008    P0080002Black                                                                STF301
P008    P0080003American Indian                                                       Eskimo  or AleuSTF301
P008    P0080004Asian or Pacific Islander                                            STF301
P008    P0080005Other race                                                           STF301
P009            RACE                                                                 STF301
P009            Universe: Persons
P009    P0090001White (800-869                                                        971)   STF301
P009    P0090002Black (870-934                                                        972)   STF301
P009            American Indian                                                       Eskimo  or Aleu 935-970 973-975):
P009    P0090003  American Indian (000-599                                            973)   STF301
P009    P0090004  Eskimo (935-940                                                     974)   STF301
P009    P0090005  Aleut (941-970                                                      975)   STF301
P009            Asian or Pacific Islander (600-699                                    976-985):
P009              Asian (600-652                                                          976     977 979-982 985):
P009    P0090006    Chinese (605-607                                                  976)   STF301
P009    P0090007    Filipino (608                                                     977)   STF301
P009    P0090008    Japanese (611                                                     981)   STF301
P009    P0090009    Asian Indian (600                                                 982)   STF301
P009    P0090010    Korean (612                                                       979)   STF301
P009    P0090011    Vietnamese (619                                                   980)   STF301
P009    P0090012    Cambodian (604)                                                  STF301
P009    P0090013    Hmong (609)                                                      STF301
P009    P0090014    Laotian (613)                                                    STF301
P009    P0090015    Thai (618)                                                       STF301
P009    P0090016    Other Asian (601-603                                                  610 614-617 620-652 985)   STF301
P009              Pacific Islander (653-699                                               978     983 984):
P009                Polynesian (653-659                                                   978 983):
P009    P0090017      Hawaiian (653                                                       654 978)   STF301
P009    P0090018      Samoan (655                                                     983)   STF301
P009    P0090019      Tongan (657)                                                   STF301
P009    P0090020      Other Polynesian (656                                               658 659)   STF301
P009                Micronesian (660-675                                              984):
P009    P0090021      Guamanian (660                                                  984)   STF301
P009    P0090022      Other Micronesian (661-675)                                    STF301
P009    P0090023    Melanesian (676-680)                                             STF301
P009    P0090024    Pacific Islander                                                  not speSTF301
P009    P0090025Other race (700-799                                                   986-999STF301
P010            PERSONS OF HISPANIC ORIGIN                                           STF301
P010            Universe: Persons of Hispanic origin
P010    P0100001Total                                                                STF301
P011            HISPANIC ORIGIN                                                      STF301
P011            Universe: Persons
P011    P0110001Not of Hispanic origin (000-001                                       006-199STF301
P011            Hispanic origin (002-005                                              200-999):
P011    P0110002  Mexican (002                                                        210-220STF301
P011    P0110003  Puerto Rican (003                                                   261-270STF301
P011    P0110004  Cuban (004                                                          271-274STF301
P011              Other Hispanic (005                                                 200-209 221-260 275-999):
P011    P0110005    Dominican (Dominican Republic) (275-289)                         STF301
P011                Central American (221-230):
P011    P0110006      Guatemalan (222)                                               STF301
P011    P0110007      Honduran (223)                                                 STF301
P011    P0110008      Nicaraguan (224)                                               STF301
P011    P0110009      Panamanian (225)                                               STF301
P011    P0110010      Salvadoran (226)                                               STF301
P011    P0110011      Other Central American (221                                     227-230STF301
P011                South American (231-249):
P011    P0110012      Colombian (234)                                                STF301
P011    P0110013      Ecuadorian (235)                                               STF301
P011    P0110014      Peruvian (237)                                                 STF301
P011    P0110015      Other South American (231-233                                       236 238-249STF301
P011    P0110016    Other Hispanic (005                                               200-209 250-260 290-999STF301
P012            HISPANIC ORIGIN BY RACE                                              STF301
P012            Universe: Persons
P012            Not of Hispanic origin:
P012    P0120001  White                                                              STF301
P012    P0120002  Black                                                              STF301
P012    P0120003  American Indian                                                     Eskimo  or AleuSTF301
P012    P0120004  Asian or Pacific Islander                                          STF301
P012    P0120005  Other race                                                         STF301
P012            Hispanic origin:
P012    P0120006  White                                                              STF301
P012    P0120007  Black                                                              STF301
P012    P0120008  American Indian                                                     Eskimo  or AleuSTF301
P012    P0120009  Asian or Pacific Islander                                          STF301
P012    P0120010  Other race                                                         STF301
P013            AGE                                                                  STF301
P013            Universe: Persons
P013    P0130001Under 1 year                                                         STF301
P013    P01300021 and 2 years                                                        STF301
P013    P01300033 and 4 years                                                        STF301
P013    P01300045 years                                                              STF301
P013    P01300056 years                                                              STF301
P013    P01300067 to 9 years                                                         STF301
P013    P013000710 and 11 years                                                      STF301
P013    P013000812 and 13 years                                                      STF301
P013    P013000914 years                                                             STF301
P013    P013001015 years                                                             STF301
P013    P013001116 years                                                             STF301
P013    P013001217 years                                                             STF301
P013    P013001318 years                                                             STF301
P013    P013001419 years                                                             STF301
P013    P013001520 years                                                             STF301
P013    P013001621 years                                                             STF301
P013    P013001722 to 24 years                                                       STF301
P013    P013001825 to 29 years                                                       STF301
P013    P013001930 to 34 years                                                       STF301
P013    P013002035 to 39 years                                                       STF301
P013    P013002140 to 44 years                                                       STF301
P013    P013002245 to 49 years                                                       STF301
P013    P013002350 to 54 years                                                       STF301
P013    P013002455 to 59 years                                                       STF301
P013    P013002560 and 61 years                                                      STF301
P013    P013002662 to 64 years                                                       STF301
P013    P013002765 to 69 years                                                       STF301
P013    P013002870 to 74 years                                                       STF301
P013    P013002975 to 79 years                                                       STF301
P013    P013003080 to 84 years                                                       STF301
P013    P013003185 years and over                                                    STF301
P014A           RACE BY SEX BY AGE                                                   STF302
P014A           Universe: White males
P014A   P014A001Under 1 year                                                         STF302
P014A   P014A0021 and 2 years                                                        STF302
P014A   P014A0033 and 4 years                                                        STF302
P014A   P014A0045 years                                                              STF302
P014A   P014A0056 years                                                              STF302
P014A   P014A0067 to 9 years                                                         STF302
P014A   P014A00710 and 11 years                                                      STF302
P014A   P014A00812 and 13 years                                                      STF302
P014A   P014A00914 years                                                             STF302
P014A   P014A01015 years                                                             STF302
P014A   P014A01116 years                                                             STF302
P014A   P014A01217 years                                                             STF302
P014A   P014A01318 years                                                             STF302
P014A   P014A01419 years                                                             STF302
P014A   P014A01520 years                                                             STF302
P014A   P014A01621 years                                                             STF302
P014A   P014A01722 to 24 years                                                       STF302
P014A   P014A01825 to 29 years                                                       STF302
P014A   P014A01930 to 34 years                                                       STF302
P014A   P014A02035 to 39 years                                                       STF302
P014A   P014A02140 to 44 years                                                       STF302
P014A   P014A02245 to 49 years                                                       STF302
P014A   P014A02350 to 54 years                                                       STF302
P014A   P014A02455 to 59 years                                                       STF302
P014A   P014A02560 and 61 years                                                      STF302
P014A   P014A02662 to 64 years                                                       STF302
P014A   P014A02765 to 69 years                                                       STF302
P014A   P014A02870 to 74 years                                                       STF302
P014A   P014A02975 to 79 years                                                       STF302
P014A   P014A03080 to 84 years                                                       STF302
P014A   P014A03185 years and over                                                    STF302
P014B           RACE BY SEX BY AGE                                                   STF302
P014B           Universe: White females
P014B   P014B001Under 1 year                                                         STF302
P014B   P014B0021 and 2 years                                                        STF302
P014B   P014B0033 and 4 years                                                        STF302
P014B   P014B0045 years                                                              STF302
P014B   P014B0056 years                                                              STF302
P014B   P014B0067 to 9 years                                                         STF302
P014B   P014B00710 and 11 years                                                      STF302
P014B   P014B00812 and 13 years                                                      STF302
P014B   P014B00914 years                                                             STF302
P014B   P014B01015 years                                                             STF302
P014B   P014B01116 years                                                             STF302
P014B   P014B01217 years                                                             STF302
P014B   P014B01318 years                                                             STF302
P014B   P014B01419 years                                                             STF302
P014B   P014B01520 years                                                             STF302
P014B   P014B01621 years                                                             STF302
P014B   P014B01722 to 24 years                                                       STF302
P014B   P014B01825 to 29 years                                                       STF302
P014B   P014B01930 to 34 years                                                       STF302
P014B   P014B02035 to 39 years                                                       STF302
P014B   P014B02140 to 44 years                                                       STF302
P014B   P014B02245 to 49 years                                                       STF302
P014B   P014B02350 to 54 years                                                       STF302
P014B   P014B02455 to 59 years                                                       STF302
P014B   P014B02560 and 61 years                                                      STF302
P014B   P014B02662 to 64 years                                                       STF302
P014B   P014B02765 to 69 years                                                       STF302
P014B   P014B02870 to 74 years                                                       STF302
P014B   P014B02975 to 79 years                                                       STF302
P014B   P014B03080 to 84 years                                                       STF302
P014B   P014B03185 years and over                                                    STF302
P014C           RACE BY SEX BY AGE                                                   STF302
P014C           Universe: Black males
P014C   P014C001Under 1 year                                                         STF302
P014C   P014C0021 and 2 years                                                        STF302
P014C   P014C0033 and 4 years                                                        STF302
P014C   P014C0045 years                                                              STF302
P014C   P014C0056 years                                                              STF302
P014C   P014C0067 to 9 years                                                         STF302
P014C   P014C00710 and 11 years                                                      STF302
P014C   P014C00812 and 13 years                                                      STF302
P014C   P014C00914 years                                                             STF302
P014C   P014C01015 years                                                             STF302
P014C   P014C01116 years                                                             STF302
P014C   P014C01217 years                                                             STF302
P014C   P014C01318 years                                                             STF302
P014C   P014C01419 years                                                             STF302
P014C   P014C01520 years                                                             STF302
P014C   P014C01621 years                                                             STF302
P014C   P014C01722 to 24 years                                                       STF302
P014C   P014C01825 to 29 years                                                       STF302
P014C   P014C01930 to 34 years                                                       STF302
P014C   P014C02035 to 39 years                                                       STF302
P014C   P014C02140 to 44 years                                                       STF302
P014C   P014C02245 to 49 years                                                       STF302
P014C   P014C02350 to 54 years                                                       STF302
P014C   P014C02455 to 59 years                                                       STF302
P014C   P014C02560 and 61 years                                                      STF302
P014C   P014C02662 to 64 years                                                       STF302
P014C   P014C02765 to 69 years                                                       STF302
P014C   P014C02870 to 74 years                                                       STF302
P014C   P014C02975 to 79 years                                                       STF302
P014C   P014C03080 to 84 years                                                       STF302
P014C   P014C03185 years and over                                                    STF302
P014D           RACE BY SEX BY AGE                                                   STF303
P014D           Universe: Black females
P014D   P014D001Under 1 year                                                         STF303
P014D   P014D0021 and 2 years                                                        STF303
P014D   P014D0033 and 4 years                                                        STF303
P014D   P014D0045 years                                                              STF303
P014D   P014D0056 years                                                              STF303
P014D   P014D0067 to 9 years                                                         STF303
P014D   P014D00710 and 11 years                                                      STF303
P014D   P014D00812 and 13 years                                                      STF303
P014D   P014D00914 years                                                             STF303
P014D   P014D01015 years                                                             STF303
P014D   P014D01116 years                                                             STF303
P014D   P014D01217 years                                                             STF303
P014D   P014D01318 years                                                             STF303
P014D   P014D01419 years                                                             STF303
P014D   P014D01520 years                                                             STF303
P014D   P014D01621 years                                                             STF303
P014D   P014D01722 to 24 years                                                       STF303
P014D   P014D01825 to 29 years                                                       STF303
P014D   P014D01930 to 34 years                                                       STF303
P014D   P014D02035 to 39 years                                                       STF303
P014D   P014D02140 to 44 years                                                       STF303
P014D   P014D02245 to 49 years                                                       STF303
P014D   P014D02350 to 54 years                                                       STF303
P014D   P014D02455 to 59 years                                                       STF303
P014D   P014D02560 and 61 years                                                      STF303
P014D   P014D02662 to 64 years                                                       STF303
P014D   P014D02765 to 69 years                                                       STF303
P014D   P014D02870 to 74 years                                                       STF303
P014D   P014D02975 to 79 years                                                       STF303
P014D   P014D03080 to 84 years                                                       STF303
P014D   P014D03185 years and over                                                    STF303
P014E           RACE BY SEX BY AGE                                                   STF303
P014E           Universe: American Indian                                             Eskimo  or Aleut males
P014E   P014E001Under 1 year                                                         STF303
P014E   P014E0021 and 2 years                                                        STF303
P014E   P014E0033 and 4 years                                                        STF303
P014E   P014E0045 years                                                              STF303
P014E   P014E0056 years                                                              STF303
P014E   P014E0067 to 9 years                                                         STF303
P014E   P014E00710 and 11 years                                                      STF303
P014E   P014E00812 and 13 years                                                      STF303
P014E   P014E00914 years                                                             STF303
P014E   P014E01015 years                                                             STF303
P014E   P014E01116 years                                                             STF303
P014E   P014E01217 years                                                             STF303
P014E   P014E01318 years                                                             STF303
P014E   P014E01419 years                                                             STF303
P014E   P014E01520 years                                                             STF303
P014E   P014E01621 years                                                             STF303
P014E   P014E01722 to 24 years                                                       STF303
P014E   P014E01825 to 29 years                                                       STF303
P014E   P014E01930 to 34 years                                                       STF303
P014E   P014E02035 to 39 years                                                       STF303
P014E   P014E02140 to 44 years                                                       STF303
P014E   P014E02245 to 49 years                                                       STF303
P014E   P014E02350 to 54 years                                                       STF303
P014E   P014E02455 to 59 years                                                       STF303
P014E   P014E02560 and 61 years                                                      STF303
P014E   P014E02662 to 64 years                                                       STF303
P014E   P014E02765 to 69 years                                                       STF303
P014E   P014E02870 to 74 years                                                       STF303
P014E   P014E02975 to 79 years                                                       STF303
P014E   P014E03080 to 84 years                                                       STF303
P014E   P014E03185 years and over                                                    STF303
P014F           RACE BY SEX BY AGE                                                   STF303
P014F           Universe: American Indian                                             Eskimo  or Aleut females
P014F   P014F001Under 1 year                                                         STF303
P014F   P014F0021 and 2 years                                                        STF303
P014F   P014F0033 and 4 years                                                        STF303
P014F   P014F0045 years                                                              STF303
P014F   P014F0056 years                                                              STF303
P014F   P014F0067 to 9 years                                                         STF303
P014F   P014F00710 and 11 years                                                      STF303
P014F   P014F00812 and 13 years                                                      STF303
P014F   P014F00914 years                                                             STF303
P014F   P014F01015 years                                                             STF303
P014F   P014F01116 years                                                             STF303
P014F   P014F01217 years                                                             STF303
P014F   P014F01318 years                                                             STF303
P014F   P014F01419 years                                                             STF303
P014F   P014F01520 years                                                             STF303
P014F   P014F01621 years                                                             STF303
P014F   P014F01722 to 24 years                                                       STF303
P014F   P014F01825 to 29 years                                                       STF303
P014F   P014F01930 to 34 years                                                       STF303
P014F   P014F02035 to 39 years                                                       STF303
P014F   P014F02140 to 44 years                                                       STF303
P014F   P014F02245 to 49 years                                                       STF303
P014F   P014F02350 to 54 years                                                       STF303
P014F   P014F02455 to 59 years                                                       STF303
P014F   P014F02560 and 61 years                                                      STF303
P014F   P014F02662 to 64 years                                                       STF303
P014F   P014F02765 to 69 years                                                       STF303
P014F   P014F02870 to 74 years                                                       STF303
P014F   P014F02975 to 79 years                                                       STF303
P014F   P014F03080 to 84 years                                                       STF303
P014F   P014F03185 years and over                                                    STF303
P014G           RACE BY SEX BY AGE                                                   STF304
P014G           Universe: Asian or Pacific Islander males
P014G   P014G001Under 1 year                                                         STF304
P014G   P014G0021 and 2 years                                                        STF304
P014G   P014G0033 and 4 years                                                        STF304
P014G   P014G0045 years                                                              STF304
P014G   P014G0056 years                                                              STF304
P014G   P014G0067 to 9 years                                                         STF304
P014G   P014G00710 and 11 years                                                      STF304
P014G   P014G00812 and 13 years                                                      STF304
P014G   P014G00914 years                                                             STF304
P014G   P014G01015 years                                                             STF304
P014G   P014G01116 years                                                             STF304
P014G   P014G01217 years                                                             STF304
P014G   P014G01318 years                                                             STF304
P014G   P014G01419 years                                                             STF304
P014G   P014G01520 years                                                             STF304
P014G   P014G01621 years                                                             STF304
P014G   P014G01722 to 24 years                                                       STF304
P014G   P014G01825 to 29 years                                                       STF304
P014G   P014G01930 to 34 years                                                       STF304
P014G   P014G02035 to 39 years                                                       STF304
P014G   P014G02140 to 44 years                                                       STF304
P014G   P014G02245 to 49 years                                                       STF304
P014G   P014G02350 to 54 years                                                       STF304
P014G   P014G02455 to 59 years                                                       STF304
P014G   P014G02560 and 61 years                                                      STF304
P014G   P014G02662 to 64 years                                                       STF304
P014G   P014G02765 to 69 years                                                       STF304
P014G   P014G02870 to 74 years                                                       STF304
P014G   P014G02975 to 79 years                                                       STF304
P014G   P014G03080 to 84 years                                                       STF304
P014G   P014G03185 years and over                                                    STF304
P014H           RACE BY SEX BY AGE                                                   STF304
P014H           Universe: Asian or Pacific Islander females
P014H   P014H001Under 1 year                                                         STF304
P014H   P014H0021 and 2 years                                                        STF304
P014H   P014H0033 and 4 years                                                        STF304
P014H   P014H0045 years                                                              STF304
P014H   P014H0056 years                                                              STF304
P014H   P014H0067 to 9 years                                                         STF304
P014H   P014H00710 and 11 years                                                      STF304
P014H   P014H00812 and 13 years                                                      STF304
P014H   P014H00914 years                                                             STF304
P014H   P014H01015 years                                                             STF304
P014H   P014H01116 years                                                             STF304
P014H   P014H01217 years                                                             STF304
P014H   P014H01318 years                                                             STF304
P014H   P014H01419 years                                                             STF304
P014H   P014H01520 years                                                             STF304
P014H   P014H01621 years                                                             STF304
P014H   P014H01722 to 24 years                                                       STF304
P014H   P014H01825 to 29 years                                                       STF304
P014H   P014H01930 to 34 years                                                       STF304
P014H   P014H02035 to 39 years                                                       STF304
P014H   P014H02140 to 44 years                                                       STF304
P014H   P014H02245 to 49 years                                                       STF304
P014H   P014H02350 to 54 years                                                       STF304
P014H   P014H02455 to 59 years                                                       STF304
P014H   P014H02560 and 61 years                                                      STF304
P014H   P014H02662 to 64 years                                                       STF304
P014H   P014H02765 to 69 years                                                       STF304
P014H   P014H02870 to 74 years                                                       STF304
P014H   P014H02975 to 79 years                                                       STF304
P014H   P014H03080 to 84 years                                                       STF304
P014H   P014H03185 years and over                                                    STF304
P014I           RACE BY SEX BY AGE                                                   STF304
P014I           Universe: Other race males
P014I   P014I001Under 1 year                                                         STF304
P014I   P014I0021 and 2 years                                                        STF304
P014I   P014I0033 and 4 years                                                        STF304
P014I   P014I0045 years                                                              STF304
P014I   P014I0056 years                                                              STF304
P014I   P014I0067 to 9 years                                                         STF304
P014I   P014I00710 and 11 years                                                      STF304
P014I   P014I00812 and 13 years                                                      STF304
P014I   P014I00914 years                                                             STF304
P014I   P014I01015 years                                                             STF304
P014I   P014I01116 years                                                             STF304
P014I   P014I01217 years                                                             STF304
P014I   P014I01318 years                                                             STF304
P014I   P014I01419 years                                                             STF304
P014I   P014I01520 years                                                             STF304
P014I   P014I01621 years                                                             STF304
P014I   P014I01722 to 24 years                                                       STF304
P014I   P014I01825 to 29 years                                                       STF304
P014I   P014I01930 to 34 years                                                       STF304
P014I   P014I02035 to 39 years                                                       STF304
P014I   P014I02140 to 44 years                                                       STF304
P014I   P014I02245 to 49 years                                                       STF304
P014I   P014I02350 to 54 years                                                       STF304
P014I   P014I02455 to 59 years                                                       STF304
P014I   P014I02560 and 61 years                                                      STF304
P014I   P014I02662 to 64 years                                                       STF304
P014I   P014I02765 to 69 years                                                       STF304
P014I   P014I02870 to 74 years                                                       STF304
P014I   P014I02975 to 79 years                                                       STF304
P014I   P014I03080 to 84 years                                                       STF304
P014I   P014I03185 years and over                                                    STF304
P014J           RACE BY SEX BY AGE                                                   STF305
P014J           Universe: Other race females
P014J   P014J001Under 1 year                                                         STF305
P014J   P014J0021 and 2 years                                                        STF305
P014J   P014J0033 and 4 years                                                        STF305
P014J   P014J0045 years                                                              STF305
P014J   P014J0056 years                                                              STF305
P014J   P014J0067 to 9 years                                                         STF305
P014J   P014J00710 and 11 years                                                      STF305
P014J   P014J00812 and 13 years                                                      STF305
P014J   P014J00914 years                                                             STF305
P014J   P014J01015 years                                                             STF305
P014J   P014J01116 years                                                             STF305
P014J   P014J01217 years                                                             STF305
P014J   P014J01318 years                                                             STF305
P014J   P014J01419 years                                                             STF305
P014J   P014J01520 years                                                             STF305
P014J   P014J01621 years                                                             STF305
P014J   P014J01722 to 24 years                                                       STF305
P014J   P014J01825 to 29 years                                                       STF305
P014J   P014J01930 to 34 years                                                       STF305
P014J   P014J02035 to 39 years                                                       STF305
P014J   P014J02140 to 44 years                                                       STF305
P014J   P014J02245 to 49 years                                                       STF305
P014J   P014J02350 to 54 years                                                       STF305
P014J   P014J02455 to 59 years                                                       STF305
P014J   P014J02560 and 61 years                                                      STF305
P014J   P014J02662 to 64 years                                                       STF305
P014J   P014J02765 to 69 years                                                       STF305
P014J   P014J02870 to 74 years                                                       STF305
P014J   P014J02975 to 79 years                                                       STF305
P014J   P014J03080 to 84 years                                                       STF305
P014J   P014J03185 years and over                                                    STF305
P015A           SEX BY AGE                                                           STF305
P015A           Universe: Males of Hispanic origin
P015A   P015A001Under 1 year                                                         STF305
P015A   P015A0021 and 2 years                                                        STF305
P015A   P015A0033 and 4 years                                                        STF305
P015A   P015A0045 years                                                              STF305
P015A   P015A0056 years                                                              STF305
P015A   P015A0067 to 9 years                                                         STF305
P015A   P015A00710 and 11 years                                                      STF305
P015A   P015A00812 and 13 years                                                      STF305
P015A   P015A00914 years                                                             STF305
P015A   P015A01015 years                                                             STF305
P015A   P015A01116 years                                                             STF305
P015A   P015A01217 years                                                             STF305
P015A   P015A01318 years                                                             STF305
P015A   P015A01419 years                                                             STF305
P015A   P015A01520 years                                                             STF305
P015A   P015A01621 years                                                             STF305
P015A   P015A01722 to 24 years                                                       STF305
P015A   P015A01825 to 29 years                                                       STF305
P015A   P015A01930 to 34 years                                                       STF305
P015A   P015A02035 to 39 years                                                       STF305
P015A   P015A02140 to 44 years                                                       STF305
P015A   P015A02245 to 49 years                                                       STF305
P015A   P015A02350 to 54 years                                                       STF305
P015A   P015A02455 to 59 years                                                       STF305
P015A   P015A02560 and 61 years                                                      STF305
P015A   P015A02662 to 64 years                                                       STF305
P015A   P015A02765 to 69 years                                                       STF305
P015A   P015A02870 to 74 years                                                       STF305
P015A   P015A02975 to 79 years                                                       STF305
P015A   P015A03080 to 84 years                                                       STF305
P015A   P015A03185 years and over                                                    STF305
P015B           SEX BY AGE                                                           STF305
P015B           Universe: Females of Hispanic origin
P015B   P015B001Under 1 year                                                         STF305
P015B   P015B0021 and 2 years                                                        STF305
P015B   P015B0033 and 4 years                                                        STF305
P015B   P015B0045 years                                                              STF305
P015B   P015B0056 years                                                              STF305
P015B   P015B0067 to 9 years                                                         STF305
P015B   P015B00710 and 11 years                                                      STF305
P015B   P015B00812 and 13 years                                                      STF305
P015B   P015B00914 years                                                             STF305
P015B   P015B01015 years                                                             STF305
P015B   P015B01116 years                                                             STF305
P015B   P015B01217 years                                                             STF305
P015B   P015B01318 years                                                             STF305
P015B   P015B01419 years                                                             STF305
P015B   P015B01520 years                                                             STF305
P015B   P015B01621 years                                                             STF305
P015B   P015B01722 to 24 years                                                       STF305
P015B   P015B01825 to 29 years                                                       STF305
P015B   P015B01930 to 34 years                                                       STF305
P015B   P015B02035 to 39 years                                                       STF305
P015B   P015B02140 to 44 years                                                       STF305
P015B   P015B02245 to 49 years                                                       STF305
P015B   P015B02350 to 54 years                                                       STF305
P015B   P015B02455 to 59 years                                                       STF305
P015B   P015B02560 and 61 years                                                      STF305
P015B   P015B02662 to 64 years                                                       STF305
P015B   P015B02765 to 69 years                                                       STF305
P015B   P015B02870 to 74 years                                                       STF305
P015B   P015B02975 to 79 years                                                       STF305
P015B   P015B03080 to 84 years                                                       STF305
P015B   P015B03185 years and over                                                    STF305
P016            PERSONS IN HOUSEHOLD                                                 STF305
P016            Universe: Households
P016    P01600011 person                                                             STF305
P016    P01600022 persons                                                            STF305
P016    P01600033 persons                                                            STF305
P016    P01600044 persons                                                            STF305
P016    P01600055 persons                                                            STF305
P016    P01600066 persons                                                            STF305
P016    P01600077 or more persons                                                    STF305
P017            HOUSEHOLD TYPE AND RELATIONSHIP                                      STF305
P017            Universe: Persons
P017            In family households:
P017    P0170001  Householder                                                        STF305
P017    P0170002  Spouse                                                             STF305
P017              Child:
P017    P0170003    Natural-born or adopted                                          STF305
P017    P0170004    Step                                                             STF305
P017    P0170005  Grandchild                                                         STF305
P017    P0170006  Other relatives                                                    STF305
P017    P0170007  Nonrelatives                                                       STF305
P017            In nonfamily households:
P017              Male householder:
P017    P0170008    Living alone                                                     STF305
P017    P0170009    Not living alone                                                 STF305
P017              Female householder:
P017    P0170010    Living alone                                                     STF305
P017    P0170011    Not living alone                                                 STF305
P017    P0170012  Nonrelatives                                                       STF305
P017            In group quarters:
P017    P0170013  Institutionalized persons                                          STF305
P017    P0170014  Other persons in group quarters                                    STF305
P017    P0170015Filler                                                               STF305
P018            HOUSEHOLD TYPE AND RELATIONSHIP                                      STF306
P018            Universe: Persons 65 years and over
P018            In family households:
P018    P0180001  Householder                                                        STF306
P018    P0180002  Spouse                                                             STF306
P018    P0180003  Other relatives                                                    STF306
P018    P0180004  Nonrelatives                                                       STF306
P018            In nonfamily households:
P018              Male householder:
P018    P0180005    Living alone                                                     STF306
P018    P0180006    Not living alone                                                 STF306
P018              Female householder:
P018    P0180007    Living alone                                                     STF306
P018    P0180008    Not living alone                                                 STF306
P018    P0180009  Nonrelatives                                                       STF306
P018            In group quarters:
P018    P0180010  Institutionalized persons                                          STF306
P018    P0180011  Other persons in group quarters                                    STF306
P018    P0180012Filler                                                               STF306
P019            HOUSEHOLD TYPE AND PRESENCE AND AGE OF CHILDREN                      STF306
P019            Universe: Households
P019            Family households:
P019              Married-couple family:
P019    P0190001    With own children under 18 years                                 STF306
P019    P0190002    No own children under 18 years                                   STF306
P019              Other family:
P019                Male householder                                                  no wife present:
P019    P0190003      With own children under 18 years                               STF306
P019    P0190004      No own children under 18 years                                 STF306
P019                Female householder                                                no husband present:
P019    P0190005      With own children under 18 years                               STF306
P019    P0190006      No own children under 18 years                                 STF306
P019    P0190007Nonfamily households                                                 STF306
P020            OF CHILDREN
P020            Universe: Households
P020            White:
P020              Family households:
P020                Married-couple family:
P020    P0200001      With own children under 18 years                               STF306
P020    P0200002      No own children under 18 years                                 STF306
P020                Other family:
P020                  Male householder                                                no wife present:
P020    P0200003        With own children under 18 years                             STF306
P020    P0200004        No own children under 18 years                               STF306
P020                  Female householder                                              no husband present:
P020    P0200005        With own children under 18 years                             STF306
P020    P0200006        No own children under 18 years                               STF306
P020    P0200007  Nonfamily households                                               STF306
P020            Black:
P020              Family households:
P020                Married-couple family:
P020    P0200008      With own children under 18 years                               STF306
P020    P0200009      No own children under 18 years                                 STF306
P020                Other family:
P020                  Male householder                                                no wife present:
P020    P0200010        With own children under 18 years                             STF306
P020    P0200011        No own children under 18 years                               STF306
P020                  Female householder                                              no husband present:
P020    P0200012        With own children under 18 years                             STF306
P020    P0200013        No own children under 18 years                               STF306
P020    P0200014  Nonfamily households                                               STF306
P020            American Indian                                                       Eskimo  or Aleut:
P020              Family households:
P020                Married-couple family:
P020    P0200015      With own children under 18 years                               STF306
P020    P0200016      No own children under 18 years                                 STF306
P020                Other family:
P020                  Male householder                                                no wife present:
P020    P0200017        With own children under 18 years                             STF306
P020    P0200018        No own children under 18 years                               STF306
P020                  Female householder                                              no husband present:
P020    P0200019        With own children under 18 years                             STF306
P020    P0200020        No own children under 18 years                               STF306
P020    P0200021  Nonfamily households                                               STF306
P020            Asian or Pacific Islander:
P020              Family households:
P020                Married-couple family:
P020    P0200022      With own children under 18 years                               STF306
P020    P0200023      No own children under 18 years                                 STF306
P020                Other family:
P020                  Male householder                                                no wife present:
P020    P0200024        With own children under 18 years                             STF306
P020    P0200025        No own children under 18 years                               STF306
P020                  Female householder                                              no husband present:
P020    P0200026        With own children under 18 years                             STF306
P020    P0200027        No own children under 18 years                               STF306
P020    P0200028  Nonfamily households                                               STF306
P020            Other race:
P020              Family households:
P020                Married-couple family:
P020    P0200029      With own children under 18 years                               STF306
P020    P0200030      No own children under 18 years                                 STF306
P020                Other family:
P020                  Male householder                                                no wife present:
P020    P0200031        With own children under 18 years                             STF306
P020    P0200032        No own children under 18 years                               STF306
P020                  Female householder                                              no husband present:
P020    P0200033        With own children under 18 years                             STF306
P020    P0200034        No own children under 18 years                               STF306
P020    P0200035  Nonfamily households                                               STF306
P021            HOUSEHOLD TYPE AND PRESENCE AND AGE OF CHILDREN                      STF306
P021            Universe: Households with householder of Hispanic origin
P021            Family households:
P021              Married-couple family:
P021    P0210001    With own children under 18 years                                 STF306
P021    P0210002    No own children under 18 years                                   STF306
P021              Other family:
P021                Male householder                                                  no wife present:
P021    P0210003      With own children under 18 years                               STF306
P021    P0210004      No own children under 18 years                                 STF306
P021                Female householder                                                no husband present:
P021    P0210005      With own children under 18 years                               STF306
P021    P0210006      No own children under 18 years                                 STF306
P021    P0210007Nonfamily households                                                 STF306
P022            FAMILY TYPE AND PRESENCE AND AGE OF CHILDREN                         STF306
P022            Universe: Families
P022            Married-couple family:
P022    P0220001  With children 18 years and over                                    STF306
P022    P0220002  No children 18 years and over                                      STF306
P022            Other family:
P022              Male householder                                                    no wife present:
P022    P0220003    With children 18 years and over                                  STF306
P022    P0220004    No children 18 years and over                                    STF306
P022              Female householder                                                  no husband present:
P022    P0220005    With children 18 years and over                                  STF306
P022    P0220006    No children 18 years and over                                    STF306
P023            FAMILY TYPE AND AGE OF CHILDREN                                      STF306
P023            Universe: Own children under 18 years
P023            In married-couple family:
P023    P0230001  Under 3 years                                                      STF306
P023    P0230002  3 and 4 years                                                      STF306
P023    P0230003  5 years                                                            STF306
P023    P0230004  6 to 11 years                                                      STF306
P023    P0230005  12 and 13 years                                                    STF306
P023    P0230006  14 years                                                           STF306
P023    P0230007  15 to 17 years                                                     STF306
P023            In other family:
P023              Male householder                                                    no wife present:
P023    P0230008    Under 3 years                                                    STF306
P023    P0230009    3 and 4 years                                                    STF306
P023    P0230010    5 years                                                          STF306
P023    P0230011    6 to 11 years                                                    STF306
P023    P0230012    12 and 13 years                                                  STF306
P023    P0230013    14 years                                                         STF306
P023    P0230014    15 to 17 years                                                   STF306
P023              Female householder                                                  no husband present:
P023    P0230015    Under 3 years                                                    STF306
P023    P0230016    3 and 4 years                                                    STF306
P023    P0230017    5 years                                                          STF306
P023    P0230018    6 to 11 years                                                    STF306
P023    P0230019    12 and 13 years                                                  STF306
P023    P0230020    14 years                                                         STF306
P023    P0230021    15 to 17 years                                                   STF306
P024            HOUSEHOLD TYPE BY AGE OF HOUSEHOLDER                                 STF306
P024            Universe: Households
P024            Family households:
P024    P0240001  15 to 24 years                                                     STF306
P024    P0240002  25 to 34 years                                                     STF306
P024    P0240003  35 to 44 years                                                     STF306
P024    P0240004  45 to 54 years                                                     STF306
P024    P0240005  55 to 64 years                                                     STF306
P024    P0240006  65 to 74 years                                                     STF306
P024    P0240007  75 years and over                                                  STF306
P024            Nonfamily households:
P024    P0240008  15 to 24 years                                                     STF306
P024    P0240009  25 to 34 years                                                     STF306
P024    P0240010  35 to 44 years                                                     STF306
P024    P0240011  45 to 54 years                                                     STF306
P024    P0240012  55 to 64 years                                                     STF306
P024    P0240013  65 to 74 years                                                     STF306
P024    P0240014  75 years and over                                                  STF306
P025            SUBFAMILY TYPE AND PRESENCE AND AGE OF CHILDREN                      STF306
P025            Universe: Subfamilies
P025            Married-couple subfamily:
P025    P0250001  With own children under 18 years                                   STF306
P025    P0250002  No own children under 18 years                                     STF306
P025    P0250003Mother-child subfamily                                               STF306
P025    P0250004Father-child subfamily                                               STF306
P026            SUBFAMILY TYPE AND RELATIONSHIP                                      STF306
P026            Universe: Persons in subfamilies
P026            Persons in married-couple subfamily:
P026    P0260001  Reference person                                                   STF306
P026    P0260002  Spouse                                                             STF306
P026    P0260003  Child                                                              STF306
P026            Persons in mother-child subfamily:
P026    P0260004  Parent                                                             STF306
P026    P0260005  Child                                                              STF306
P026            Persons in father-child subfamily:
P026    P0260006  Parent                                                             STF306
P026    P0260007  Child                                                              STF306
P027            SEX BY MARITAL STATUS                                                STF307
P027            Universe: Persons 15 years and over
P027            Male:
P027    P0270001  Never married                                                      STF307
P027              Now married:
P027    P0270002    Married                                                           spouse STF307
P027                Married                                                           spouse absent:
P027    P0270003      Separated                                                      STF307
P027    P0270004      Other                                                          STF307
P027    P0270005  Widowed                                                            STF307
P027    P0270006  Divorced                                                           STF307
P027            Female:
P027    P0270007  Never married                                                      STF307
P027              Now married:
P027    P0270008    Married                                                           spouse STF307
P027                Married                                                           spouse absent:
P027    P0270009      Separated                                                      STF307
P027    P0270010      Other                                                          STF307
P027    P0270011  Widowed                                                            STF307
P027    P0270012  Divorced                                                           STF307
P028            Universe: Persons 5 years and over
P028            5 to 17 years:
P028    P0280001  Speak only English                                                 STF307
P028              Speak Spanish:
P028    P0280002    Speak English "very well"                                        STF307
P028    P0280003    Speak English "well"                                             STF307
P028    P0280004    Speak English "not well" or "not at all"                         STF307
P028              Speak Asian or Pacific Island language:
P028    P0280005    Speak English "very well"                                        STF307
P028    P0280006    Speak English "well"                                             STF307
P028    P0280007    Speak English "not well" or "not at all"                         STF307
P028              Speak other language:
P028    P0280008    Speak English "very well"                                        STF307
P028    P0280009    Speak English "well"                                             STF307
P028    P0280010    Speak English "not well" or "not at all"                         STF307
P028            18 to 64 years:
P028    P0280011  Speak only English                                                 STF307
P028              Speak Spanish:
P028    P0280012    Speak English "very well"                                        STF307
P028    P0280013    Speak English "well"                                             STF307
P028    P0280014    Speak English "not well" or "not at all"                         STF307
P028              Speak Asian or Pacific Island language:
P028    P0280015    Speak English "very well"                                        STF307
P028    P0280016    Speak English "well"                                             STF307
P028    P0280017    Speak English "not well" or "not at all"                         STF307
P028              Speak other language:
P028    P0280018    Speak English "very well"                                        STF307
P028    P0280019    Speak English "well"                                             STF307
P028    P0280020    Speak English "not well" or "not at all"                         STF307
P028            65 years and over:
P028    P0280021  Speak only English                                                 STF307
P028              Speak Spanish:
P028    P0280022    Speak English "very well"                                        STF307
P028    P0280023    Speak English "well"                                             STF307
P028    P0280024    Speak English "not well" or "not at all"                         STF307
P028              Speak Asian or Pacific Island language:
P028    P0280025    Speak English "very well"                                        STF307
P028    P0280026    Speak English "well"                                             STF307
P028    P0280027    Speak English "not well" or "not at all"                         STF307
P028              Speak other language:
P028    P0280028    Speak English "very well"                                        STF307
P028    P0280029    Speak English "well"                                             STF307
P028    P0280030    Speak English "not well" or "not at all"                         STF307
P029            HOUSEHOLD LANGUAGE AND LINGUISTIC ISOLATION                          STF307
P029            Universe: Households
P029    P0290001English                                                              STF307
P029            Spanish:
P029    P0290002  Linguistically isolated                                            STF307
P029    P0290003  Not linguistically isolated                                        STF307
P029            Asian or Pacific Island language:
P029    P0290004  Linguistically isolated                                            STF307
P029    P0290005  Not linguistically isolated                                        STF307
P029            Other language:
P029    P0290006  Linguistically isolated                                            STF307
P029    P0290007  Not linguistically isolated                                        STF307
P030            AGE                                                                   LANGUAG AND LINSTF307
P030            Universe: Persons 5 years and over
P030            Persons in households:
P030              5 to 13 years:
P030                Speak only English:
P030                  Linguistically isolated:
P030    P0300001        Spanish spoken in household                                  STF307
P030    P0300002        Asian or Pacific Island language spoken in household         STF307
P030    P0300003        Other language spoken in household                           STF307
P030    P0300004      Not linguistically isolated                                    STF307
P030                Speak Spanish:
P030    P0300005      Linguistically isolated                                        STF307
P030    P0300006      Not linguistically isolated                                    STF307
P030                Speak Asian or Pacific Island language:
P030    P0300007      Linguistically isolated                                        STF307
P030    P0300008      Not linguistically isolated                                    STF307
P030                Speak other language:
P030    P0300009      Linguistically isolated                                        STF307
P030    P0300010      Not linguistically isolated                                    STF307
P030              14 to 17 years:
P030    P0300011    Speak only English                                               STF307
P030                Speak Spanish:
P030    P0300012      Linguistically isolated                                        STF307
P030    P0300013      Not linguistically isolated                                    STF307
P030                Speak Asian or Pacific Island language:
P030    P0300014      Linguistically isolated                                        STF307
P030    P0300015      Not linguistically isolated                                    STF307
P030                Speak other language:
P030    P0300016      Linguistically isolated                                        STF307
P030    P0300017      Not linguistically isolated                                    STF307
P030              18 to 64 years:
P030    P0300018    Speak only English                                               STF307
P030                Speak Spanish:
P030    P0300019      Linguistically isolated                                        STF307
P030    P0300020      Not linguistically isolated                                    STF307
P030                Speak Asian or Pacific Island language:
P030    P0300021      Linguistically isolated                                        STF307
P030    P0300022      Not linguistically isolated                                    STF307
P030                Speak other language:
P030    P0300023      Linguistically isolated                                        STF307
P030    P0300024      Not linguistically isolated                                    STF307
P030              65 years and over:
P030    P0300025    Speak only English                                               STF307
P030                Speak Spanish:
P030    P0300026      Linguistically isolated                                        STF307
P030    P0300027      Not linguistically isolated                                    STF307
P030                Speak Asian or Pacific Island language:
P030    P0300028      Linguistically isolated                                        STF307
P030    P0300029      Not linguistically isolated                                    STF307
P030                Speak other language:
P030    P0300030      Linguistically isolated                                        STF307
P030    P0300031      Not linguistically isolated                                    STF307
P030    P0300032Persons in group quarters                                            STF307
P030    P0300033Filler                                                               STF307
P031            LANGUAGE SPOKEN AT HOME                                              STF307
P031            Universe: Persons 5 years and over
P031    P0310001Speak only English                                                   STF307
P031    P0310002German (607                                                           613)   STF307
P031    P0310003Yiddish (609)                                                        STF307
P031    P0310004Other West Germanic language (608                                     610-612STF307
P031    P0310005Scandinavian (614-618)                                               STF307
P031    P0310006Greek (637)                                                          STF307
P031    P0310007Indic (662-678)                                                      STF307
P031    P0310008Italian (619)                                                        STF307
P031    P0310009French or French Creole (620-624)                                    STF307
P031    P0310010Portuguese or Portuguese Creole (629-630)                            STF307
P031    P0310011Spanish or Spanish Creole (625                                        627-628STF307
P031    P0310012Polish (645)                                                         STF307
P031    P0310013Russian (639)                                                        STF307
P031    P0310014South Slavic (647-652)                                               STF307
P031    P0310015Other Slavic language (640-644                                        646)   STF307
P031    P0310016Other Indo-European language (601-606                                     626 631-636     638 653-661STF307
P031    P0310017Arabic (777)                                                         STF307
P031    P0310018Tagalog (742)                                                        STF307
P031    P0310019Chinese (708-715)                                                    STF307
P031    P0310020Hungarian (682)                                                      STF307
P031    P0310021Japanese (723)                                                       STF307
P031    P0310022Mon-Khmer (726)                                                      STF307
P031    P0310023Korean (724)                                                         STF307
P031    P0310024Native North American languages (800-955                              959-966 977-982STF307
P031    P0310025Vietnamese (728)                                                     STF307
P031    P0310026Other and unspecified languages (679-681                              683-707 716-722     725        STF307
P032            ANCESTRY                                                             STF307
P032            Universe: Persons
P032            Ancestry specified:
P032    P0320001  Single ancestry                                                    STF307
P032    P0320002  Multiple ancestry                                                  STF307
P032    P0320003Ancestry unclassified                                                STF307
P032    P0320004Ancestry not reported                                                STF307
P033            ANCESTRY                                                             STF308
P033            Universe: Persons
P033            First ancestry reported (000-999):
P033    P0330001  Arab (400-415                                                       417-418 421-430 435-481 490-499STF308
P033    P0330002  Austrian (003-004)                                                 STF308
P033    P0330003  Belgian (008-010)                                                  STF308
P033    P0330004  Canadian (931-934)                                                 STF308
P033    P0330005  Czech (111-114)                                                    STF308
P033    P0330006  Danish (020                                                         023)   STF308
P033    P0330007  Dutch (021                                                          029)   STF308
P033    P0330008  English (015                                                        022)   STF308
P033    P0330009  Finnish (024-025)                                                  STF308
P033    P0330010  French (except Basque) (000-001                                          16 026-028 083)   STF308
P033    P0330011  French Canadian (935-938)                                          STF308
P033    P0330012  German (032-045)                                                   STF308
P033    P0330013  Greek (046-048)                                                    STF308
P033    P0330014  Hungarian (125-126)                                                STF308
P033    P0330015  Irish (050                                                               81 099)   STF308
P033    P0330016  Italian (030-031                                                    051-074STF308
P033    P0330017  Lithuanian (129)                                                   STF308
P033    P0330018  Norwegian (082)                                                    STF308
P033    P0330019  Polish (142-143)                                                   STF308
P033    P0330020  Portuguese (084-086)                                               STF308
P033    P0330021  Romanian (144-147)                                                 STF308
P033    P0330022  Russian (148-151)                                                  STF308
P033    P0330023  Scotch-Irish (087)                                                 STF308
P033    P0330024  Scottish (088)                                                     STF308
P033    P0330025  Slovak (153)                                                       STF308
P033    P0330026  Subsaharan African (500-599)                                       STF308
P033    P0330027  Swedish (089-090)                                                  STF308
P033    P0330028  Swiss (091-096)                                                    STF308
P033    P0330029  Ukrainian (171-174)                                                STF308
P033    P0330030  United States or American (939-994)                                STF308
P033    P0330031  Welsh (097)                                                        STF308
P033    P0330032  West Indian (excluding Hispanic origin groups) (300-359)           STF308
P033    P0330033  Yugoslavian (152                                                        154 176-177STF308
P033    P0330034  Race or Hispanic origin groups (200-299                             900-928STF308
P033    P0330035  Other groups (002                                                   005-007 011-014 017-019      49 075-080      98        STF308
P033    P0330036  Unclassified or not reported (863-899                               995-997 999)   STF308
P034            ANCESTRY                                                             STF308
P034            Universe: Persons
P034            Second ancestry reported (000-999):
P034    P0340001  Arab (400-415                                                       417-418 421-430 435-481 490-499STF308
P034    P0340002  Austrian (003-004)                                                 STF308
P034    P0340003  Belgian (008-010)                                                  STF308
P034    P0340004  Canadian (931-934)                                                 STF308
P034    P0340005  Czech (111-114)                                                    STF308
P034    P0340006  Danish (020                                                         023)   STF308
P034    P0340007  Dutch (021                                                          029)   STF308
P034    P0340008  English (015                                                        022)   STF308
P034    P0340009  Finnish (024-025)                                                  STF308
P034    P0340010  French (except Basque) (000-001                                          16 026-028 083)   STF308
P034    P0340011  French Canadian (935-938)                                          STF308
P034    P0340012  German (032-045)                                                   STF308
P034    P0340013  Greek (046-048)                                                    STF308
P034    P0340014  Hungarian (125-126)                                                STF308
P034    P0340015  Irish (050                                                               81 099)   STF308
P034    P0340016  Italian (030-031                                                    051-074STF308
P034    P0340017  Lithuanian (129)                                                   STF308
P034    P0340018  Norwegian (082)                                                    STF308
P034    P0340019  Polish (142-143)                                                   STF308
P034    P0340020  Portuguese (084-086)                                               STF308
P034    P0340021  Romanian (144-147)                                                 STF308
P034    P0340022  Russian (148-151)                                                  STF308
P034    P0340023  Scotch-Irish (087)                                                 STF308
P034    P0340024  Scottish (088)                                                     STF308
P034    P0340025  Slovak (153)                                                       STF308
P034    P0340026  Subsaharan African (500-599)                                       STF308
P034    P0340027  Swedish (089-090)                                                  STF308
P034    P0340028  Swiss (091-096)                                                    STF308
P034    P0340029  Ukrainian (171-174)                                                STF308
P034    P0340030  United States or American (939-994)                                STF308
P034    P0340031  Welsh (097)                                                        STF308
P034    P0340032  West Indian (excluding Hispanic origin groups) (300-359)           STF308
P034    P0340033  Yugoslavian (152                                                        154 176-177STF308
P034    P0340034  Race or Hispanic origin groups (200-299                             900-928STF308
P034    P0340035  Other groups (002                                                   005-007 011-014 017-019      49 075-080      98        STF308
P034    P0340036  Unclassified or not reported (863-899                               995-997 999)   STF308
P035            ANCESTRY                                                             STF308
P035            Universe: Persons
P035            Reported single ancestry (000-862                                     900-994 998):
P035    P0350001  Arab (400-415                                                       417-418 421-430 435-481 490-499STF308
P035    P0350002  Austrian (003-004)                                                 STF308
P035    P0350003  Belgian (008-010)                                                  STF308
P035    P0350004  Canadian (931-934)                                                 STF308
P035    P0350005  Czech (111-114)                                                    STF308
P035    P0350006  Danish (020                                                         023)   STF308
P035    P0350007  Dutch (021                                                          029)   STF308
P035    P0350008  English (015                                                        022)   STF308
P035    P0350009  Finnish (024-025)                                                  STF308
P035    P0350010  French (except Basque) (000-001                                          16 026-028 083)   STF308
P035    P0350011  French Canadian (935-938)                                          STF308
P035    P0350012  German (032-045)                                                   STF308
P035    P0350013  Greek (046-048)                                                    STF308
P035    P0350014  Hungarian (125-126)                                                STF308
P035    P0350015  Irish (050                                                               81 099)   STF308
P035    P0350016  Italian (030-031                                                    051-074STF308
P035    P0350017  Lithuanian (129)                                                   STF308
P035    P0350018  Norwegian (082)                                                    STF308
P035    P0350019  Polish (142-143)                                                   STF308
P035    P0350020  Portuguese (084-086)                                               STF308
P035    P0350021  Romanian (144-147)                                                 STF308
P035    P0350022  Russian (148-151)                                                  STF308
P035    P0350023  Scotch-Irish (087)                                                 STF308
P035    P0350024  Scottish (088)                                                     STF308
P035    P0350025  Slovak (153)                                                       STF308
P035    P0350026  Subsaharan African (500-599)                                       STF308
P035    P0350027  Swedish (089-090)                                                  STF308
P035    P0350028  Swiss (091-096)                                                    STF308
P035    P0350029  Ukrainian (171-174)                                                STF308
P035    P0350030  United States or American (939-994)                                STF308
P035    P0350031  Welsh (097)                                                        STF308
P035    P0350032  West Indian (excluding Hispanic origin groups) (300-359)           STF308
P035    P0350033  Yugoslavian (152                                                        154 176-177STF308
P035    P0350034  Race or Hispanic origin groups (200-299                             900-928STF308
P035    P0350035  Other groups (002                                                   005-007 011-014 017-019      49 075-080      98        STF308
P035    P0350036Reported multiple ancestry (000-998)                                 STF308
P035    P0350037Unclassified or not reported (863-899                                 995-997 999)   STF308
P036            YEAR OF ENTRY                                                        STF308
P036            Universe: Foreign-born persons
P036    P03600011987 to 1990                                                         STF308
P036    P03600021985 or 1986                                                         STF308
P036    P03600031982 to 1984                                                         STF308
P036    P03600041980 or 1981                                                         STF308
P036    P03600051975 to 1979                                                         STF308
P036    P03600061970 to 1974                                                         STF308
P036    P03600071965 to 1969                                                         STF308
P036    P03600081960 to 1964                                                         STF308
P036    P03600091950 to 1959                                                         STF308
P036    P0360010Before 1950                                                          STF308
P037            AGE BY CITIZENSHIP                                                   STF309
P037            Universe: Persons
P037            Under 18 years:
P037    P0370001  Native                                                             STF309
P037              Foreign born:
P037    P0370002    Naturalized citizen                                              STF309
P037    P0370003    Not a citizen                                                    STF309
P037            18 years and over:
P037    P0370004  Native                                                             STF309
P037              Foreign born:
P037    P0370005    Naturalized citizen                                              STF309
P037    P0370006    Not a citizen                                                    STF309
P038            MARITAL STATUS BY AGE                                                STF309
P038            Universe: Females 15 years and over
P038            Never married:
P038    P0380001  15 to 24 years                                                     STF309
P038    P0380002  25 to 34 years                                                     STF309
P038    P0380003  35 to 44 years                                                     STF309
P038    P0380004  45 years and over                                                  STF309
P038            Ever married:
P038    P0380005  15 to 24 years                                                     STF309
P038    P0380006  25 to 34 years                                                     STF309
P038    P0380007  35 to 44 years                                                     STF309
P038    P0380008  45 years and over                                                  STF309
P039            Universe: Females 15 years and over
P039            Total:
P039              Never married:
P039    P0390001    15 to 24 years                                                   STF309
P039    P0390002    25 to 34 years                                                   STF309
P039    P0390003    35 to 44 years                                                   STF309
P039    P0390004    45 years and over                                                STF309
P039              Ever married:
P039    P0390005    15 to 24 years                                                   STF309
P039    P0390006    25 to 34 years                                                   STF309
P039    P0390007    35 to 44 years                                                   STF309
P039    P0390008    45 years and over                                                STF309
P040            GROUP QUARTERS                                                       STF309
P040            Universe: Persons in group quarters
P040            Institutionalized persons (00I-99I):
P040    P0400001  Correctional institutions (20I-24I                                  27I     28I     95I)   STF309
P040    P0400002  Nursing homes (60I-67I)                                            STF309
P040    P0400003  Mental (Psychiatric) hospitals (45I-48I)                           STF309
P040    P0400004  Juvenile institutions (01I-05I                                      10I-12I 15I)   STF309
P040    P0400005  Other institutions (00I                                             06I-09I 13I     14I     16I-19I 25I     26I    29I-    STF309
P040            Other persons in group quarters (00N-99N):
P040    P0400006  College dormitories (87N)                                          STF309
P040    P0400007  Military quarters (96N-98N)                                        STF309
P040    P0400008  Emergency shelters for homeless persons (82N                        83N)   STF309
P040    P0400009  Visible in street locations (84N                                    85N)   STF309
P040    P0400010  Other noninstitutional group quarters (00N-81N                      86N     88N-95N 99N)   STF309
P041            GROUP QUARTERS BY AGE                                                STF309
P041            Universe: Persons in group quarters
P041            Institutionalized persons:
P041    P0410001  Under 18 years                                                     STF309
P041    P0410002  18 to 64 years                                                     STF309
P041    P0410003  65 years and over                                                  STF309
P041            Other persons in group quarters:
P041    P0410004  Under 18 years                                                     STF309
P041    P0410005  18 to 64 years                                                     STF309
P041    P0410006  65 years and over                                                  STF309
P042            PLACE OF BIRTH                                                       STF309
P042            Universe: Persons
P042            Native (001-099):
P042    P0420001  Born in State of residence                                         STF309
P042              Born in other State in the United States (001-059):
P042    P0420002    Northeast (009                                                         23      25 033-034      36 042-044 050)   STF309
P042    P0420003    Midwest (017-020                                                  026-027      29      31 038-039      46 055)   STF309
P042    P0420004    South (001                                                              5 010-014 021-022      24      28      37      40      45 047-   STF309
P042    P0420005    West (002-004                                                     006-008 015-016      30      32      35      41      49      53       0STF309
P042              Born outside the United States (060-099):
P042    P0420006    Puerto Rico (072-075)                                            STF309
P042    P0420007    U.S. outlying area (060-071                                       076-099STF309
P042    P0420008    Born abroad of American parent(s)                                STF309
P042    P0420009Foreign born (100-999)                                               STF309
P043            RESIDENCE IN 1985---STATE AND COUNTY LEVEL                           STF309
P043            Universe: Persons 5 years and over
P043    P0430001Same house in 1985                                                   STF309
P043            Different house in United States in 1985:
P043    P0430002  Same county                                                        STF309
P043              Different county:
P043    P0430003    Same State                                                       STF309
P043                Different State:
P043    P0430004      Northeast                                                      STF309
P043    P0430005      Midwest                                                        STF309
P043    P0430006      South                                                          STF309
P043    P0430007      West                                                           STF309
P043            Abroad in 1985:
P043    P0430008  Puerto Rico                                                        STF309
P043    P0430009  U.S. outlying area                                                 STF309
P043    P0430010  Foreign country                                                    STF309
P044            RESIDENCE IN 1985---MSA/PMSA LEVEL                                   STF309
P044            Universe: Persons 5 years and over
P044            Living in an MSA/PMSA in 1990:
P044    P0440001  Same house in 1985                                                 STF309
P044              Different house in United States in 1985:
P044                This MSA/PMSA in 1985:
P044    P0440002      Central city                                                   STF309
P044    P0440003      Remainder of this MSA/PMSA                                     STF309
P044                Different MSA/PMSA in 1985:
P044    P0440004      Central city                                                   STF309
P044    P0440005      Remainder of different MSA/PMSA                                STF309
P044    P0440006    Not in an MSA/PMSA in 1985                                       STF309
P044    P0440007  Abroad in 1985                                                     STF309
P044            Not living in an MSA/PMSA in 1990:
P044    P0440008  Same house in 1985                                                 STF309
P044              Different house in United States in 1985:
P044                In an MSA/PMSA in 1985:
P044    P0440009      Central city                                                   STF309
P044    P0440010      Remainder of MSA/PMSA                                          STF309
P044    P0440011    Not in an MSA/PMSA in 1985                                       STF309
P044    P0440012  Abroad in 1985                                                     STF309
P045            PLACE OF WORK---STATE AND COUNTY LEVEL                               STF309
P045            Universe: Workers 16 years and over
P045            Worked in State of residence:
P045    P0450001  Worked in county of residence                                      STF309
P045    P0450002  Worked outside county of residence                                 STF309
P045    P0450003Worked outside State of residence                                    STF309
P046            PLACE OF WORK---PLACE LEVEL                                          STF309
P046            Universe: Workers 16 years and over
P046            Living in a place:
P046    P0460001  Worked in place of residence                                       STF309
P046    P0460002  Worked outside place of residence                                  STF309
P046    P0460003Not living in a place                                                STF309
P047            PLACE OF WORK---MSA/PMSA LEVEL                                       STF309
P047            Universe: Workers 16 years and over
P047            Living in an MSA/PMSA:
P047              Worked in MSA/PMSA of residence:
P047    P0470001    Central city                                                     STF309
P047    P0470002    Remainder of this MSA/PMSA                                       STF309
P047              Worked outside MSA/PMSA of residence:
P047                Worked in a different MSA/PMSA:
P047    P0470003      Central city                                                   STF309
P047    P0470004      Remainder of different MSA/PMSA                                STF309
P047    P0470005    Worked outside any MSA/PMSA                                      STF309
P047            Not living in an MSA/PMSA:
P047              Worked in an MSA/PMSA:
P047    P0470006    Central city                                                     STF309
P047    P0470007    Remainder of MSA/PMSA                                            STF309
P047    P0470008  Worked outside any MSA/PMSA                                        STF309
P048            PLACE OF WORK---MINOR CIVIL DIVISION LEVEL                           STF309
P048            Universe: Workers 16 years and over
P048            Living in the 9 Northeastern States:
P048    P0480001  Worked in the minor civil division of residence                    STF309
P048    P0480002  Worked outside minor civil division of residence                   STF309
P048    P0480003Not living in the 9 Northeastern States                              STF309
P049            MEANS OF TRANSPORTATION TO WORK                                      STF309
P049            Universe: Workers 16 years and over
P049            Car                                                                   truck   or van:
P049    P0490001  Drove alone                                                        STF309
P049    P0490002  Carpooled                                                          STF309
P049            Public transportation:
P049    P0490003  Bus or trolley bus                                                 STF309
P049    P0490004  Streetcar or trolley car                                           STF309
P049    P0490005  Subway or elevated                                                 STF309
P049    P0490006  Railroad                                                           STF309
P049    P0490007  Ferryboat                                                          STF309
P049    P0490008  Taxicab                                                            STF309
P049    P0490009Motorcycle                                                           STF309
P049    P0490010Bicycle                                                              STF309
P049    P0490011Walked                                                               STF309
P049    P0490012Other means                                                          STF309
P049    P0490013Worked at home                                                       STF309
P050            TRAVEL TIME TO WORK                                                  STF309
P050            Universe: Workers 16 years and over
P050            Did not work at home:
P050    P0500001  Less than 5 minutes                                                STF309
P050    P0500002  5 to 9 minutes                                                     STF309
P050    P0500003  10 to 14 minutes                                                   STF309
P050    P0500004  15 to 19 minutes                                                   STF309
P050    P0500005  20 to 24 minutes                                                   STF309
P050    P0500006  25 to 29 minutes                                                   STF309
P050    P0500007  30 to 34 minutes                                                   STF309
P050    P0500008  35 to 39 minutes                                                   STF309
P050    P0500009  40 to 44 minutes                                                   STF309
P050    P0500010  45 to 59 minutes                                                   STF309
P050    P0500011  60 to 89 minutes                                                   STF309
P050    P0500012  90 or more minutes                                                 STF309
P050    P0500013Worked at home                                                       STF309
P051            AGGREGATE TRAVEL TIME TO WORK (IN MINUTES)                           STF309
P051            Universe: Workers 16 years and over who did not work at home
P051    P0510001Total                                                                STF309
P052            TIME LEAVING HOME TO GO TO WORK                                      STF310
P052            Universe: Workers 16 years and over
P052            Did not work at home:
P052    P0520001  12:00 a.m. to 4:59 a.m.                                            STF310
P052    P0520002  5:00 a.m. to 5:29 a.m.                                             STF310
P052    P0520003  5:30 a.m. to 5:59 a.m.                                             STF310
P052    P0520004  6:00 a.m. to 6:29 a.m.                                             STF310
P052    P0520005  6:30 a.m. to 6:59 a.m.                                             STF310
P052    P0520006  7:00 a.m. to 7:29 a.m.                                             STF310
P052    P0520007  7:30 a.m. to 7:59 a.m.                                             STF310
P052    P0520008  8:00 a.m. to 8:29 a.m.                                             STF310
P052    P0520009  8:30 a.m. to 8:59 a.m.                                             STF310
P052    P0520010  9:00 a.m. to 9:59 a.m.                                             STF310
P052    P0520011  10:00 a.m. to 10:59 a.m.                                           STF310
P052    P0520012  11:00 a.m. to 11:59 a.m.                                           STF310
P052    P0520013  12:00 p.m. to 3:59 p.m.                                            STF310
P052    P0520014  4:00 p.m. to 11:59 p.m.                                            STF310
P052    P0520015Worked at home                                                       STF310
P053            PRIVATE VEHICLE OCCUPANCY                                            STF310
P053            Universe: Workers 16 years and over
P053            Car                                                                   truck   or van:
P053    P0530001  Drove alone                                                        STF310
P053    P0530002  In 2-person carpool                                                STF310
P053    P0530003  In 3-person carpool                                                STF310
P053    P0530004  In 4-person carpool                                                STF310
P053    P0530005  In 5-person carpool                                                STF310
P053    P0530006  In 6-person carpool                                                STF310
P053    P0530007  In 7-or-more person carpool                                        STF310
P053    P0530008Other means                                                          STF310
P054            SCHOOL ENROLLMENT AND TYPE OF SCHOOL                                 STF310
P054            Universe: Persons 3 years and over
P054            Enrolled in preprimary school:
P054    P0540001  Public school                                                      STF310
P054    P0540002  Private school                                                     STF310
P054            Enrolled in elementary or high school:
P054    P0540003  Public school                                                      STF310
P054    P0540004  Private school                                                     STF310
P054            Enrolled in college:
P054    P0540005  Public school                                                      STF310
P054    P0540006  Private school                                                     STF310
P054    P0540007Not enrolled in school                                               STF310
P055            RACE BY SCHOOL ENROLLMENT                                            STF310
P055            Universe: Persons 3 years and over
P055            White:
P055    P0550001  Enrolled in preprimary school                                      STF310
P055    P0550002  Enrolled in elementary or high school                              STF310
P055    P0550003  Enrolled in college                                                STF310
P055    P0550004  Not enrolled in school                                             STF310
P055            Black:
P055    P0550005  Enrolled in preprimary school                                      STF310
P055    P0550006  Enrolled in elementary or high school                              STF310
P055    P0550007  Enrolled in college                                                STF310
P055    P0550008  Not enrolled in school                                             STF310
P055            American Indian                                                       Eskimo  or Aleut:
P055    P0550009  Enrolled in preprimary school                                      STF310
P055    P0550010  Enrolled in elementary or high school                              STF310
P055    P0550011  Enrolled in college                                                STF310
P055    P0550012  Not enrolled in school                                             STF310
P055            Asian or Pacific Islander:
P055    P0550013  Enrolled in preprimary school                                      STF310
P055    P0550014  Enrolled in elementary or high school                              STF310
P055    P0550015  Enrolled in college                                                STF310
P055    P0550016  Not enrolled in school                                             STF310
P055            Other race:
P055    P0550017  Enrolled in preprimary school                                      STF310
P055    P0550018  Enrolled in elementary or high school                              STF310
P055    P0550019  Enrolled in college                                                STF310
P055    P0550020  Not enrolled in school                                             STF310
P056            SCHOOL ENROLLMENT                                                    STF310
P056            Universe: Persons of Hispanic origin 3 years and over
P056    P0560001Enrolled in preprimary school                                        STF310
P056    P0560002Enrolled in elementary or high school                                STF310
P056    P0560003Enrolled in college                                                  STF310
P056    P0560004Not enrolled in school                                               STF310
P057            EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT                                               STF310
P057            Universe: Persons 25 years and over
P057    P0570001Less than 9th grade                                                  STF310
P057    P05700029th to 12th grade                                                     no diplSTF310
P057    P0570003High school graduate (includes equivalency)                          STF310
P057    P0570004Some college                                                          no degrSTF310
P057    P0570005Associate degree                                                     STF310
P057    P0570006Bachelor's degree                                                    STF310
P057    P0570007Graduate or professional degree                                      STF310
P058            RACE BY EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT                                       STF310
P058            Universe: Persons 25 years and over
P058            White:
P058    P0580001  Less than 9th grade                                                STF310
P058    P0580002  9th to 12th grade                                                   no diplSTF310
P058    P0580003  High school graduate (includes equivalency)                        STF310
P058    P0580004  Some college                                                        no degrSTF310
P058    P0580005  Associate degree                                                   STF310
P058    P0580006  Bachelor's degree                                                  STF310
P058    P0580007  Graduate or professional degree                                    STF310
P058            Black:
P058    P0580008  Less than 9th grade                                                STF310
P058    P0580009  9th to 12th grade                                                   no diplSTF310
P058    P0580010  High school graduate (includes equivalency)                        STF310
P058    P0580011  Some college                                                        no degrSTF310
P058    P0580012  Associate degree                                                   STF310
P058    P0580013  Bachelor's degree                                                  STF310
P058    P0580014  Graduate or professional degree                                    STF310
P058            American Indian                                                       Eskimo  or Aleut:
P058    P0580015  Less than 9th grade                                                STF310
P058    P0580016  9th to 12th grade                                                   no diplSTF310
P058    P0580017  High school graduate (includes equivalency)                        STF310
P058    P0580018  Some college                                                        no degrSTF310
P058    P0580019  Associate degree                                                   STF310
P058    P0580020  Bachelor's degree                                                  STF310
P058    P0580021  Graduate or professional degree                                    STF310
P058            Asian or Pacific Islander:
P058    P0580022  Less than 9th grade                                                STF310
P058    P0580023  9th to 12th grade                                                   no diplSTF310
P058    P0580024  High school graduate (includes equivalency)                        STF310
P058    P0580025  Some college                                                        no degrSTF310
P058    P0580026  Associate degree                                                   STF310
P058    P0580027  Bachelor's degree                                                  STF310
P058    P0580028  Graduate or professional degree                                    STF310
P058            Other race:
P058    P0580029  Less than 9th grade                                                STF310
P058    P0580030  9th to 12th grade                                                   no diplSTF310
P058    P0580031  High school graduate (includes equivalency)                        STF310
P058    P0580032  Some college                                                        no degrSTF310
P058    P0580033  Associate degree                                                   STF310
P058    P0580034  Bachelor's degree                                                  STF310
P058    P0580035  Graduate or professional degree                                    STF310
P059            EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT                                               STF310
P059            Universe: Persons of Hispanic origin 25 years and over
P059    P0590001Less than 9th grade                                                  STF310
P059    P05900029th to 12th grade                                                     no diplSTF310
P059    P0590003High school graduate (includes equivalency)                          STF310
P059    P0590004Some college                                                          no degrSTF310
P059    P0590005Associate degree                                                     STF310
P059    P0590006Bachelor's degree                                                    STF310
P059    P0590007Graduate or professional degree                                      STF310
P060            EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT                                               STF310
P060            Universe: Persons 18 years and over
P060    P0600001Less than 9th grade                                                  STF310
P060    P06000029th to 12th grade                                                     no diplSTF310
P060    P0600003High school graduate (includes equivalency)                          STF310
P060    P0600004Some college                                                          no degrSTF310
P060    P0600005Associate degree                                                     STF310
P060    P0600006Bachelor's degree                                                    STF310
P060    P0600007Graduate or professional degree                                      STF310
P061            SCHOOL ENROLLMENT                                                     EDUCATI AND EMPSTF311
P061            Universe: Persons 16 to 19 years
P061            In Armed Forces:
P061              Enrolled in school:
P061    P0610001    High school graduate                                             STF311
P061    P0610002    Not high school graduate                                         STF311
P061              Not enrolled in school:
P061    P0610003    High school graduate                                             STF311
P061    P0610004    Not high school graduate                                         STF311
P061            Civilian:
P061              Enrolled in school:
P061    P0610005    Employed                                                         STF311
P061    P0610006    Unemployed                                                       STF311
P061    P0610007    Not in labor force                                               STF311
P061              Not enrolled in school:
P061                High school graduate:
P061    P0610008      Employed                                                       STF311
P061    P0610009      Unemployed                                                     STF311
P061    P0610010      Not in labor force                                             STF311
P061                Not high school graduate:
P061    P0610011      Employed                                                       STF311
P061    P0610012      Unemployed                                                     STF311
P061    P0610013      Not in labor force                                             STF311
P062            RACE BY SCHOOL ENROLLMENT                                             EDUCATIONAL ATTSTF311
P062            Universe: Persons 16 to 19 years
P062            White:
P062              In Armed Forces:
P062                Enrolled in school:
P062    P0620001      High school graduate                                           STF311
P062    P0620002      Not high school graduate                                       STF311
P062                Not enrolled in school:
P062    P0620003      High school graduate                                           STF311
P062    P0620004      Not high school graduate                                       STF311
P062              Civilian:
P062                Enrolled in school:
P062    P0620005      Employed                                                       STF311
P062    P0620006      Unemployed                                                     STF311
P062    P0620007      Not in labor force                                             STF311
P062                Not enrolled in school:
P062                  High school graduate:
P062    P0620008        Employed                                                     STF311
P062    P0620009        Unemployed                                                   STF311
P062    P0620010        Not in labor force                                           STF311
P062                  Not high school graduate:
P062    P0620011        Employed                                                     STF311
P062    P0620012        Unemployed                                                   STF311
P062    P0620013        Not in labor force                                           STF311
P062            Black:
P062              In Armed Forces:
P062                Enrolled in school:
P062    P0620014      High school graduate                                           STF311
P062    P0620015      Not high school graduate                                       STF311
P062                Not enrolled in school:
P062    P0620016      High school graduate                                           STF311
P062    P0620017      Not high school graduate                                       STF311
P062              Civilian:
P062                Enrolled in school:
P062    P0620018      Employed                                                       STF311
P062    P0620019      Unemployed                                                     STF311
P062    P0620020      Not in labor force                                             STF311
P062                Not enrolled in school:
P062                  High school graduate:
P062    P0620021        Employed                                                     STF311
P062    P0620022        Unemployed                                                   STF311
P062    P0620023        Not in labor force                                           STF311
P062                  Not high school graduate:
P062    P0620024        Employed                                                     STF311
P062    P0620025        Unemployed                                                   STF311
P062    P0620026        Not in labor force                                           STF311
P062            American Indian                                                       Eskimo  or Aleut:
P062              In Armed Forces:
P062                Enrolled in school:
P062    P0620027      High school graduate                                           STF311
P062    P0620028      Not high school graduate                                       STF311
P062                Not enrolled in school:
P062    P0620029      High school graduate                                           STF311
P062    P0620030      Not high school graduate                                       STF311
P062              Civilian:
P062                Enrolled in school:
P062    P0620031      Employed                                                       STF311
P062    P0620032      Unemployed                                                     STF311
P062    P0620033      Not in labor force                                             STF311
P062                Not enrolled in school:
P062                  High school graduate:
P062    P0620034        Employed                                                     STF311
P062    P0620035        Unemployed                                                   STF311
P062    P0620036        Not in labor force                                           STF311
P062                  Not high school graduate:
P062    P0620037        Employed                                                     STF311
P062    P0620038        Unemployed                                                   STF311
P062    P0620039        Not in labor force                                           STF311
P062            Asian or Pacific Islander:
P062              In Armed Forces:
P062                Enrolled in school:
P062    P0620040      High school graduate                                           STF311
P062    P0620041      Not high school graduate                                       STF311
P062                Not enrolled in school:
P062    P0620042      High school graduate                                           STF311
P062    P0620043      Not high school graduate                                       STF311
P062              Civilian:
P062                Enrolled in school:
P062    P0620044      Employed                                                       STF311
P062    P0620045      Unemployed                                                     STF311
P062    P0620046      Not in labor force                                             STF311
P062                Not enrolled in school:
P062                  High school graduate:
P062    P0620047        Employed                                                     STF311
P062    P0620048        Unemployed                                                   STF311
P062    P0620049        Not in labor force                                           STF311
P062                  Not high school graduate:
P062    P0620050        Employed                                                     STF311
P062    P0620051        Unemployed                                                   STF311
P062    P0620052        Not in labor force                                           STF311
P062            Other race:
P062              In Armed Forces:
P062                Enrolled in school:
P062    P0620053      High school graduate                                           STF311
P062    P0620054      Not high school graduate                                       STF311
P062                Not enrolled in school:
P062    P0620055      High school graduate                                           STF311
P062    P0620056      Not high school graduate                                       STF311
P062              Civilian:
P062                Enrolled in school:
P062    P0620057      Employed                                                       STF311
P062    P0620058      Unemployed                                                     STF311
P062    P0620059      Not in labor force                                             STF311
P062                Not enrolled in school:
P062                  High school graduate:
P062    P0620060        Employed                                                     STF311
P062    P0620061        Unemployed                                                   STF311
P062    P0620062        Not in labor force                                           STF311
P062                  Not high school graduate:
P062    P0620063        Employed                                                     STF311
P062    P0620064        Unemployed                                                   STF311
P062    P0620065        Not in labor force                                           STF311
P063            SCHOOL ENROLLMENT                                                     EDUCATI AND EMPSTF311
P063            Universe: Persons of Hispanic origin 16 to 19 years
P063            In Armed Forces:
P063              Enrolled in school:
P063    P0630001    High school graduate                                             STF311
P063    P0630002    Not high school graduate                                         STF311
P063              Not enrolled in school:
P063    P0630003    High school graduate                                             STF311
P063    P0630004    Not high school graduate                                         STF311
P063            Civilian:
P063              Enrolled in school:
P063    P0630005    Employed                                                         STF311
P063    P0630006    Unemployed                                                       STF311
P063    P0630007    Not in labor force                                               STF311
P063              Not enrolled in school:
P063                High school graduate:
P063    P0630008      Employed                                                       STF311
P063    P0630009      Unemployed                                                     STF311
P063    P0630010      Not in labor force                                             STF311
P063                Not high school graduate:
P063    P0630011      Employed                                                       STF311
P063    P0630012      Unemployed                                                     STF311
P063    P0630013      Not in labor force                                             STF311
P064            SEX BY AGE BY VETERAN STATUS                                         STF311
P064            Universe: Persons 16 years and over
P064            Male:
P064              16 to 64 years:
P064    P0640001    In Armed Forces                                                  STF311
P064                Civilian:
P064    P0640002      Veteran                                                        STF311
P064    P0640003      Nonveteran                                                     STF311
P064              65 years and over:
P064    P0640004    In Armed Forces                                                  STF311
P064                Civilian:
P064    P0640005      Veteran                                                        STF311
P064    P0640006      Nonveteran                                                     STF311
P064            Female:
P064              16 to 64 years:
P064    P0640007    In Armed Forces                                                  STF311
P064                Civilian:
P064    P0640008      Veteran                                                        STF311
P064    P0640009      Nonveteran                                                     STF311
P064              65 years and over:
P064    P0640010    In Armed Forces                                                  STF311
P064                Civilian:
P064    P0640011      Veteran                                                        STF311
P064    P0640012      Nonveteran                                                     STF311
P065            PERIOD OF MILITARY SERVICE                                           STF311
P065            Universe: Civilian veterans 16 years and over
P065            May 1975 or later only:
P065              September 1980 or later only:
P065    P0650001    With less than 2 years of service                                STF311
P065    P0650002    With 2 or more years of service                                  STF311
P065    P0650003  May 1975 to August 1980 only                                       STF311
P065    P0650004  Both                                                                May 197STF311
P065    P0650005Vietnam era                                                           no KoreSTF311
P065    P0650006Vietnam era and Korean conflict                                       no WorlSTF311
P065    P0650007Vietnam era                                                           Korean  and WorSTF311
P065    P0650008February 1955 to July 1964 only                                      STF311
P065    P0650009Korean conflict                                                       no VietSTF311
P065    P0650010Korean conflict and World War II                                      no VietSTF311
P065    P0650011World War II                                                          no KoreSTF311
P065    P0650012World War I                                                          STF311
P065    P0650013Other service                                                        STF311
P066            Universe: Civilian noninstitutionalized persons 16 years and over
P066            Male:
P066              16 to 64 years:
P066                With a work disability:
P066                  In labor force:
P066    P0660001        Employed                                                     STF312
P066    P0660002        Unemployed                                                   STF312
P066                  Not in labor force:
P066    P0660003        Prevented from working                                       STF312
P066    P0660004        Not prevented from working                                   STF312
P066                No work disability:
P066                  In labor force:
P066    P0660005        Employed                                                     STF312
P066    P0660006        Unemployed                                                   STF312
P066    P0660007      Not in labor force                                             STF312
P066              65 years and over:
P066                With a work disability:
P066                  In labor force:
P066    P0660008        Employed                                                     STF312
P066    P0660009        Unemployed                                                   STF312
P066                  Not in labor force:
P066    P0660010        Prevented from working                                       STF312
P066    P0660011        Not prevented from working                                   STF312
P066                No work disability:
P066                  In labor force:
P066    P0660012        Employed                                                     STF312
P066    P0660013        Unemployed                                                   STF312
P066    P0660014      Not in labor force                                             STF312
P066            Female:
P066              16 to 64 years:
P066                With a work disability:
P066                  In labor force:
P066    P0660015        Employed                                                     STF312
P066    P0660016        Unemployed                                                   STF312
P066                  Not in labor force:
P066    P0660017        Prevented from working                                       STF312
P066    P0660018        Not prevented from working                                   STF312
P066                No work disability:
P066                  In labor force:
P066    P0660019        Employed                                                     STF312
P066    P0660020        Unemployed                                                   STF312
P066    P0660021      Not in labor force                                             STF312
P066              65 years and over:
P066                With a work disability:
P066                  In labor force:
P066    P0660022        Employed                                                     STF312
P066    P0660023        Unemployed                                                   STF312
P066                  Not in labor force:
P066    P0660024        Prevented from working                                       STF312
P066    P0660025        Not prevented from working                                   STF312
P066                No work disability:
P066                  In labor force:
P066    P0660026        Employed                                                     STF312
P066    P0660027        Unemployed                                                   STF312
P066    P0660028      Not in labor force                                             STF312
P067            Universe: Civilian noninstitutionalized persons 16 years and over
P067            Male:
P067              16 to 64 years:
P067                With a mobility limitation:
P067                  In labor force:
P067    P0670001        Employed                                                     STF312
P067    P0670002        Unemployed                                                   STF312
P067    P0670003      Not in labor force                                             STF312
P067                No mobility limitation:
P067                  In labor force:
P067    P0670004        Employed                                                     STF312
P067    P0670005        Unemployed                                                   STF312
P067    P0670006      Not in labor force                                             STF312
P067              65 years and over:
P067                With a mobility limitation:
P067                  In labor force:
P067    P0670007        Employed                                                     STF312
P067    P0670008        Unemployed                                                   STF312
P067    P0670009      Not in labor force                                             STF312
P067                No mobility limitation:
P067                  In labor force:
P067    P0670010        Employed                                                     STF312
P067    P0670011        Unemployed                                                   STF312
P067    P0670012      Not in labor force                                             STF312
P067            Female:
P067              16 to 64 years:
P067                With a mobility limitation:
P067                  In labor force:
P067    P0670013        Employed                                                     STF312
P067    P0670014        Unemployed                                                   STF312
P067    P0670015      Not in labor force                                             STF312
P067                No mobility limitation:
P067                  In labor force:
P067    P0670016        Employed                                                     STF312
P067    P0670017        Unemployed                                                   STF312
P067    P0670018      Not in labor force                                             STF312
P067              65 years and over:
P067                With a mobility limitation:
P067                  In labor force:
P067    P0670019        Employed                                                     STF312
P067    P0670020        Unemployed                                                   STF312
P067    P0670021      Not in labor force                                             STF312
P067                No mobility limitation:
P067                  In labor force:
P067    P0670022        Employed                                                     STF312
P067    P0670023        Unemployed                                                   STF312
P067    P0670024      Not in labor force                                             STF312
P068            Universe: Civilian noninstitutionalized persons 16 years and over
P068            Male:
P068              16 to 64 years:
P068                With a work disability:
P068    P0680001      With a mobility or self-care limitation                        STF312
P068    P0680002      No mobility or self-care limitation                            STF312
P068                No work disability:
P068    P0680003      With a mobility or self-care limitation                        STF312
P068    P0680004      No mobility or self-care limitation                            STF312
P068              65 years and over:
P068                With a work disability:
P068    P0680005      With a mobility or self-care limitation                        STF312
P068    P0680006      No mobility or self-care limitation                            STF312
P068                No work disability:
P068    P0680007      With a mobility or self-care limitation                        STF312
P068    P0680008      No mobility or self-care limitation                            STF312
P068            Female:
P068              16 to 64 years:
P068                With a work disability:
P068    P0680009      With a mobility or self-care limitation                        STF312
P068    P0680010      No mobility or self-care limitation                            STF312
P068                No work disability:
P068    P0680011      With a mobility or self-care limitation                        STF312
P068    P0680012      No mobility or self-care limitation                            STF312
P068              65 years and over:
P068                With a work disability:
P068    P0680013      With a mobility or self-care limitation                        STF312
P068    P0680014      No mobility or self-care limitation                            STF312
P068                No work disability:
P068    P0680015      With a mobility or self-care limitation                        STF312
P068    P0680016      No mobility or self-care limitation                            STF312
P069            Universe: Civilian noninstitutionalized persons 16 years and over
P069            Male:
P069              16 to 64 years:
P069                With a mobility or self-care limitation:
P069    P0690001      Mobility limitation only                                       STF312
P069    P0690002      Self-care limitation only                                      STF312
P069    P0690003      Mobility and self-care limitation                              STF312
P069    P0690004    No mobility or self-care limitation                              STF312
P069              65 to 74 years:
P069                With a mobility or self-care limitation:
P069    P0690005      Mobility limitation only                                       STF312
P069    P0690006      Self-care limitation only                                      STF312
P069    P0690007      Mobility and self-care limitation                              STF312
P069    P0690008    No mobility or self-care limitation                              STF312
P069              75 years and over:
P069                With a mobility or self-care limitation:
P069    P0690009      Mobility limitation only                                       STF312
P069    P0690010      Self-care limitation only                                      STF312
P069    P0690011      Mobility and self-care limitation                              STF312
P069    P0690012    No mobility or self-care limitation                              STF312
P069            Female:
P069              16 to 64 years:
P069                With a mobility or self-care limitation:
P069    P0690013      Mobility limitation only                                       STF312
P069    P0690014      Self-care limitation only                                      STF312
P069    P0690015      Mobility and self-care limitation                              STF312
P069    P0690016    No mobility or self-care limitation                              STF312
P069              65 to 74 years:
P069                With a mobility or self-care limitation:
P069    P0690017      Mobility limitation only                                       STF312
P069    P0690018      Self-care limitation only                                      STF312
P069    P0690019      Mobility and self-care limitation                              STF312
P069    P0690020    No mobility or self-care limitation                              STF312
P069              75 years and over:
P069                With a mobility or self-care limitation:
P069    P0690021      Mobility limitation only                                       STF312
P069    P0690022      Self-care limitation only                                      STF312
P069    P0690023      Mobility and self-care limitation                              STF312
P069    P0690024    No mobility or self-care limitation                              STF312
P070            SEX BY EMPLOYMENT STATUS                                             STF312
P070            Universe: Persons 16 years and over
P070            Male:
P070              In labor force:
P070    P0700001    In Armed Forces                                                  STF312
P070                Civilian:
P070    P0700002      Employed                                                       STF312
P070    P0700003      Unemployed                                                     STF312
P070    P0700004  Not in labor force                                                 STF312
P070            Female:
P070              In labor force:
P070    P0700005    In Armed Forces                                                  STF312
P070                Civilian:
P070    P0700006      Employed                                                       STF312
P070    P0700007      Unemployed                                                     STF312
P070    P0700008  Not in labor force                                                 STF312
P071            RACE BY SEX BY EMPLOYMENT STATUS                                     STF313
P071            Universe: Persons 16 years and over
P071            White:
P071              Male:
P071                In labor force:
P071    P0710001      In Armed Forces                                                STF313
P071                  Civilian:
P071    P0710002        Employed                                                     STF313
P071    P0710003        Unemployed                                                   STF313
P071    P0710004    Not in labor force                                               STF313
P071              Female:
P071                In labor force:
P071    P0710005      In Armed Forces                                                STF313
P071                  Civilian:
P071    P0710006        Employed                                                     STF313
P071    P0710007        Unemployed                                                   STF313
P071    P0710008    Not in labor force                                               STF313
P071            Black:
P071              Male:
P071                In labor force:
P071    P0710009      In Armed Forces                                                STF313
P071                  Civilian:
P071    P0710010        Employed                                                     STF313
P071    P0710011        Unemployed                                                   STF313
P071    P0710012    Not in labor force                                               STF313
P071              Female:
P071                In labor force:
P071    P0710013      In Armed Forces                                                STF313
P071                  Civilian:
P071    P0710014        Employed                                                     STF313
P071    P0710015        Unemployed                                                   STF313
P071    P0710016    Not in labor force                                               STF313
P071            American Indian                                                       Eskimo  or Aleut:
P071              Male:
P071                In labor force:
P071    P0710017      In Armed Forces                                                STF313
P071                  Civilian:
P071    P0710018        Employed                                                     STF313
P071    P0710019        Unemployed                                                   STF313
P071    P0710020    Not in labor force                                               STF313
P071              Female:
P071                In labor force:
P071    P0710021      In Armed Forces                                                STF313
P071                  Civilian:
P071    P0710022        Employed                                                     STF313
P071    P0710023        Unemployed                                                   STF313
P071    P0710024    Not in labor force                                               STF313
P071            Asian or Pacific Islander:
P071              Male:
P071                In labor force:
P071    P0710025      In Armed Forces                                                STF313
P071                  Civilian:
P071    P0710026        Employed                                                     STF313
P071    P0710027        Unemployed                                                   STF313
P071    P0710028    Not in labor force                                               STF313
P071              Female:
P071                In labor force:
P071    P0710029      In Armed Forces                                                STF313
P071                  Civilian:
P071    P0710030        Employed                                                     STF313
P071    P0710031        Unemployed                                                   STF313
P071    P0710032    Not in labor force                                               STF313
P071            Other race:
P071              Male:
P071                In labor force:
P071    P0710033      In Armed Forces                                                STF313
P071                  Civilian:
P071    P0710034        Employed                                                     STF313
P071    P0710035        Unemployed                                                   STF313
P071    P0710036    Not in labor force                                               STF313
P071              Female:
P071                In labor force:
P071    P0710037      In Armed Forces                                                STF313
P071                  Civilian:
P071    P0710038        Employed                                                     STF313
P071    P0710039        Unemployed                                                   STF313
P071    P0710040    Not in labor force                                               STF313
P072            SEX BY EMPLOYMENT STATUS                                             STF313
P072            Universe: Persons of Hispanic origin 16 years and over
P072            Male:
P072              In labor force:
P072    P0720001    In Armed Forces                                                  STF313
P072                Civilian:
P072    P0720002      Employed                                                       STF313
P072    P0720003      Unemployed                                                     STF313
P072    P0720004  Not in labor force                                                 STF313
P072            Female:
P072              In labor force:
P072    P0720005    In Armed Forces                                                  STF313
P072                Civilian:
P072    P0720006      Employed                                                       STF313
P072    P0720007      Unemployed                                                     STF313
P072    P0720008  Not in labor force                                                 STF313
P073            Universe: Females 16 years and over
P073            With own children under 18 years:
P073              Under 6 years only:
P073                In labor force:
P073    P0730001      Employed or in Armed Forces                                    STF313
P073    P0730002      Unemployed                                                     STF313
P073    P0730003    Not in labor force                                               STF313
P073              6 to 17 years only:
P073                In labor force:
P073    P0730004      Employed or in Armed Forces                                    STF313
P073    P0730005      Unemployed                                                     STF313
P073    P0730006    Not in labor force                                               STF313
P073              Under 6 years and 6 to 17 years:
P073                In labor force:
P073    P0730007      Employed or in Armed Forces                                    STF313
P073    P0730008      Unemployed                                                     STF313
P073    P0730009    Not in labor force                                               STF313
P073            No own children under 18 years:
P073              In labor force:
P073    P0730010    Employed or in Armed Forces                                      STF313
P073    P0730011    Unemployed                                                       STF313
P073    P0730012  Not in labor force                                                 STF313
P074            Universe: Own children under 18 years in families and subfamilies
P074            Under 6 years:
P074              Living with two parents:
P074    P0740001    Both parents in labor force                                      STF313
P074    P0740002    Father only in labor force                                       STF313
P074    P0740003    Mother only in labor force                                       STF313
P074    P0740004    Neither parent in labor force                                    STF313
P074              Living with one parent:
P074                Living with father:
P074    P0740005      In labor force                                                 STF313
P074    P0740006      Not in labor force                                             STF313
P074                Living with mother:
P074    P0740007      In labor force                                                 STF313
P074    P0740008      Not in labor force                                             STF313
P074            6 to 17 years:
P074              Living with two parents:
P074    P0740009    Both parents in labor force                                      STF313
P074    P0740010    Father only in labor force                                       STF313
P074    P0740011    Mother only in labor force                                       STF313
P074    P0740012    Neither parent in labor force                                    STF313
P074              Living with one parent:
P074                Living with father:
P074    P0740013      In labor force                                                 STF313
P074    P0740014      Not in labor force                                             STF313
P074                Living with mother:
P074    P0740015      In labor force                                                 STF313
P074    P0740016      Not in labor force                                             STF313
P075            SEX BY WORK STATUS IN 1989                                           STF313
P075            Universe: Persons 16 years and over
P075            Male:
P075    P0750001  Worked in 1989                                                     STF313
P075    P0750002  Did not work in 1989                                               STF313
P075            Female:
P075    P0750003  Worked in 1989                                                     STF313
P075    P0750004  Did not work in 1989                                               STF313
P076            SEX BY WORK STATUS IN 1989                                            USUAL HOURS WORSTF313
P076            AND WEEKS WORKED IN 1989
P076            Universe: Persons 16 years and over
P076            Male:
P076              Worked in 1989:
P076                Usually worked 35 or more hours per week:
P076    P0760001      50 to 52 weeks                                                 STF313
P076    P0760002      48 to 49 weeks                                                 STF313
P076    P0760003      40 to 47 weeks                                                 STF313
P076    P0760004      27 to 39 weeks                                                 STF313
P076    P0760005      14 to 26 weeks                                                 STF313
P076    P0760006      1 to 13 weeks                                                  STF313
P076                Usually worked 15 to 34 hours per week:
P076    P0760007      50 to 52 weeks                                                 STF313
P076    P0760008      48 to 49 weeks                                                 STF313
P076    P0760009      40 to 47 weeks                                                 STF313
P076    P0760010      27 to 39 weeks                                                 STF313
P076    P0760011      14 to 26 weeks                                                 STF313
P076    P0760012      1 to 13 weeks                                                  STF313
P076                Usually worked 1 to 14 hours per week:
P076    P0760013      50 to 52 weeks                                                 STF313
P076    P0760014      48 to 49 weeks                                                 STF313
P076    P0760015      40 to 47 weeks                                                 STF313
P076    P0760016      27 to 39 weeks                                                 STF313
P076    P0760017      14 to 26 weeks                                                 STF313
P076    P0760018      1 to 13 weeks                                                  STF313
P076    P0760019  Did not work in 1989                                               STF313
P076            Female:
P076              Worked in 1989:
P076                Usually worked 35 or more hours per week:
P076    P0760020      50 to 52 weeks                                                 STF313
P076    P0760021      48 to 49 weeks                                                 STF313
P076    P0760022      40 to 47 weeks                                                 STF313
P076    P0760023      27 to 39 weeks                                                 STF313
P076    P0760024      14 to 26 weeks                                                 STF313
P076    P0760025      1 to 13 weeks                                                  STF313
P076                Usually worked 15 to 34 hours per week:
P076    P0760026      50 to 52 weeks                                                 STF313
P076    P0760027      48 to 49 weeks                                                 STF313
P076    P0760028      40 to 47 weeks                                                 STF313
P076    P0760029      27 to 39 weeks                                                 STF313
P076    P0760030      14 to 26 weeks                                                 STF313
P076    P0760031      1 to 13 weeks                                                  STF313
P076                Usually worked 1 to 14 hours per week:
P076    P0760032      50 to 52 weeks                                                 STF313
P076    P0760033      48 to 49 weeks                                                 STF313
P076    P0760034      40 to 47 weeks                                                 STF313
P076    P0760035      27 to 39 weeks                                                 STF313
P076    P0760036      14 to 26 weeks                                                 STF313
P076    P0760037      1 to 13 weeks                                                  STF313
P076    P0760038  Did not work in 1989                                               STF313
P077            INDUSTRY                                                             STF314
P077            Universe: Employed persons 16 years and over
P077    P0770001Agriculture                                                           forestr and fisSTF314
P077    P0770002Mining (040-059)                                                     STF314
P077    P0770003Construction (060-099)                                               STF314
P077    P0770004Manufacturing                                                         nonduraSTF314
P077    P0770005Manufacturing                                                         durableSTF314
P077    P0770006Transportation (400-439)                                             STF314
P077    P0770007Communications and other public utilities (440-499)                  STF314
P077    P0770008Wholesale trade (500-579)                                            STF314
P077    P0770009Retail trade (580-699)                                               STF314
P077    P0770010Finance                                                               insuran and reaSTF314
P077    P0770011Business and repair services (721-760)                               STF314
P077    P0770012Personal services (761-799)                                          STF314
P077    P0770013Entertainment and recreation services (800-811)                      STF314
P077            Professional and related services (812-899):
P077    P0770014  Health services (812-840)                                          STF314
P077    P0770015  Educational services (842-860)                                     STF314
P077    P0770016  Other professional and related services (841                        861-899STF314
P077    P0770017Public administration (900-939)                                      STF314
P078            OCCUPATION                                                           STF314
P078            Universe: Employed persons 16 years and over
P078            Managerial and professional specialty occupations (000-202):
P078    P0780001  Executive                                                           adminis and manSTF314
P078    P0780002  Professional specialty occupations (043-202)                       STF314
P078            Technical                                                             sales   and administrative support occupations (203-402):
P078    P0780003  Technicians and related support occupations (203-242)              STF314
P078    P0780004  Sales occupations (243-302)                                        STF314
P078    P0780005  Administrative support occupations                                  includiSTF314
P078            Service occupations (403-472):
P078    P0780006  Private household occupations (403-412)                            STF314
P078    P0780007  Protective service occupations (413-432)                           STF314
P078    P0780008  Service occupations                                                 except STF314
P078    P0780009Farming                                                               forestr and fisSTF314
P078    P0780010Precision production                                                  craft   and repSTF314
P078            Operators                                                             fabrica and laborers (703-902):
P078    P0780011  Machine operators                                                   assembl and insSTF314
P078    P0780012  Transportation and material moving occupations (803-863)           STF314
P078    P0780013  Handlers                                                            equipme helpers and labSTF314
P079            CLASS OF WORKER                                                      STF314
P079            Universe: Employed persons 16 years and over
P079    P0790001Private for profit wage and salary workers                           STF314
P079    P0790002Private not-for-profit wage and salary workers                       STF314
P079    P0790003Local government workers                                             STF314
P079    P0790004State government workers                                             STF314
P079    P0790005Federal government workers                                           STF314
P079    P0790006Self-employed workers                                                STF314
P079    P0790007Unpaid family workers                                                STF314
P080            HOUSEHOLD INCOME IN 1989                                             STF314
P080            Universe: Households
P080    P0800001Less than $5                                                                0STF314
P080    P0800002                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF314
P080    P0800003                                                                 $10 000 to $     499STF314
P080    P0800004                                                                 $12 500 to $     999STF314
P080    P0800005                                                                 $15 000 to $     499STF314
P080    P0800006                                                                 $17 500 to $     999STF314
P080    P0800007                                                                 $20 000 to $     499STF314
P080    P0800008                                                                 $22 500 to $     999STF314
P080    P0800009                                                                 $25 000 to $     499STF314
P080    P0800010                                                                 $27 500 to $     999STF314
P080    P0800011                                                                 $30 000 to $     499STF314
P080    P0800012                                                                 $32 500 to $     999STF314
P080    P0800013                                                                 $35 000 to $     499STF314
P080    P0800014                                                                 $37 500 to $     999STF314
P080    P0800015                                                                 $40 000 to $     499STF314
P080    P0800016                                                                 $42 500 to $     999STF314
P080    P0800017                                                                 $45 000 to $     499STF314
P080    P0800018                                                                 $47 500 to $     999STF314
P080    P0800019                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF314
P080    P0800020                                                                 $55 000 to $     999STF314
P080    P0800021                                                                 $60 000 to $     999STF314
P080    P0800022                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF314
P080    P0800023                                                                $100 000 to $     999STF314
P080    P0800024                                                                $125 000 to $     999STF314
P080    P0800025                                                                $150 000 or mSTF314
P080A           MEDIAN HOUSEHOLD INCOME IN 1989                                      STF314
P080A           Universe: Households
P080A   P080A001Median household income in 1989                                      STF314
P081            AGGREGATE HOUSEHOLD INCOME IN 1989                                   STF314
P081            Universe: Households
P081    P0810001Less than $150                                                              0STF314
P081    P0810002                                                                $150 000 or mSTF314
P082            RACE OF HOUSEHOLDER BY HOUSEHOLD INCOME IN 1989                      STF314
P082            Universe: Households
P082            White:
P082    P0820001  Less than $5                                                              0STF314
P082    P0820002                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF314
P082    P0820003                                                                 $10 000 to $     999STF314
P082    P0820004                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF314
P082    P0820005                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF314
P082    P0820006                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF314
P082    P0820007                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF314
P082    P0820008                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF314
P082    P0820009                                                                $100 000 or mSTF314
P082            Black:
P082    P0820010  Less than $5                                                              0STF314
P082    P0820011                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF314
P082    P0820012                                                                 $10 000 to $     999STF314
P082    P0820013                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF314
P082    P0820014                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF314
P082    P0820015                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF314
P082    P0820016                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF314
P082    P0820017                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF314
P082    P0820018                                                                $100 000 or mSTF314
P082            American Indian                                                       Eskimo  or Aleut:
P082    P0820019  Less than $5                                                              0STF314
P082    P0820020                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF314
P082    P0820021                                                                 $10 000 to $     999STF314
P082    P0820022                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF314
P082    P0820023                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF314
P082    P0820024                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF314
P082    P0820025                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF314
P082    P0820026                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF314
P082    P0820027                                                                $100 000 or mSTF314
P082            Asian or Pacific Islander:
P082    P0820028  Less than $5                                                              0STF314
P082    P0820029                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF314
P082    P0820030                                                                 $10 000 to $     999STF314
P082    P0820031                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF314
P082    P0820032                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF314
P082    P0820033                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF314
P082    P0820034                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF314
P082    P0820035                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF314
P082    P0820036                                                                $100 000 or mSTF314
P082            Other race:
P082    P0820037  Less than $5                                                              0STF314
P082    P0820038                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF314
P082    P0820039                                                                 $10 000 to $     999STF314
P082    P0820040                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF314
P082    P0820041                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF314
P082    P0820042                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF314
P082    P0820043                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF314
P082    P0820044                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF314
P082    P0820045                                                                $100 000 or mSTF314
P083            HOUSEHOLD INCOME IN 1989                                             STF314
P083            Universe: Households with householder of Hispanic origin
P083    P0830001Less than $5                                                                0STF314
P083    P0830002                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF314
P083    P0830003                                                                 $10 000 to $     999STF314
P083    P0830004                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF314
P083    P0830005                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF314
P083    P0830006                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF314
P083    P0830007                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF314
P083    P0830008                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF314
P083    P0830009                                                                $100 000 or mSTF314
P084            Universe: Households
P084            Total:
P084    P0840001  White                                                              STF315
P084    P0840002  Black                                                              STF315
P084    P0840003  American Indian                                                     Eskimo  or AleuSTF315
P084    P0840004  Asian or Pacific Islander                                          STF315
P084    P0840005  Other race                                                         STF315
P085            AGGREGATE HOUSEHOLD INCOME IN 1989                                   STF315
P085            Universe: Households with householder of Hispanic origin
P085    P0850001Total                                                                STF315
P086            AGE OF HOUSEHOLDER BY HOUSEHOLD INCOME IN 1989                       STF315
P086            Universe: Households
P086            Under 25 years:
P086    P0860001  Less than $5                                                              0STF315
P086    P0860002                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF315
P086    P0860003                                                                 $10 000 to $     999STF315
P086    P0860004                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF315
P086    P0860005                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF315
P086    P0860006                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF315
P086    P0860007                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF315
P086    P0860008                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF315
P086    P0860009                                                                $100 000 or mSTF315
P086            25 to 34 years:
P086    P0860010  Less than $5                                                              0STF315
P086    P0860011                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF315
P086    P0860012                                                                 $10 000 to $     999STF315
P086    P0860013                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF315
P086    P0860014                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF315
P086    P0860015                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF315
P086    P0860016                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF315
P086    P0860017                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF315
P086    P0860018                                                                $100 000 or mSTF315
P086            35 to 44 years:
P086    P0860019  Less than $5                                                              0STF315
P086    P0860020                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF315
P086    P0860021                                                                 $10 000 to $     999STF315
P086    P0860022                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF315
P086    P0860023                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF315
P086    P0860024                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF315
P086    P0860025                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF315
P086    P0860026                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF315
P086    P0860027                                                                $100 000 or mSTF315
P086            45 to 54 years:
P086    P0860028  Less than $5                                                              0STF315
P086    P0860029                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF315
P086    P0860030                                                                 $10 000 to $     999STF315
P086    P0860031                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF315
P086    P0860032                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF315
P086    P0860033                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF315
P086    P0860034                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF315
P086    P0860035                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF315
P086    P0860036                                                                $100 000 or mSTF315
P086            55 to 64 years:
P086    P0860037  Less than $5                                                              0STF315
P086    P0860038                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF315
P086    P0860039                                                                 $10 000 to $     999STF315
P086    P0860040                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF315
P086    P0860041                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF315
P086    P0860042                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF315
P086    P0860043                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF315
P086    P0860044                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF315
P086    P0860045                                                                $100 000 or mSTF315
P086            65 to 74 years:
P086    P0860046  Less than $5                                                              0STF315
P086    P0860047                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF315
P086    P0860048                                                                 $10 000 to $     999STF315
P086    P0860049                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF315
P086    P0860050                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF315
P086    P0860051                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF315
P086    P0860052                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF315
P086    P0860053                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF315
P086    P0860054                                                                $100 000 or mSTF315
P086            75 years and over:
P086    P0860055  Less than $5                                                              0STF315
P086    P0860056                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF315
P086    P0860057                                                                 $10 000 to $     999STF315
P086    P0860058                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF315
P086    P0860059                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF315
P086    P0860060                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF315
P086    P0860061                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF315
P086    P0860062                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF315
P086    P0860063                                                                $100 000 or mSTF315
P087A           IN 1989
P087A           Universe: Households with White householder
P087A             Under 25 years:
P087A   P087A001    Less than $5                                                            0STF316
P087A   P087A002                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF316
P087A   P087A003                                                                 $10 000 to $     999STF316
P087A   P087A004                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF316
P087A   P087A005                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF316
P087A   P087A006                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF316
P087A   P087A007                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF316
P087A   P087A008                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF316
P087A   P087A009                                                                $100 000 or mSTF316
P087A             25 to 34 years:
P087A   P087A010    Less than $5                                                            0STF316
P087A   P087A011                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF316
P087A   P087A012                                                                 $10 000 to $     999STF316
P087A   P087A013                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF316
P087A   P087A014                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF316
P087A   P087A015                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF316
P087A   P087A016                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF316
P087A   P087A017                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF316
P087A   P087A018                                                                $100 000 or mSTF316
P087A             35 to 44 years:
P087A   P087A019    Less than $5                                                            0STF316
P087A   P087A020                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF316
P087A   P087A021                                                                 $10 000 to $     999STF316
P087A   P087A022                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF316
P087A   P087A023                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF316
P087A   P087A024                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF316
P087A   P087A025                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF316
P087A   P087A026                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF316
P087A   P087A027                                                                $100 000 or mSTF316
P087A             45 to 54 years:
P087A   P087A028    Less than $5                                                            0STF316
P087A   P087A029                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF316
P087A   P087A030                                                                 $10 000 to $     999STF316
P087A   P087A031                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF316
P087A   P087A032                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF316
P087A   P087A033                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF316
P087A   P087A034                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF316
P087A   P087A035                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF316
P087A   P087A036                                                                $100 000 or mSTF316
P087A             55 to 64 years:
P087A   P087A037    Less than $5                                                            0STF316
P087A   P087A038                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF316
P087A   P087A039                                                                 $10 000 to $     999STF316
P087A   P087A040                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF316
P087A   P087A041                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF316
P087A   P087A042                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF316
P087A   P087A043                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF316
P087A   P087A044                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF316
P087A   P087A045                                                                $100 000 or mSTF316
P087A             65 to 74 years:
P087A   P087A046    Less than $5                                                            0STF316
P087A   P087A047                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF316
P087A   P087A048                                                                 $10 000 to $     999STF316
P087A   P087A049                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF316
P087A   P087A050                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF316
P087A   P087A051                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF316
P087A   P087A052                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF316
P087A   P087A053                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF316
P087A   P087A054                                                                $100 000 or mSTF316
P087A             75 years and over:
P087A   P087A055    Less than $5                                                            0STF316
P087A   P087A056                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF316
P087A   P087A057                                                                 $10 000 to $     999STF316
P087A   P087A058                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF316
P087A   P087A059                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF316
P087A   P087A060                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF316
P087A   P087A061                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF316
P087A   P087A062                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF316
P087A   P087A063                                                                $100 000 or mSTF316
P087B           IN 1989
P087B           Universe: Households with Black householder
P087B             Under 25 years:
P087B   P087B001    Less than $5                                                            0STF317
P087B   P087B002                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF317
P087B   P087B003                                                                 $10 000 to $     999STF317
P087B   P087B004                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF317
P087B   P087B005                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF317
P087B   P087B006                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF317
P087B   P087B007                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF317
P087B   P087B008                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF317
P087B   P087B009                                                                $100 000 or mSTF317
P087B             25 to 34 years:
P087B   P087B010    Less than $5                                                            0STF317
P087B   P087B011                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF317
P087B   P087B012                                                                 $10 000 to $     999STF317
P087B   P087B013                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF317
P087B   P087B014                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF317
P087B   P087B015                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF317
P087B   P087B016                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF317
P087B   P087B017                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF317
P087B   P087B018                                                                $100 000 or mSTF317
P087B             35 to 44 years:
P087B   P087B019    Less than $5                                                            0STF317
P087B   P087B020                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF317
P087B   P087B021                                                                 $10 000 to $     999STF317
P087B   P087B022                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF317
P087B   P087B023                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF317
P087B   P087B024                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF317
P087B   P087B025                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF317
P087B   P087B026                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF317
P087B   P087B027                                                                $100 000 or mSTF317
P087B             45 to 54 years:
P087B   P087B028    Less than $5                                                            0STF317
P087B   P087B029                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF317
P087B   P087B030                                                                 $10 000 to $     999STF317
P087B   P087B031                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF317
P087B   P087B032                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF317
P087B   P087B033                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF317
P087B   P087B034                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF317
P087B   P087B035                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF317
P087B   P087B036                                                                $100 000 or mSTF317
P087B             55 to 64 years:
P087B   P087B037    Less than $5                                                            0STF317
P087B   P087B038                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF317
P087B   P087B039                                                                 $10 000 to $     999STF317
P087B   P087B040                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF317
P087B   P087B041                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF317
P087B   P087B042                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF317
P087B   P087B043                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF317
P087B   P087B044                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF317
P087B   P087B045                                                                $100 000 or mSTF317
P087B             65 to 74 years:
P087B   P087B046    Less than $5                                                            0STF317
P087B   P087B047                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF317
P087B   P087B048                                                                 $10 000 to $     999STF317
P087B   P087B049                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF317
P087B   P087B050                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF317
P087B   P087B051                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF317
P087B   P087B052                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF317
P087B   P087B053                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF317
P087B   P087B054                                                                $100 000 or mSTF317
P087B             75 years and over:
P087B   P087B055    Less than $5                                                            0STF317
P087B   P087B056                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF317
P087B   P087B057                                                                 $10 000 to $     999STF317
P087B   P087B058                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF317
P087B   P087B059                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF317
P087B   P087B060                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF317
P087B   P087B061                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF317
P087B   P087B062                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF317
P087B   P087B063                                                                $100 000 or mSTF317
P087C           IN 1989
P087C           Universe: Households with American Indian                             Eskimo  or Aleut
P087C           Universe: householder
P087C             Under 25 years:
P087C   P087C001    Less than $5                                                            0STF318
P087C   P087C002                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF318
P087C   P087C003                                                                 $10 000 to $     999STF318
P087C   P087C004                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF318
P087C   P087C005                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF318
P087C   P087C006                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF318
P087C   P087C007                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF318
P087C   P087C008                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF318
P087C   P087C009                                                                $100 000 or mSTF318
P087C             25 to 34 years:
P087C   P087C010    Less than $5                                                            0STF318
P087C   P087C011                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF318
P087C   P087C012                                                                 $10 000 to $     999STF318
P087C   P087C013                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF318
P087C   P087C014                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF318
P087C   P087C015                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF318
P087C   P087C016                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF318
P087C   P087C017                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF318
P087C   P087C018                                                                $100 000 or mSTF318
P087C             35 to 44 years:
P087C   P087C019    Less than $5                                                            0STF318
P087C   P087C020                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF318
P087C   P087C021                                                                 $10 000 to $     999STF318
P087C   P087C022                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF318
P087C   P087C023                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF318
P087C   P087C024                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF318
P087C   P087C025                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF318
P087C   P087C026                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF318
P087C   P087C027                                                                $100 000 or mSTF318
P087C             45 to 54 years:
P087C   P087C028    Less than $5                                                            0STF318
P087C   P087C029                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF318
P087C   P087C030                                                                 $10 000 to $     999STF318
P087C   P087C031                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF318
P087C   P087C032                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF318
P087C   P087C033                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF318
P087C   P087C034                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF318
P087C   P087C035                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF318
P087C   P087C036                                                                $100 000 or mSTF318
P087C             55 to 64 years:
P087C   P087C037    Less than $5                                                            0STF318
P087C   P087C038                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF318
P087C   P087C039                                                                 $10 000 to $     999STF318
P087C   P087C040                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF318
P087C   P087C041                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF318
P087C   P087C042                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF318
P087C   P087C043                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF318
P087C   P087C044                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF318
P087C   P087C045                                                                $100 000 or mSTF318
P087C             65 to 74 years:
P087C   P087C046    Less than $5                                                            0STF318
P087C   P087C047                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF318
P087C   P087C048                                                                 $10 000 to $     999STF318
P087C   P087C049                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF318
P087C   P087C050                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF318
P087C   P087C051                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF318
P087C   P087C052                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF318
P087C   P087C053                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF318
P087C   P087C054                                                                $100 000 or mSTF318
P087C             75 years and over:
P087C   P087C055    Less than $5                                                            0STF318
P087C   P087C056                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF318
P087C   P087C057                                                                 $10 000 to $     999STF318
P087C   P087C058                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF318
P087C   P087C059                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF318
P087C   P087C060                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF318
P087C   P087C061                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF318
P087C   P087C062                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF318
P087C   P087C063                                                                $100 000 or mSTF318
P087D           IN 1989
P087D           Universe: Households with Asian or Pacific Islander householder
P087D             Under 25 years:
P087D   P087D001    Less than $5                                                            0STF319
P087D   P087D002                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF319
P087D   P087D003                                                                 $10 000 to $     999STF319
P087D   P087D004                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF319
P087D   P087D005                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF319
P087D   P087D006                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF319
P087D   P087D007                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF319
P087D   P087D008                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF319
P087D   P087D009                                                                $100 000 or mSTF319
P087D             25 to 34 years:
P087D   P087D010    Less than $5                                                            0STF319
P087D   P087D011                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF319
P087D   P087D012                                                                 $10 000 to $     999STF319
P087D   P087D013                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF319
P087D   P087D014                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF319
P087D   P087D015                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF319
P087D   P087D016                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF319
P087D   P087D017                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF319
P087D   P087D018                                                                $100 000 or mSTF319
P087D             35 to 44 years:
P087D   P087D019    Less than $5                                                            0STF319
P087D   P087D020                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF319
P087D   P087D021                                                                 $10 000 to $     999STF319
P087D   P087D022                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF319
P087D   P087D023                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF319
P087D   P087D024                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF319
P087D   P087D025                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF319
P087D   P087D026                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF319
P087D   P087D027                                                                $100 000 or mSTF319
P087D             45 to 54 years:
P087D   P087D028    Less than $5                                                            0STF319
P087D   P087D029                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF319
P087D   P087D030                                                                 $10 000 to $     999STF319
P087D   P087D031                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF319
P087D   P087D032                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF319
P087D   P087D033                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF319
P087D   P087D034                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF319
P087D   P087D035                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF319
P087D   P087D036                                                                $100 000 or mSTF319
P087D             55 to 64 years:
P087D   P087D037    Less than $5                                                            0STF319
P087D   P087D038                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF319
P087D   P087D039                                                                 $10 000 to $     999STF319
P087D   P087D040                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF319
P087D   P087D041                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF319
P087D   P087D042                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF319
P087D   P087D043                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF319
P087D   P087D044                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF319
P087D   P087D045                                                                $100 000 or mSTF319
P087D             65 to 74 years:
P087D   P087D046    Less than $5                                                            0STF319
P087D   P087D047                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF319
P087D   P087D048                                                                 $10 000 to $     999STF319
P087D   P087D049                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF319
P087D   P087D050                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF319
P087D   P087D051                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF319
P087D   P087D052                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF319
P087D   P087D053                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF319
P087D   P087D054                                                                $100 000 or mSTF319
P087D             75 years and over:
P087D   P087D055    Less than $5                                                            0STF319
P087D   P087D056                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF319
P087D   P087D057                                                                 $10 000 to $     999STF319
P087D   P087D058                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF319
P087D   P087D059                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF319
P087D   P087D060                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF319
P087D   P087D061                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF319
P087D   P087D062                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF319
P087D   P087D063                                                                $100 000 or mSTF319
P087E           IN 1989
P087E           Universe: Households with Other race householder
P087E             Under 25 years:
P087E   P087E001    Less than $5                                                            0STF320
P087E   P087E002                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF320
P087E   P087E003                                                                 $10 000 to $     999STF320
P087E   P087E004                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF320
P087E   P087E005                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF320
P087E   P087E006                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF320
P087E   P087E007                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF320
P087E   P087E008                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF320
P087E   P087E009                                                                $100 000 or mSTF320
P087E             25 to 34 years:
P087E   P087E010    Less than $5                                                            0STF320
P087E   P087E011                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF320
P087E   P087E012                                                                 $10 000 to $     999STF320
P087E   P087E013                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF320
P087E   P087E014                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF320
P087E   P087E015                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF320
P087E   P087E016                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF320
P087E   P087E017                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF320
P087E   P087E018                                                                $100 000 or mSTF320
P087E             35 to 44 years:
P087E   P087E019    Less than $5                                                            0STF320
P087E   P087E020                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF320
P087E   P087E021                                                                 $10 000 to $     999STF320
P087E   P087E022                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF320
P087E   P087E023                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF320
P087E   P087E024                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF320
P087E   P087E025                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF320
P087E   P087E026                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF320
P087E   P087E027                                                                $100 000 or mSTF320
P087E             45 to 54 years:
P087E   P087E028    Less than $5                                                            0STF320
P087E   P087E029                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF320
P087E   P087E030                                                                 $10 000 to $     999STF320
P087E   P087E031                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF320
P087E   P087E032                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF320
P087E   P087E033                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF320
P087E   P087E034                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF320
P087E   P087E035                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF320
P087E   P087E036                                                                $100 000 or mSTF320
P087E             55 to 64 years:
P087E   P087E037    Less than $5                                                            0STF320
P087E   P087E038                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF320
P087E   P087E039                                                                 $10 000 to $     999STF320
P087E   P087E040                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF320
P087E   P087E041                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF320
P087E   P087E042                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF320
P087E   P087E043                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF320
P087E   P087E044                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF320
P087E   P087E045                                                                $100 000 or mSTF320
P087E             65 to 74 years:
P087E   P087E046    Less than $5                                                            0STF320
P087E   P087E047                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF320
P087E   P087E048                                                                 $10 000 to $     999STF320
P087E   P087E049                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF320
P087E   P087E050                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF320
P087E   P087E051                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF320
P087E   P087E052                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF320
P087E   P087E053                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF320
P087E   P087E054                                                                $100 000 or mSTF320
P087E             75 years and over:
P087E   P087E055    Less than $5                                                            0STF320
P087E   P087E056                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF320
P087E   P087E057                                                                 $10 000 to $     999STF320
P087E   P087E058                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF320
P087E   P087E059                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF320
P087E   P087E060                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF320
P087E   P087E061                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF320
P087E   P087E062                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF320
P087E   P087E063                                                                $100 000 or mSTF320
P088            AGE OF HOUSEHOLDER BY HOUSEHOLD INCOME IN 1989                       STF321
P088            Universe: Households with householder of Hispanic origin
P088            Under 25 years:
P088    P0880001  Less than $5                                                              0STF321
P088    P0880002                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF321
P088    P0880003                                                                 $10 000 to $     999STF321
P088    P0880004                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF321
P088    P0880005                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF321
P088    P0880006                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF321
P088    P0880007                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF321
P088    P0880008                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF321
P088    P0880009                                                                $100 000 or mSTF321
P088            25 to 34 years:
P088    P0880010  Less than $5                                                              0STF321
P088    P0880011                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF321
P088    P0880012                                                                 $10 000 to $     999STF321
P088    P0880013                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF321
P088    P0880014                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF321
P088    P0880015                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF321
P088    P0880016                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF321
P088    P0880017                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF321
P088    P0880018                                                                $100 000 or mSTF321
P088            35 to 44 years:
P088    P0880019  Less than $5                                                              0STF321
P088    P0880020                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF321
P088    P0880021                                                                 $10 000 to $     999STF321
P088    P0880022                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF321
P088    P0880023                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF321
P088    P0880024                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF321
P088    P0880025                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF321
P088    P0880026                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF321
P088    P0880027                                                                $100 000 or mSTF321
P088            45 to 54 years:
P088    P0880028  Less than $5                                                              0STF321
P088    P0880029                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF321
P088    P0880030                                                                 $10 000 to $     999STF321
P088    P0880031                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF321
P088    P0880032                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF321
P088    P0880033                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF321
P088    P0880034                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF321
P088    P0880035                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF321
P088    P0880036                                                                $100 000 or mSTF321
P088            55 to 64 years:
P088    P0880037  Less than $5                                                              0STF321
P088    P0880038                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF321
P088    P0880039                                                                 $10 000 to $     999STF321
P088    P0880040                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF321
P088    P0880041                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF321
P088    P0880042                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF321
P088    P0880043                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF321
P088    P0880044                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF321
P088    P0880045                                                                $100 000 or mSTF321
P088            65 to 74 years:
P088    P0880046  Less than $5                                                              0STF321
P088    P0880047                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF321
P088    P0880048                                                                 $10 000 to $     999STF321
P088    P0880049                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF321
P088    P0880050                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF321
P088    P0880051                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF321
P088    P0880052                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF321
P088    P0880053                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF321
P088    P0880054                                                                $100 000 or mSTF321
P088            75 years and over:
P088    P0880055  Less than $5                                                              0STF321
P088    P0880056                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF321
P088    P0880057                                                                 $10 000 to $     999STF321
P088    P0880058                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF321
P088    P0880059                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF321
P088    P0880060                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF321
P088    P0880061                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF321
P088    P0880062                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF321
P088    P0880063                                                                $100 000 or mSTF321
P089            EARNINGS IN 1989                                                     STF321
P089            Universe: Households
P089    P0890001With earnings                                                        STF321
P089    P0890002No earnings                                                          STF321
P090            WAGE OR SALARY INCOME IN 1989                                        STF321
P090            Universe: Households
P090    P0900001With wage or salary income                                           STF321
P090    P0900002No wage or salary income                                             STF321
P091            NONFARM SELF-EMPLOYMENT INCOME IN 1989                               STF321
P091            Universe: Households
P091    P0910001With nonfarm self-employment income                                  STF321
P091    P0910002No nonfarm self-employment income                                    STF321
P092            FARM SELF-EMPLOYMENT INCOME IN 1989                                  STF321
P092            Universe: Households
P092    P0920001With farm self-employment income                                     STF321
P092    P0920002No farm self-employment income                                       STF321
P093            INTEREST                                                              DIVIDEN OR NET STF321
P093            Universe: Households
P093    P0930001With interest                                                         dividen or net STF321
P093    P0930002No interest                                                           dividen or net STF321
P094            SOCIAL SECURITY INCOME IN 1989                                       STF321
P094            Universe: Households
P094    P0940001With Social Security income                                          STF321
P094    P0940002No Social Security income                                            STF321
P095            PUBLIC ASSISTANCE INCOME IN 1989                                     STF321
P095            Universe: Households
P095    P0950001With public assistance income                                        STF321
P095    P0950002No public assistance income                                          STF321
P096            RETIREMENT INCOME IN 1989                                            STF321
P096            Universe: Households
P096    P0960001With retirement income                                               STF321
P096    P0960002No retirement income                                                 STF321
P097            OTHER TYPE OF INCOME IN 1989                                         STF321
P097            Universe: Households
P097    P0970001With other income                                                    STF321
P097    P0970002No other income                                                      STF321
P098            AGGREGATE WAGE OR SALARY INCOME IN 1989                              STF321
P098            Universe: Households
P098    P0980001Total                                                                STF321
P099            AGGREGATE NONFARM SELF-EMPLOYMENT INCOME IN 1989                     STF321
P099            Universe: Households
P099    P0990001Total                                                                STF321
P100            AGGREGATE FARM SELF-EMPLOYMENT INCOME IN 1989                        STF321
P100            Universe: Households
P100    P1000001Total                                                                STF321
P101            AGGREGATE INTEREST                                                    DIVIDEN OR NET STF321
P101            Universe: Households
P101    P1010001Total                                                                STF321
P102            AGGREGATE SOCIAL SECURITY INCOME IN 1989                             STF321
P102            Universe: Households
P102    P1020001Total                                                                STF321
P103            AGGREGATE PUBLIC ASSISTANCE INCOME IN 1989                           STF321
P103            Universe: Households
P103    P1030001Total                                                                STF321
P104            AGGREGATE RETIREMENT INCOME IN 1989                                  STF321
P104            Universe: Households
P104    P1040001Total                                                                STF321
P105            AGGREGATE OTHER TYPE OF INCOME IN 1989                               STF321
P105            Universe: Households
P105    P1050001Total                                                                STF321
P106            Universe: Persons in households
P106            Total:
P106              With public assistance income:
P106    P1060001    Under 15 years                                                   STF321
P106    P1060002    15 to 64 years                                                   STF321
P106    P1060003    65 years and over                                                STF321
P106              No public assistance income:
P106    P1060004    Under 15 years                                                   STF321
P106    P1060005    15 to 64 years                                                   STF321
P106    P1060006    65 years and over                                                STF321
P107            FAMILY INCOME IN 1989                                                STF321
P107            Universe: Families
P107    P1070001Less than $5                                                                0STF321
P107    P1070002                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF321
P107    P1070003                                                                 $10 000 to $     499STF321
P107    P1070004                                                                 $12 500 to $     999STF321
P107    P1070005                                                                 $15 000 to $     499STF321
P107    P1070006                                                                 $17 500 to $     999STF321
P107    P1070007                                                                 $20 000 to $     499STF321
P107    P1070008                                                                 $22 500 to $     999STF321
P107    P1070009                                                                 $25 000 to $     499STF321
P107    P1070010                                                                 $27 500 to $     999STF321
P107    P1070011                                                                 $30 000 to $     499STF321
P107    P1070012                                                                 $32 500 to $     999STF321
P107    P1070013                                                                 $35 000 to $     499STF321
P107    P1070014                                                                 $37 500 to $     999STF321
P107    P1070015                                                                 $40 000 to $     499STF321
P107    P1070016                                                                 $42 500 to $     999STF321
P107    P1070017                                                                 $45 000 to $     499STF321
P107    P1070018                                                                 $47 500 to $     999STF321
P107    P1070019                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF321
P107    P1070020                                                                 $55 000 to $     999STF321
P107    P1070021                                                                 $60 000 to $     999STF321
P107    P1070022                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF321
P107    P1070023                                                                $100 000 to $     999STF321
P107    P1070024                                                                $125 000 to $     999STF321
P107    P1070025                                                                $150 000 or mSTF321
P107A           MEDIAN FAMILY INCOME IN 1989                                         STF322
P107A           Universe: Families
P107A   P107A001Median family income in 1989                                         STF322
P108            AGGREGATE FAMILY INCOME IN 1989 BY FAMILY INCOME IN 1989             STF322
P108            Universe: Families
P108            Total:
P108    P1080001  Less than $150                                                            0STF322
P108    P1080002                                                                $150 000 or mSTF322
P109            OF CHILDREN
P109            Universe: Families
P109            Total:
P109              Married-couple family:
P109    P1090001    With own children under 18 years                                 STF322
P109    P1090002    No own children under 18 years                                   STF322
P109              Other family:
P109                Male householder                                                  no wife present:
P109    P1090003      With own children under 18 years                               STF322
P109    P1090004      No own children under 18 years                                 STF322
P109                Female householder                                                no husband present:
P109    P1090005      With own children under 18 years                               STF322
P109    P1090006      No own children under 18 years                                 STF322
P110            NONFAMILY HOUSEHOLD INCOME IN 1989                                   STF322
P110            Universe: Nonfamily households
P110    P1100001Less than $5                                                                0STF322
P110    P1100002                                                                  $5 000 to $     999STF322
P110    P1100003                                                                 $10 000 to $     499STF322
P110    P1100004                                                                 $12 500 to $     999STF322
P110    P1100005                                                                 $15 000 to $     499STF322
P110    P1100006                                                                 $17 500 to $     999STF322
P110    P1100007                                                                 $20 000 to $     499STF322
P110    P1100008                                                                 $22 500 to $     999STF322
P110    P1100009                                                                 $25 000 to $     499STF322
P110    P1100010                                                                 $27 500 to $     999STF322
P110    P1100011                                                                 $30 000 to $     499STF322
P110    P1100012                                                                 $32 500 to $     999STF322
P110    P1100013                                                                 $35 000 to $     499STF322
P110    P1100014                                                                 $37 500 to $     999STF322
P110    P1100015                                                                 $40 000 to $     499STF322
P110    P1100016                                                                 $42 500 to $     999STF322
P110    P1100017                                                                 $45 000 to $     499STF322
P110    P1100018                                                                 $47 500 to $     999STF322
P110    P1100019                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF322
P110    P1100020                                                                 $55 000 to $     999STF322
P110    P1100021                                                                 $60 000 to $     999STF322
P110    P1100022                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF322
P110    P1100023                                                                $100 000 to $     999STF322
P110    P1100024                                                                $125 000 to $     999STF322
P110    P1100025                                                                $150 000 or mSTF322
P110A           MEDIAN NONFAMILY HOUSEHOLD INCOME IN 1989                            STF322
P110A           Universe: Nonfamily households
P110A   P110A001Median nonfamily household income in 1989                            STF322
P111            INCOME IN 1989
P111            Universe: Nonfamily households
P111            Total:
P111    P1110001  Less than $150                                                            0STF322
P111    P1110002                                                                $150 000 or mSTF322
P112            WORKERS IN FAMILY IN 1989                                            STF322
P112            Universe: Families
P112    P1120001No workers                                                           STF322
P112    P11200021 worker                                                             STF322
P112    P11200032 workers                                                            STF322
P112    P11200043 or more workers                                                    STF322
P113            Universe: Families
P113            Total:
P113    P1130001  No workers                                                         STF322
P113    P1130002  1 worker                                                           STF322
P113    P1130003  2 workers                                                          STF322
P113    P1130004  3 or more workers                                                  STF322
P114            AGGREGATE INCOME IN 1989 BY GROUP QUARTERS                           STF322
P114            Universe: Persons 15 years and over
P114            Total:
P114    P1140001  In households                                                      STF322
P114              In group quarters:
P114    P1140002    Institutionalized persons                                        STF322
P114    P1140003    Other persons in group quarters                                  STF322
P114    P1140004  Filler                                                             STF322
P114A           PER CAPITA INCOME IN 1989                                            STF322
P114A           Universe: Persons
P114A   P114A001Per capita income in 1989                                            STF322
P114B           PER CAPITA INCOME IN 1989 BY GROUP QUARTERS                          STF322
P114B           Universe: Persons
P114B           Per capita income in 1989:
P114B   P114B001  In households                                                      STF322
P114B             In group quarters:
P114B   P114B002    Institutionalized persons                                        STF322
P114B   P114B003    Other persons in group quarters                                  STF322
P114B   P114B004  Filler                                                             STF322
P115            AGGREGATE INCOME IN 1989 BY RACE                                     STF322
P115            Universe: Persons 15 years and over
P115            Total:
P115    P1150001  White                                                              STF322
P115    P1150002  Black                                                              STF322
P115    P1150003  American Indian                                                     Eskimo  or AleuSTF322
P115    P1150004  Asian or Pacific Islander                                          STF322
P115    P1150005  Other race                                                         STF322
P115A           PER CAPITA INCOME IN 1989 BY RACE                                    STF322
P115A           Universe: Persons
P115A           Per capita income in 1989:
P115A   P115A001  White                                                              STF322
P115A   P115A002  Black                                                              STF322
P115A   P115A003  American Indian                                                     Eskimo  or AleuSTF322
P115A   P115A004  Asian or Pacific Islander                                          STF322
P115A   P115A005  Other race                                                         STF322
P116            AGGREGATE INCOME IN 1989                                             STF322
P116            Universe: Persons of Hispanic origin 15 years and over
P116    P1160001Total                                                                STF322
P116A           PER CAPITA INCOME IN 1989                                            STF322
P116A           Universe: Persons of Hispanic origin
P116A   P116A001Per capita income in 1989                                            STF322
P117            POVERTY STATUS IN 1989 BY AGE                                        STF322
P117            Universe: Persons for whom poverty status is determined
P117            Income in 1989 above poverty level:
P117    P1170001  Under 5 years                                                      STF322
P117    P1170002  5 years                                                            STF322
P117    P1170003  6 to 11 years                                                      STF322
P117    P1170004  12 to 17 years                                                     STF322
P117    P1170005  18 to 24 years                                                     STF322
P117    P1170006  25 to 34 years                                                     STF322
P117    P1170007  35 to 44 years                                                     STF322
P117    P1170008  45 to 54 years                                                     STF322
P117    P1170009  55 to 59 years                                                     STF322
P117    P1170010  60 to 64 years                                                     STF322
P117    P1170011  65 to 74 years                                                     STF322
P117    P1170012  75 years and over                                                  STF322
P117            Income in 1989 below poverty level:
P117    P1170013  Under 5 years                                                      STF322
P117    P1170014  5 years                                                            STF322
P117    P1170015  6 to 11 years                                                      STF322
P117    P1170016  12 to 17 years                                                     STF322
P117    P1170017  18 to 24 years                                                     STF322
P117    P1170018  25 to 34 years                                                     STF322
P117    P1170019  35 to 44 years                                                     STF322
P117    P1170020  45 to 54 years                                                     STF322
P117    P1170021  55 to 59 years                                                     STF322
P117    P1170022  60 to 64 years                                                     STF322
P117    P1170023  65 to 74 years                                                     STF322
P117    P1170024  75 years and over                                                  STF322
P118            POVERTY STATUS IN 1989 BY SEX BY AGE                                 STF322
P118            Universe: Persons for whom poverty status is determined
P118            Income in 1989 above poverty level:
P118              Male:
P118    P1180001    Under 5 years                                                    STF322
P118    P1180002    5 years                                                          STF322
P118    P1180003    6 to 11 years                                                    STF322
P118    P1180004    12 to 17 years                                                   STF322
P118    P1180005    18 to 64 years                                                   STF322
P118    P1180006    65 to 74 years                                                   STF322
P118    P1180007    75 years and over                                                STF322
P118              Female:
P118    P1180008    Under 5 years                                                    STF322
P118    P1180009    5 years                                                          STF322
P118    P1180010    6 to 11 years                                                    STF322
P118    P1180011    12 to 17 years                                                   STF322
P118    P1180012    18 to 64 years                                                   STF322
P118    P1180013    65 to 74 years                                                   STF322
P118    P1180014    75 years and over                                                STF322
P118            Income in 1989 below poverty level:
P118              Male:
P118    P1180015    Under 5 years                                                    STF322
P118    P1180016    5 years                                                          STF322
P118    P1180017    6 to 11 years                                                    STF322
P118    P1180018    12 to 17 years                                                   STF322
P118    P1180019    18 to 64 years                                                   STF322
P118    P1180020    65 to 74 years                                                   STF322
P118    P1180021    75 years and over                                                STF322
P118              Female:
P118    P1180022    Under 5 years                                                    STF322
P118    P1180023    5 years                                                          STF322
P118    P1180024    6 to 11 years                                                    STF322
P118    P1180025    12 to 17 years                                                   STF322
P118    P1180026    18 to 64 years                                                   STF322
P118    P1180027    65 to 74 years                                                   STF322
P118    P1180028    75 years and over                                                STF322
P119            POVERTY STATUS IN 1989 BY RACE BY AGE                                STF323
P119            Universe: Persons for whom poverty status is determined
P119            Income in 1989 above poverty level:
P119              White:
P119    P1190001    Under 5 years                                                    STF323
P119    P1190002    5 years                                                          STF323
P119    P1190003    6 to 11 years                                                    STF323
P119    P1190004    12 to 17 years                                                   STF323
P119    P1190005    18 to 64 years                                                   STF323
P119    P1190006    65 to 74 years                                                   STF323
P119    P1190007    75 years and over                                                STF323
P119              Black:
P119    P1190008    Under 5 years                                                    STF323
P119    P1190009    5 years                                                          STF323
P119    P1190010    6 to 11 years                                                    STF323
P119    P1190011    12 to 17 years                                                   STF323
P119    P1190012    18 to 64 years                                                   STF323
P119    P1190013    65 to 74 years                                                   STF323
P119    P1190014    75 years and over                                                STF323
P119              American Indian                                                     Eskimo  or Aleut:
P119    P1190015    Under 5 years                                                    STF323
P119    P1190016    5 years                                                          STF323
P119    P1190017    6 to 11 years                                                    STF323
P119    P1190018    12 to 17 years                                                   STF323
P119    P1190019    18 to 64 years                                                   STF323
P119    P1190020    65 to 74 years                                                   STF323
P119    P1190021    75 years and over                                                STF323
P119              Asian or Pacific Islander:
P119    P1190022    Under 5 years                                                    STF323
P119    P1190023    5 years                                                          STF323
P119    P1190024    6 to 11 years                                                    STF323
P119    P1190025    12 to 17 years                                                   STF323
P119    P1190026    18 to 64 years                                                   STF323
P119    P1190027    65 to 74 years                                                   STF323
P119    P1190028    75 years and over                                                STF323
P119              Other race:
P119    P1190029    Under 5 years                                                    STF323
P119    P1190030    5 years                                                          STF323
P119    P1190031    6 to 11 years                                                    STF323
P119    P1190032    12 to 17 years                                                   STF323
P119    P1190033    18 to 64 years                                                   STF323
P119    P1190034    65 to 74 years                                                   STF323
P119    P1190035    75 years and over                                                STF323
P119            Income in 1989 below poverty level:
P119              White:
P119    P1190036    Under 5 years                                                    STF323
P119    P1190037    5 years                                                          STF323
P119    P1190038    6 to 11 years                                                    STF323
P119    P1190039    12 to 17 years                                                   STF323
P119    P1190040    18 to 64 years                                                   STF323
P119    P1190041    65 to 74 years                                                   STF323
P119    P1190042    75 years and over                                                STF323
P119              Black:
P119    P1190043    Under 5 years                                                    STF323
P119    P1190044    5 years                                                          STF323
P119    P1190045    6 to 11 years                                                    STF323
P119    P1190046    12 to 17 years                                                   STF323
P119    P1190047    18 to 64 years                                                   STF323
P119    P1190048    65 to 74 years                                                   STF323
P119    P1190049    75 years and over                                                STF323
P119              American Indian                                                     Eskimo  or Aleut:
P119    P1190050    Under 5 years                                                    STF323
P119    P1190051    5 years                                                          STF323
P119    P1190052    6 to 11 years                                                    STF323
P119    P1190053    12 to 17 years                                                   STF323
P119    P1190054    18 to 64 years                                                   STF323
P119    P1190055    65 to 74 years                                                   STF323
P119    P1190056    75 years and over                                                STF323
P119              Asian or Pacific Islander:
P119    P1190057    Under 5 years                                                    STF323
P119    P1190058    5 years                                                          STF323
P119    P1190059    6 to 11 years                                                    STF323
P119    P1190060    12 to 17 years                                                   STF323
P119    P1190061    18 to 64 years                                                   STF323
P119    P1190062    65 to 74 years                                                   STF323
P119    P1190063    75 years and over                                                STF323
P119              Other race:
P119    P1190064    Under 5 years                                                    STF323
P119    P1190065    5 years                                                          STF323
P119    P1190066    6 to 11 years                                                    STF323
P119    P1190067    12 to 17 years                                                   STF323
P119    P1190068    18 to 64 years                                                   STF323
P119    P1190069    65 to 74 years                                                   STF323
P119    P1190070    75 years and over                                                STF323
P120            POVERTY STATUS IN 1989 BY AGE                                        STF323
P120            Universe: Persons of Hispanic origin for whom poverty status is
P120            Universe: determined
P120            Income in 1989 above poverty level:
P120    P1200001  Under 5 years                                                      STF323
P120    P1200002  5 years                                                            STF323
P120    P1200003  6 to 11 years                                                      STF323
P120    P1200004  12 to 17 years                                                     STF323
P120    P1200005  18 to 64 years                                                     STF323
P120    P1200006  65 to 74 years                                                     STF323
P120    P1200007  75 years and over                                                  STF323
P120            Income in 1989 below poverty level:
P120    P1200008  Under 5 years                                                      STF323
P120    P1200009  5 years                                                            STF323
P120    P1200010  6 to 11 years                                                      STF323
P120    P1200011  12 to 17 years                                                     STF323
P120    P1200012  18 to 64 years                                                     STF323
P120    P1200013  65 to 74 years                                                     STF323
P120    P1200014  75 years and over                                                  STF323
P121            RATIO OF INCOME IN 1989 TO POVERTY LEVEL                             STF323
P121            Universe: Persons for whom poverty status is determined
P121    P1210001Under .50                                                            STF323
P121    P1210002.50 to .74                                                           STF323
P121    P1210003.75 to .99                                                           STF323
P121    P12100041.00 to 1.24                                                         STF323
P121    P12100051.25 to 1.49                                                         STF323
P121    P12100061.50 to 1.74                                                         STF323
P121    P12100071.75 to 1.84                                                         STF323
P121    P12100081.85 to 1.99                                                         STF323
P121    P12100092.00 and over                                                        STF323
P122            Universe: Persons for whom poverty status is determined
P122            Income in 1989 above poverty level:
P122              15 to 64 years:
P122    P1220001    In married-couple family                                         STF324
P122                In other family:
P122    P1220002      Male householder                                                no wifeSTF324
P122    P1220003      Female householder                                              no husbSTF324
P122                Unrelated individuals:
P122    P1220004      In family households                                           STF324
P122                  In nonfamily households:
P122                    Householder:
P122    P1220005          Living alone                                               STF324
P122    P1220006          Not living alone                                           STF324
P122    P1220007        Nonrelatives                                                 STF324
P122    P1220008      In group quarters                                              STF324
P122    P1220009    Filler                                                           STF324
P122              65 to 74 years:
P122    P1220010    In married-couple family                                         STF324
P122                In other family:
P122    P1220011      Male householder                                                no wifeSTF324
P122    P1220012      Female householder                                              no husbSTF324
P122                Unrelated individuals:
P122    P1220013      In family households                                           STF324
P122                  In nonfamily households:
P122                    Householder:
P122    P1220014          Living alone                                               STF324
P122    P1220015          Not living alone                                           STF324
P122    P1220016        Nonrelatives                                                 STF324
P122    P1220017      In group quarters                                              STF324
P122    P1220018    Filler                                                           STF324
P122              75 years and over:
P122    P1220019    In married-couple family                                         STF324
P122                In other family:
P122    P1220020      Male householder                                                no wifeSTF324
P122    P1220021      Female householder                                              no husbSTF324
P122                Unrelated individuals:
P122    P1220022      In family households                                           STF324
P122                  In nonfamily households:
P122                    Householder:
P122    P1220023          Living alone                                               STF324
P122    P1220024          Not living alone                                           STF324
P122    P1220025        Nonrelatives                                                 STF324
P122    P1220026      In group quarters                                              STF324
P122    P1220027    Filler                                                           STF324
P122            Income in 1989 below poverty level
P122              15 to 64 years:
P122    P1220028    In married-couple family                                         STF324
P122                In other family:
P122    P1220029      Male householder                                                no wifeSTF324
P122    P1220030      Female householder                                              no husbSTF324
P122                Unrelated individuals:
P122    P1220031      In family households                                           STF324
P122                  In nonfamily households:
P122                    Householder:
P122    P1220032          Living alone                                               STF324
P122    P1220033          Not living alone                                           STF324
P122    P1220034        Nonrelatives                                                 STF324
P122    P1220035      In group quarters                                              STF324
P122    P1220036    Filler                                                           STF324
P122              65 to 74 years:
P122    P1220037    In married-couple family                                         STF324
P122                In other family:
P122    P1220038      Male householder                                                no wifeSTF324
P122    P1220039      Female householder                                              no husbSTF324
P122                Unrelated individuals:
P122    P1220040      In family households                                           STF324
P122                  In nonfamily households:
P122                    Householder:
P122    P1220041          Living alone                                               STF324
P122    P1220042          Not living alone                                           STF324
P122    P1220043        Nonrelatives                                                 STF324
P122    P1220044      In group quarters                                              STF324
P122    P1220045    Filler                                                           STF324
P122              75 years and over:
P122    P1220046    In married-couple family                                         STF324
P122                In other family:
P122    P1220047      Male householder                                                no wifeSTF324
P122    P1220048      Female householder                                              no husbSTF324
P122                Unrelated individuals:
P122    P1220049      In family households                                           STF324
P122                  In nonfamily households:
P122                    Householder:
P122    P1220050          Living alone                                               STF324
P122    P1220051          Not living alone                                           STF324
P122    P1220052        Nonrelatives                                                 STF324
P122    P1220053      In group quarters                                              STF324
P122    P1220054    Filler                                                           STF324
P123            CHILDREN
P123            Universe: Families
P123            Income in 1989 above poverty level:
P123              Married-couple family:
P123                With related children under 18 years:
P123    P1230001      Under 5 years only                                             STF324
P123    P1230002      5 to 17 years only                                             STF324
P123    P1230003      Under 5 years and 5 to 17 years                                STF324
P123    P1230004    No related children under 18 years                               STF324
P123              Other family:
P123                Male householder                                                  no wife present:
P123                  With related children under 18 years:
P123    P1230005        Under 5 years only                                           STF324
P123    P1230006        5 to 17 years only                                           STF324
P123    P1230007        Under 5 years and 5 to 17 years                              STF324
P123    P1230008      No related children under 18 years                             STF324
P123                Female householder                                                no husband present:
P123                  With related children under 18 years:
P123    P1230009        Under 5 years only                                           STF324
P123    P1230010        5 to 17 years only                                           STF324
P123    P1230011        Under 5 years and 5 to 17 years                              STF324
P123    P1230012      No related children under 18 years                             STF324
P123            Income in 1989 below poverty level:
P123              Married-couple family:
P123                With related children under 18 years:
P123    P1230013      Under 5 years only                                             STF324
P123    P1230014      5 to 17 years only                                             STF324
P123    P1230015      Under 5 years and 5 to 17 years                                STF324
P123    P1230016    No related children under 18 years                               STF324
P123              Other family:
P123                Male householder                                                  no wife present:
P123                  With related children under 18 years:
P123    P1230017        Under 5 years only                                           STF324
P123    P1230018        5 to 17 years only                                           STF324
P123    P1230019        Under 5 years and 5 to 17 years                              STF324
P123    P1230020      No related children under 18 years                             STF324
P123                Female householder                                                no husband present:
P123                  With related children under 18 years:
P123    P1230021        Under 5 years only                                           STF324
P123    P1230022        5 to 17 years only                                           STF324
P123    P1230023        Under 5 years and 5 to 17 years                              STF324
P123    P1230024      No related children under 18 years                             STF324
P124A           Universe: Families above the poverty level in 1989
P124A             White:
P124A               Married-couple family:
P124A                 With related children under 18 years:
P124A   P124A001        Under 5 years only                                           STF325
P124A   P124A002        5 to 17 years only                                           STF325
P124A   P124A003        Under 5 years and 5 to 17 years                              STF325
P124A   P124A004      No related children under 18 years                             STF325
P124A               Other family:
P124A                 Male householder                                                no wife present:
P124A                   With related children under 18 years:
P124A   P124A005          Under 5 years only                                         STF325
P124A   P124A006          5 to 17 years only                                         STF325
P124A   P124A007          Under 5 years and 5 to 17 years                            STF325
P124A   P124A008        No related children under 18 years                           STF325
P124A                 Female householder                                              no husband present:
P124A                   With related children under 18 years:
P124A   P124A009          Under 5 years only                                         STF325
P124A   P124A010          5 to 17 years only                                         STF325
P124A   P124A011          Under 5 years and 5 to 17 years                            STF325
P124A   P124A012        No related children under 18 years                           STF325
P124A             Black:
P124A               Married-couple family:
P124A                 With related children under 18 years:
P124A   P124A013        Under 5 years only                                           STF325
P124A   P124A014        5 to 17 years only                                           STF325
P124A   P124A015        Under 5 years and 5 to 17 years                              STF325
P124A   P124A016      No related children under 18 years                             STF325
P124A               Other family:
P124A                 Male householder                                                no wife present:
P124A                   With related children under 18 years:
P124A   P124A017          Under 5 years only                                         STF325
P124A   P124A018          5 to 17 years only                                         STF325
P124A   P124A019          Under 5 years and 5 to 17 years                            STF325
P124A   P124A020        No related children under 18 years                           STF325
P124A                 Female householder                                              no husband present:
P124A                   With related children under 18 years:
P124A   P124A021          Under 5 years only                                         STF325
P124A   P124A022          5 to 17 years only                                         STF325
P124A   P124A023          Under 5 years and 5 to 17 years                            STF325
P124A   P124A024        No related children under 18 years                           STF325
P124A             American Indian                                                     Eskimo  or Aleut:
P124A               Married-couple family:
P124A                 With related children under 18 years:
P124A   P124A025        Under 5 years only                                           STF325
P124A   P124A026        5 to 17 years only                                           STF325
P124A   P124A027        Under 5 years and 5 to 17 years                              STF325
P124A   P124A028      No related children under 18 years                             STF325
P124A               Other family:
P124A                 Male householder                                                no wife present:
P124A                   With related children under 18 years:
P124A   P124A029          Under 5 years only                                         STF325
P124A   P124A030          5 to 17 years only                                         STF325
P124A   P124A031          Under 5 years and 5 to 17 years                            STF325
P124A   P124A032        No related children under 18 years                           STF325
P124A                 Female householder                                              no husband present:
P124A                   With related children under 18 years:
P124A   P124A033          Under 5 years only                                         STF325
P124A   P124A034          5 to 17 years only                                         STF325
P124A   P124A035          Under 5 years and 5 to 17 years                            STF325
P124A   P124A036        No related children under 18 years                           STF325
P124A             Asian or Pacific Islander:
P124A               Married-couple family:
P124A                 With related children under 18 years:
P124A   P124A037        Under 5 years only                                           STF325
P124A   P124A038        5 to 17 years only                                           STF325
P124A   P124A039        Under 5 years and 5 to 17 years                              STF325
P124A   P124A040      No related children under 18 years                             STF325
P124A               Other family:
P124A                 Male householder                                                no wife present:
P124A                   With related children under 18 years:
P124A   P124A041          Under 5 years only                                         STF325
P124A   P124A042          5 to 17 years only                                         STF325
P124A   P124A043          Under 5 years and 5 to 17 years                            STF325
P124A   P124A044        No related children under 18 years                           STF325
P124A                 Female householder                                              no husband present:
P124A                   With related children under 18 years:
P124A   P124A045          Under 5 years only                                         STF325
P124A   P124A046          5 to 17 years only                                         STF325
P124A   P124A047          Under 5 years and 5 to 17 years                            STF325
P124A   P124A048        No related children under 18 years                           STF325
P124A             Other race:
P124A               Married-couple family:
P124A                 With related children under 18 years:
P124A   P124A049        Under 5 years only                                           STF325
P124A   P124A050        5 to 17 years only                                           STF325
P124A   P124A051        Under 5 years and 5 to 17 years                              STF325
P124A   P124A052      No related children under 18 years                             STF325
P124A               Other family:
P124A                 Male householder                                                no wife present:
P124A                   With related children under 18 years:
P124A   P124A053          Under 5 years only                                         STF325
P124A   P124A054          5 to 17 years only                                         STF325
P124A   P124A055          Under 5 years and 5 to 17 years                            STF325
P124A   P124A056        No related children under 18 years                           STF325
P124A                 Female householder                                              no husband present:
P124A                   With related children under 18 years:
P124A   P124A057          Under 5 years only                                         STF325
P124A   P124A058          5 to 17 years only                                         STF325
P124A   P124A059          Under 5 years and 5 to 17 years                            STF325
P124A   P124A060        No related children under 18 years                           STF325
P124B           Universe: Families below the poverty level in 1989
P124B             White:
P124B               Married-couple family:
P124B                 With related children under 18 years:
P124B   P124B001        Under 5 years only                                           STF325
P124B   P124B002        5 to 17 years only                                           STF325
P124B   P124B003        Under 5 years and 5 to 17 years                              STF325
P124B   P124B004      No related children under 18 years                             STF325
P124B               Other family:
P124B                 Male householder                                                no wife present:
P124B                   With related children under 18 years:
P124B   P124B005          Under 5 years only                                         STF325
P124B   P124B006          5 to 17 years only                                         STF325
P124B   P124B007          Under 5 years and 5 to 17 years                            STF325
P124B   P124B008        No related children under 18 years                           STF325
P124B                 Female householder                                              no husband present:
P124B                   With related children under 18 years:
P124B   P124B009          Under 5 years only                                         STF325
P124B   P124B010          5 to 17 years only                                         STF325
P124B   P124B011          Under 5 years and 5 to 17 years                            STF325
P124B   P124B012        No related children under 18 years                           STF325
P124B             Black:
P124B               Married-couple family:
P124B                 With related children under 18 years:
P124B   P124B013        Under 5 years only                                           STF325
P124B   P124B014        5 to 17 years only                                           STF325
P124B   P124B015        Under 5 years and 5 to 17 years                              STF325
P124B   P124B016      No related children under 18 years                             STF325
P124B               Other family:
P124B                 Male householder                                                no wife present:
P124B                   With related children under 18 years:
P124B   P124B017          Under 5 years only                                         STF325
P124B   P124B018          5 to 17 years only                                         STF325
P124B   P124B019          Under 5 years and 5 to 17 years                            STF325
P124B   P124B020        No related children under 18 years                           STF325
P124B                 Female householder                                              no husband present:
P124B                   With related children under 18 years:
P124B   P124B021          Under 5 years only                                         STF325
P124B   P124B022          5 to 17 years only                                         STF325
P124B   P124B023          Under 5 years and 5 to 17 years                            STF325
P124B   P124B024        No related children under 18 years                           STF325
P124B             American Indian                                                     Eskimo  or Aleut:
P124B               Married-couple family:
P124B                 With related children under 18 years:
P124B   P124B025        Under 5 years only                                           STF325
P124B   P124B026        5 to 17 years only                                           STF325
P124B   P124B027        Under 5 years and 5 to 17 years                              STF325
P124B   P124B028      No related children under 18 years                             STF325
P124B               Other family:
P124B                 Male householder                                                no wife present:
P124B                   With related children under 18 years:
P124B   P124B029          Under 5 years only                                         STF325
P124B   P124B030          5 to 17 years only                                         STF325
P124B   P124B031          Under 5 years and 5 to 17 years                            STF325
P124B   P124B032        No related children under 18 years                           STF325
P124B                 Female householder                                              no husband present:
P124B                   With related children under 18 years:
P124B   P124B033          Under 5 years only                                         STF325
P124B   P124B034          5 to 17 years only                                         STF325
P124B   P124B035          Under 5 years and 5 to 17 years                            STF325
P124B   P124B036        No related children under 18 years                           STF325
P124B             Asian or Pacific Islander:
P124B               Married-couple family:
P124B                 With related children under 18 years:
P124B   P124B037        Under 5 years only                                           STF325
P124B   P124B038        5 to 17 years only                                           STF325
P124B   P124B039        Under 5 years and 5 to 17 years                              STF325
P124B   P124B040      No related children under 18 years                             STF325
P124B               Other family:
P124B                 Male householder                                                no wife present:
P124B                   With related children under 18 years:
P124B   P124B041          Under 5 years only                                         STF325
P124B   P124B042          5 to 17 years only                                         STF325
P124B   P124B043          Under 5 years and 5 to 17 years                            STF325
P124B   P124B044        No related children under 18 years                           STF325
P124B                 Female householder                                              no husband present:
P124B                   With related children under 18 years:
P124B   P124B045          Under 5 years only                                         STF325
P124B   P124B046          5 to 17 years only                                         STF325
P124B   P124B047          Under 5 years and 5 to 17 years                            STF325
P124B   P124B048        No related children under 18 years                           STF325
P124B             Other race:
P124B               Married-couple family:
P124B                 With related children under 18 years:
P124B   P124B049        Under 5 years only                                           STF325
P124B   P124B050        5 to 17 years only                                           STF325
P124B   P124B051        Under 5 years and 5 to 17 years                              STF325
P124B   P124B052      No related children under 18 years                             STF325
P124B               Other family:
P124B                 Male householder                                                no wife present:
P124B                   With related children under 18 years:
P124B   P124B053          Under 5 years only                                         STF325
P124B   P124B054          5 to 17 years only                                         STF325
P124B   P124B055          Under 5 years and 5 to 17 years                            STF325
P124B   P124B056        No related children under 18 years                           STF325
P124B                 Female householder                                              no husband present:
P124B                   With related children under 18 years:
P124B   P124B057          Under 5 years only                                         STF325
P124B   P124B058          5 to 17 years only                                         STF325
P124B   P124B059          Under 5 years and 5 to 17 years                            STF325
P124B   P124B060        No related children under 18 years                           STF325
P125            CHILDREN
P125            Universe: Families with householder of Hispanic origin
P125            Income in 1989 above poverty level:
P125              Married-couple family:
P125                With related children under 18 years:
P125    P1250001      Under 5 years only                                             STF326
P125    P1250002      5 to 17 years only                                             STF326
P125    P1250003      Under 5 years and 5 to 17 years                                STF326
P125    P1250004    No related children under 18 years                               STF326
P125              Other family:
P125                Male householder                                                  no wife present:
P125                  With related children under 18 years:
P125    P1250005        Under 5 years only                                           STF326
P125    P1250006        5 to 17 years only                                           STF326
P125    P1250007        Under 5 years and 5 to 17 years                              STF326
P125    P1250008      No related children under 18 years                             STF326
P125                Female householder                                                no husband present:
P125                  With related children under 18 years:
P125    P1250009        Under 5 years only                                           STF326
P125    P1250010        5 to 17 years only                                           STF326
P125    P1250011        Under 5 years and 5 to 17 years                              STF326
P125    P1250012      No related children under 18 years                             STF326
P125            Income in 1989 below poverty level:
P125              Married-couple family:
P125                With related children under 18 years:
P125    P1250013      Under 5 years only                                             STF326
P125    P1250014      5 to 17 years only                                             STF326
P125    P1250015      Under 5 years and 5 to 17 years                                STF326
P125    P1250016    No related children under 18 years                               STF326
P125              Other family:
P125                Male householder                                                  no wife present:
P125                  With related children under 18 years:
P125    P1250017        Under 5 years only                                           STF326
P125    P1250018        5 to 17 years only                                           STF326
P125    P1250019        Under 5 years and 5 to 17 years                              STF326
P125    P1250020      No related children under 18 years                             STF326
P125                Female householder                                                no husband present:
P125                  With related children under 18 years:
P125    P1250021        Under 5 years only                                           STF326
P125    P1250022        5 to 17 years only                                           STF326
P125    P1250023        Under 5 years and 5 to 17 years                              STF326
P125    P1250024      No related children under 18 years                             STF326
P126            POVERTY STATUS IN 1989 BY FAMILY TYPE AND AGE                        STF326
P126            Universe: Related children under 18 years
P126            Income in 1989 above poverty level:
P126              In married-couple family:
P126    P1260001    Under 5 years                                                    STF326
P126    P1260002    5 years                                                          STF326
P126    P1260003    6 to 17 years                                                    STF326
P126              In other family:
P126                Male householder                                                  no wife present:
P126    P1260004      Under 5 years                                                  STF326
P126    P1260005      5 years                                                        STF326
P126    P1260006      6 to 17 years                                                  STF326
P126                Female householder                                                no husband present:
P126    P1260007      Under 5 years                                                  STF326
P126    P1260008      5 years                                                        STF326
P126    P1260009      6 to 17 years                                                  STF326
P126            Income in 1989 below poverty level:
P126              In married-couple family:
P126    P1260010    Under 5 years                                                    STF326
P126    P1260011    5 years                                                          STF326
P126    P1260012    6 to 17 years                                                    STF326
P126              In other family:
P126                Male householder                                                  no wife present:
P126    P1260013      Under 5 years                                                  STF326
P126    P1260014      5 years                                                        STF326
P126    P1260015      6 to 17 years                                                  STF326
P126                Female householder                                                no husband present:
P126    P1260016      Under 5 years                                                  STF326
P126    P1260017      5 years                                                        STF326
P126    P1260018      6 to 17 years                                                  STF326
P127            Universe: Households
P127            Income in 1989 above poverty level:
P127              Householder 15 to 64 years:
P127    P1270001    Married-couple family                                            STF326
P127                Other family:
P127    P1270002      Male householder                                                no wifeSTF326
P127    P1270003      Female householder                                              no husbSTF326
P127                Nonfamily households:
P127    P1270004      Householder living alone                                       STF326
P127    P1270005      Householder not living alone                                   STF326
P127              Householder 65 to 74 years:
P127    P1270006    Married-couple family                                            STF326
P127                Other family:
P127    P1270007      Male householder                                                no wifeSTF326
P127    P1270008      Female householder                                              no husbSTF326
P127                Nonfamily households:
P127    P1270009      Householder living alone                                       STF326
P127    P1270010      Householder not living alone                                   STF326
P127              Householder 75 years and over:
P127    P1270011    Married-couple family                                            STF326
P127                Other family:
P127    P1270012      Male householder                                                no wifeSTF326
P127    P1270013      Female householder                                              no husbSTF326
P127                Nonfamily households:
P127    P1270014      Householder living alone                                       STF326
P127    P1270015      Householder not living alone                                   STF326
P127            Income in 1989 below poverty level:
P127              Householder 15 to 64 years:
P127    P1270016    Married-couple family                                            STF326
P127                Other family:
P127    P1270017      Male householder                                                no wifeSTF326
P127    P1270018      Female householder                                              no husbSTF326
P127                Nonfamily households:
P127    P1270019      Householder living alone                                       STF326
P127    P1270020      Householder not living alone                                   STF326
P127              Householder 65 to 74 years:
P127    P1270021    Married-couple family                                            STF326
P127                Other family:
P127    P1270022      Male householder                                                no wifeSTF326
P127    P1270023      Female householder                                              no husbSTF326
P127                Nonfamily households:
P127    P1270024      Householder living alone                                       STF326
P127    P1270025      Householder not living alone                                   STF326
P127              Householder 75 years and over:
P127    P1270026    Married-couple family                                            STF326
P127                Other family:
P127    P1270027      Male householder                                                no wifeSTF326
P127    P1270028      Female householder                                              no husbSTF326
P127                Nonfamily households:
P127    P1270029      Householder living alone                                       STF326
P127    P1270030      Householder not living alone                                   STF326
P128            IMPUTATION OF POPULATION ITEMS                                       STF326
P128            Universe: Persons
P128    P1280001  No items allocated                                                 STF326
P128    P1280002  One or more items allocated                                        STF326
P128    P1280003Filler                                                               STF326
P129            IMPUTATION OF RELATIONSHIP                                           STF326
P129            Universe: Persons in households
P129    P1290001Allocated                                                            STF326
P129    P1290002Not allocated                                                        STF326
P130            IMPUTATION OF SEX                                                    STF326
P130            Universe: Persons
P130    P1300001  Allocated                                                          STF326
P130    P1300002  Not allocated                                                      STF326
P130    P1300003Filler                                                               STF326
P131            IMPUTATION OF AGE                                                    STF326
P131            Universe: Persons
P131    P1310001  Allocated                                                          STF326
P131    P1310002  Not allocated                                                      STF326
P131    P1310003Filler                                                               STF326
P132            IMPUTATION OF RACE                                                   STF326
P132            Universe: Persons
P132    P1320001  Allocated                                                          STF326
P132    P1320002  Not allocated                                                      STF326
P132    P1320003Filler                                                               STF326
P133            IMPUTATION OF MARITAL STATUS                                         STF326
P133            Universe: Persons 15 years and over
P133    P1330001  Allocated                                                          STF326
P133    P1330002  Not allocated                                                      STF326
P133    P1330003Filler                                                               STF326
P134            IMPUTATION OF HISPANIC ORIGIN                                        STF326
P134            Universe: Persons
P134    P1340001  Allocated                                                          STF326
P134    P1340002  Not allocated                                                      STF326
P134    P1340003Filler                                                               STF326
P135            IMPUTATION OF GROUP QUARTERS                                         STF326
P135            Universe: Persons in group quarters
P135    P1350001Allocated                                                            STF326
P135    P1350002Not allocated                                                        STF326
P136            IMPUTATION OF PLACE OF BIRTH                                         STF326
P136            Universe: Persons
P136    P1360001  Allocated                                                          STF326
P136    P1360002  Not allocated                                                      STF326
P136    P1360003Filler                                                               STF326
P137            IMPUTATION OF CITIZENSHIP                                            STF326
P137            Universe: Persons
P137    P1370001  Allocated                                                          STF326
P137    P1370002  Not allocated                                                      STF326
P137    P1370003Filler                                                               STF326
P138            IMPUTATION OF YEAR OF ENTRY                                          STF326
P138            Universe: Foreign-born persons
P138    P1380001  Allocated                                                          STF326
P138    P1380002  Not allocated                                                      STF326
P138    P1380003Filler                                                               STF326
P139            IMPUTATION OF SCHOOL ENROLLMENT                                      STF326
P139            Universe: Persons 3 years and over
P139    P1390001  Allocated                                                          STF326
P139    P1390002  Not allocated                                                      STF326
P139    P1390003Filler                                                               STF326
P140            IMPUTATION OF EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT                                 STF326
P140            Universe: Persons 18 years and over
P140    P1400001  Allocated                                                          STF326
P140    P1400002  Not allocated                                                      STF326
P140    P1400003Filler                                                               STF326
P141            IMPUTATION OF EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT                                 STF326
P141            Universe: Persons 25 years and over
P141    P1410001  Allocated                                                          STF326
P141    P1410002  Not allocated                                                      STF326
P141    P1410003Filler                                                               STF326
P142            IMPUTATION OF ANCESTRY                                               STF326
P142            Universe: Persons
P142    P1420001  Allocated                                                          STF326
P142    P1420002  Not allocated                                                      STF326
P142    P1420003Filler                                                               STF326
P143            IMPUTATION OF MOBILITY STATUS                                        STF326
P143            Universe: Persons 5 years and over
P143    P1430001  Allocated                                                          STF326
P143    P1430002  Not allocated                                                      STF326
P143    P1430003Filler                                                               STF326
P144            IMPUTATION OF RESIDENCE IN 1985                                      STF327
P144            Universe: Persons 5 years and over
P144            Different house in 1985:
P144                Allocated:
P144    P1440001      One or more but not all geographic parts allocated             STF327
P144    P1440002      All geographic parts allocated                                 STF327
P144    P1440003    Not allocated                                                    STF327
P144    P1440004  Filler                                                             STF327
P144    P1440005Same house in 1985                                                   STF327
P145            IMPUTATION OF LANGUAGE STATUS                                        STF327
P145            Universe: Persons 5 years and over
P145    P1450001  Allocated                                                          STF327
P145    P1450002  Not allocated                                                      STF327
P145    P1450003Filler                                                               STF327
P146            IMPUTATION OF LANGUAGE SPOKEN AT HOME                                STF327
P146            Universe: Persons 5 years and over
P146    P1460001Speak only English                                                   STF327
P146            Speak other language:
P146    P1460002    Allocated                                                        STF327
P146    P1460003    Not allocated                                                    STF327
P146    P1460004  Filler                                                             STF327
P147            IMPUTATION OF ABILITY TO SPEAK ENGLISH                               STF327
P147            Universe: Persons 5 years and over
P147    P1470001Speak only English                                                   STF327
P147            Speak other language:
P147    P1470002    Allocated                                                        STF327
P147    P1470003    Not allocated                                                    STF327
P147    P1470004  Filler                                                             STF327
P148            IMPUTATION OF VETERAN STATUS                                         STF327
P148            Universe: Persons 16 years and over
P148    P1480001  Allocated                                                          STF327
P148    P1480002  Not allocated                                                      STF327
P148    P1480003Filler                                                               STF327
P149            IMPUTATION OF PERIOD OF MILITARY SERVICE                             STF327
P149            Universe: Civilian veterans 16 years and over
P149    P1490001  Allocated                                                          STF327
P149    P1490002  Not allocated                                                      STF327
P149    P1490003Filler                                                               STF327
P150            IMPUTATION OF WORK DISABILITY STATUS                                 STF327
P150            Universe: Civilian noninstitutionalized persons 16 years and over
P150    P1500001  Allocated                                                          STF327
P150    P1500002  Not allocated                                                      STF327
P150    P1500003Filler                                                               STF327
P151            IMPUTATION OF MOBILITY LIMITATION STATUS                             STF327
P151            Universe: Civilian noninstitutionalized persons 16 years and over
P151    P1510001  Allocated                                                          STF327
P151    P1510002  Not allocated                                                      STF327
P151    P1510003Filler                                                               STF327
P152            IMPUTATION OF SELF-CARE LIMITATION STATUS                            STF327
P152            Universe: Civilian noninstitutionalized persons 16 years and over
P152    P1520001  Allocated                                                          STF327
P152    P1520002  Not allocated                                                      STF327
P152    P1520003Filler                                                               STF327
P153            IMPUTATION OF CHILDREN EVER BORN                                     STF327
P153            Universe: Females 15 years and over
P153    P1530001  Allocated                                                          STF327
P153    P1530002  Not allocated                                                      STF327
P153    P1530003Filler                                                               STF327
P154            IMPUTATION OF PLACE OF WORK                                          STF327
P154            Universe: Workers 16 years and over
P154              Allocated:
P154    P1540001    One or more but not all geographic parts allocated               STF327
P154    P1540002    All geographic parts allocated                                   STF327
P154    P1540003  Not allocated                                                      STF327
P154    P1540004Filler                                                               STF327
P155            IMPUTATION OF MEANS OF TRANSPORTATION TO WORK                        STF327
P155            Universe: Workers 16 years and over
P155    P1550001  Allocated                                                          STF327
P155    P1550002  Not allocated                                                      STF327
P155    P1550003Filler                                                               STF327
P156            IMPUTATION OF PRIVATE VEHICLE OCCUPANCY                              STF327
P156            Universe: Workers 16 years and over
P156            Car                                                                   truck   or van:
P156    P1560001    Allocated                                                        STF327
P156    P1560002    Not allocated                                                    STF327
P156    P1560003  Filler                                                             STF327
P156    P1560004Other means                                                          STF327
P157            IMPUTATION OF TIME LEAVING HOME TO GO TO WORK                        STF327
P157            Universe: Workers 16 years and over
P157            Did not work at home:
P157    P1570001    Allocated                                                        STF327
P157    P1570002    Not allocated                                                    STF327
P157    P1570003  Filler                                                             STF327
P157    P1570004Worked at home                                                       STF327
P158            IMPUTATION OF TRAVEL TIME TO WORK                                    STF327
P158            Universe: Workers 16 years and over
P158            Did not work at home:
P158    P1580001    Allocated                                                        STF327
P158    P1580002    Not allocated                                                    STF327
P158    P1580003  Filler                                                             STF327
P158    P1580004Worked at home                                                       STF327
P159            IMPUTATION OF EMPLOYMENT STATUS                                      STF327
P159            Universe: Persons 16 years and over
P159    P1590001  Allocated                                                          STF327
P159    P1590002  Not allocated                                                      STF327
P159    P1590003Filler                                                               STF327
P160            IMPUTATION OF WORK STATUS IN 1989                                    STF327
P160            Universe: Persons 16 years and over
P160    P1600001  Allocated                                                          STF327
P160    P1600002  Not allocated                                                      STF327
P160    P1600003Filler                                                               STF327
P161            IMPUTATION OF USUAL HOURS WORKED PER WEEK IN 1989                    STF327
P161            Universe: Persons 16 years and over
P161            Worked in 1989:
P161    P1610001    Allocated                                                        STF327
P161    P1610002    Not allocated                                                    STF327
P161    P1610003  Filler                                                             STF327
P161    P1610004Did not work in 1989                                                 STF327
P162            IMPUTATION OF WEEKS WORKED IN 1989                                   STF327
P162            Universe: Persons 16 years and over
P162            Worked in 1989:
P162    P1620001    Allocated                                                        STF327
P162    P1620002    Not allocated                                                    STF327
P162    P1620003  Filler                                                             STF327
P162    P1620004Did not work in 1989                                                 STF327
P163            IMPUTATION OF INDUSTRY                                               STF327
P163            Universe: Employed persons 16 years and over
P163    P1630001  Allocated                                                          STF327
P163    P1630002  Not allocated                                                      STF327
P163    P1630003Filler                                                               STF327
P164            IMPUTATION OF OCCUPATION                                             STF327
P164            Universe: Employed persons 16 years and over
P164    P1640001  Allocated                                                          STF327
P164    P1640002  Not allocated                                                      STF327
P164    P1640003Filler                                                               STF327
P165            IMPUTATION OF CLASS OF WORKER                                        STF327
P165            Universe: Employed persons 16 years and over
P165    P1650001  Allocated                                                          STF327
P165    P1650002  Not allocated                                                      STF327
P165    P1650003Filler                                                               STF327
P166            IMPUTATION OF INCOME IN 1989                                         STF327
P166            Universe: Persons 15 years and over
P166    P1660001  Allocated                                                          STF327
P166    P1660002  Not allocated                                                      STF327
P166    P1660003Filler                                                               STF327
P167            IMPUTATION OF HOUSEHOLD INCOME IN 1989                               STF327
P167            Universe: Households
P167    P1670001Allocated                                                            STF327
P167    P1670002Not allocated                                                        STF327
P168            IMPUTATION OF FAMILY INCOME IN 1989                                  STF327
P168            Universe: Families
P168    P1680001Allocated                                                            STF327
P168    P1680002Not allocated                                                        STF327
P169            IMPUTATION OF NONFAMILY HOUSEHOLD INCOME IN 1989                     STF327
P169            Universe: Nonfamily households
P169    P1690001Allocated                                                            STF327
P169    P1690002Not allocated                                                        STF327
P170            IMPUTATION OF POVERTY STATUS IN 1989                                 STF327
P170            Universe: Persons for whom poverty status is determined
P170    P1700001  Allocated                                                          STF327
P170    P1700002  Not allocated                                                      STF327
P170    P1700003Filler                                                               STF327
H001            HOUSING UNITS                                                        STF327
H001            Universe: Housing units
H001    H0010001Total                                                                STF327
H002            UNWEIGHTED SAMPLE COUNT OF HOUSING UNITS                             STF327
H002            Universe: Housing units
H002    H0020001Total                                                                STF327
H003            100-PERCENT COUNT OF HOUSING UNITS                                   STF327
H003            Universe: Housing units
H003    H0030001Total                                                                STF327
H003A           PERCENT OF HOUSING UNITS IN SAMPLE                                   STF327
H003A           Universe: Housing units
H003A   H003A001Total                                                                STF327
H004            OCCUPANCY STATUS                                                     STF327
H004            Universe: Housing units
H004    H0040001Occupied                                                             STF327
H004    H0040002Vacant                                                               STF327
H005            URBAN AND RURAL                                                      STF327
H005            Universe: Housing units
H005            Urban:
H005    H0050001  Inside urbanized area                                              STF327
H005    H0050002  Outside urbanized area                                             STF327
H005            Rural:
H005    H0050003  Farm                                                               STF327
H005    H0050004  Nonfarm                                                            STF327
H006            CONDOMINIUM STATUS BY VACANCY STATUS                                 STF327
H006            Universe: Vacant housing units
H006            Condominium:
H006    H0060001  For rent                                                           STF327
H006    H0060002  For sale only                                                      STF327
H006    H0060003  For seasonal                                                        recreat or occaSTF327
H006    H0060004  All other vacants                                                  STF327
H006            Not condominium:
H006    H0060005  For rent                                                           STF327
H006    H0060006  For sale only                                                      STF327
H006    H0060007  For seasonal                                                        recreat or occaSTF327
H006    H0060008  All other vacants                                                  STF327
H007            Universe: Occupied housing units
H007            Condominium:
H007              Owner occupied:
H007    H0070001    With a mortgage                                                  STF327
H007    H0070002    Not mortgaged                                                    STF327
H007    H0070003  Renter occupied                                                    STF327
H007            Not condominium:
H007              Owner occupied:
H007    H0070004    With a mortgage                                                  STF327
H007    H0070005    Not mortgaged                                                    STF327
H007    H0070006  Renter occupied                                                    STF327
H008            TENURE                                                               STF327
H008            Universe: Occupied housing units
H008    H0080001Owner occupied                                                       STF327
H008    H0080002Renter occupied                                                      STF327
H009            RACE OF HOUSEHOLDER                                                  STF327
H009            Universe: Occupied housing units
H009    H0090001White                                                                STF327
H009    H0090002Black                                                                STF327
H009    H0090003American Indian                                                       Eskimo  or AleuSTF327
H009    H0090004Asian or Pacific Islander                                            STF327
H009    H0090005Other race                                                           STF327
H010            TENURE BY RACE OF HOUSEHOLDER                                        STF328
H010            Universe: Occupied housing units
H010            Owner occupied:
H010    H0100001  White                                                              STF328
H010    H0100002  Black                                                              STF328
H010    H0100003  American Indian                                                     Eskimo  or AleuSTF328
H010    H0100004  Asian or Pacific Islander                                          STF328
H010    H0100005  Other race                                                         STF328
H010            Renter occupied:
H010    H0100006  White                                                              STF328
H010    H0100007  Black                                                              STF328
H010    H0100008  American Indian                                                     Eskimo  or AleuSTF328
H010    H0100009  Asian or Pacific Islander                                          STF328
H010    H0100010  Other race                                                         STF328
H011            Universe: Occupied housing units
H011            Not of Hispanic origin:
H011    H0110001  White                                                              STF328
H011    H0110002  Black                                                              STF328
H011    H0110003  American Indian                                                     Eskimo  or AleuSTF328
H011    H0110004  Asian or Pacific Islander                                          STF328
H011    H0110005  Other race                                                         STF328
H011            Hispanic origin:
H011    H0110006  White                                                              STF328
H011    H0110007  Black                                                              STF328
H011    H0110008  American Indian                                                     Eskimo  or AleuSTF328
H011    H0110009  Asian or Pacific Islander                                          STF328
H011    H0110010  Other race                                                         STF328
H012            TENURE BY RACE OF HOUSEHOLDER                                        STF328
H012            Universe: Occupied housing units with householder of Hispanic origin
H012            Owner occupied:
H012    H0120001  White                                                              STF328
H012    H0120002  Black                                                              STF328
H012    H0120003  American Indian                                                     Eskimo  or AleuSTF328
H012    H0120004  Asian or Pacific Islander                                          STF328
H012    H0120005  Other race                                                         STF328
H012            Renter occupied:
H012    H0120006  White                                                              STF328
H012    H0120007  Black                                                              STF328
H012    H0120008  American Indian                                                     Eskimo  or AleuSTF328
H012    H0120009  Asian or Pacific Islander                                          STF328
H012    H0120010  Other race                                                         STF328
H013            TENURE BY AGE OF HOUSEHOLDER                                         STF328
H013            Universe: Occupied housing units
H013            Owner occupied:
H013    H0130001  15 to 24 years                                                     STF328
H013    H0130002  25 to 34 years                                                     STF328
H013    H0130003  35 to 44 years                                                     STF328
H013    H0130004  45 to 54 years                                                     STF328
H013    H0130005  55 to 64 years                                                     STF328
H013    H0130006  65 to 74 years                                                     STF328
H013    H0130007  75 years and over                                                  STF328
H013            Renter occupied:
H013    H0130008  15 to 24 years                                                     STF328
H013    H0130009  25 to 34 years                                                     STF328
H013    H0130010  35 to 44 years                                                     STF328
H013    H0130011  45 to 54 years                                                     STF328
H013    H0130012  55 to 64 years                                                     STF328
H013    H0130013  65 to 74 years                                                     STF328
H013    H0130014  75 years and over                                                  STF328
H014            Universe: Persons in occupied housing units
H014            Total:
H014              Owner occupied:
H014    H0140001    White                                                            STF328
H014    H0140002    Black                                                            STF328
H014    H0140003    American Indian                                                   Eskimo  or AleuSTF328
H014    H0140004    Asian or Pacific Islander                                        STF328
H014    H0140005    Other race                                                       STF328
H014              Renter occupied:
H014    H0140006    White                                                            STF328
H014    H0140007    Black                                                            STF328
H014    H0140008    American Indian                                                   Eskimo  or AleuSTF328
H014    H0140009    Asian or Pacific Islander                                        STF328
H014    H0140010    Other race                                                       STF328
H015            AGGREGATE PERSONS BY TENURE                                          STF328
H015            Universe: Persons in occupied housing units with householder of
H015            Universe: Hispanic origin
H015            Total:
H015    H0150001  Owner occupied                                                     STF328
H015    H0150002  Renter occupied                                                    STF328
H016            ROOMS                                                                STF328
H016            Universe: Housing units
H016    H01600011 room                                                               STF328
H016    H01600022 rooms                                                              STF328
H016    H01600033 rooms                                                              STF328
H016    H01600044 rooms                                                              STF328
H016    H01600055 rooms                                                              STF328
H016    H01600066 rooms                                                              STF328
H016    H01600077 rooms                                                              STF328
H016    H01600088 rooms                                                              STF328
H016    H01600099 or more rooms                                                      STF328
H017            AGGREGATE ROOMS                                                      STF328
H017            Universe: Housing units
H017    H0170001Total                                                                STF328
H018            TENURE BY PERSONS IN UNIT                                            STF328
H018            Universe: Occupied housing units
H018            Owner occupied:
H018    H0180001  1 person                                                           STF328
H018    H0180002  2 persons                                                          STF328
H018    H0180003  3 persons                                                          STF328
H018    H0180004  4 persons                                                          STF328
H018    H0180005  5 persons                                                          STF328
H018    H0180006  6 persons                                                          STF328
H018    H0180007  7 or more persons                                                  STF328
H018            Renter occupied:
H018    H0180008  1 person                                                           STF328
H018    H0180009  2 persons                                                          STF328
H018    H0180010  3 persons                                                          STF328
H018    H0180011  4 persons                                                          STF328
H018    H0180012  5 persons                                                          STF328
H018    H0180013  6 persons                                                          STF328
H018    H0180014  7 or more persons                                                  STF328
H019            AGGREGATE PERSONS BY TENURE                                          STF328
H019            Universe: Persons in occupied housing units
H019            Total:
H019    H0190001  Owner occupied                                                     STF328
H019    H0190002  Renter occupied                                                    STF328
H020            UNITS IN STRUCTURE                                                   STF328
H020            Universe: Housing units
H020    H0200001                                                                    1 detacheSTF328
H020    H0200002                                                                    1 attacheSTF328
H020    H0200003                                                                    2STF328
H020    H02000043 or 4                                                               STF328
H020    H02000055 to 9                                                               STF328
H020    H020000610 to 19                                                             STF328
H020    H020000720 to 49                                                             STF328
H020    H020000850 or more                                                           STF328
H020    H0200009Mobile home or trailer                                               STF328
H020    H0200010Other                                                                STF328
H021            UNITS IN STRUCTURE                                                   STF328
H021            Universe: Vacant housing units
H021    H0210001                                                                    1 detacheSTF328
H021    H0210002                                                                    1 attacheSTF328
H021    H0210003                                                                    2STF328
H021    H02100043 or 4                                                               STF328
H021    H02100055 to 9                                                               STF328
H021    H021000610 to 19                                                             STF328
H021    H021000720 to 49                                                             STF328
H021    H021000850 or more                                                           STF328
H021    H0210009Mobile home or trailer                                               STF328
H021    H0210010Other                                                                STF328
H022            TENURE BY UNITS IN STRUCTURE                                         STF329
H022            Universe: Occupied housing units
H022            Owner occupied:
H022    H0220001                                                                    1 detacheSTF329
H022    H0220002                                                                    1 attacheSTF329
H022    H0220003                                                                    2STF329
H022    H0220004  3 or 4                                                             STF329
H022    H0220005  5 to 9                                                             STF329
H022    H0220006  10 to 19                                                           STF329
H022    H0220007  20 to 49                                                           STF329
H022    H0220008  50 or more                                                         STF329
H022    H0220009  Mobile home or trailer                                             STF329
H022    H0220010  Other                                                              STF329
H022            Renter occupied:
H022    H0220011                                                                    1 detacheSTF329
H022    H0220012                                                                    1 attacheSTF329
H022    H0220013                                                                    2STF329
H022    H0220014  3 or 4                                                             STF329
H022    H0220015  5 to 9                                                             STF329
H022    H0220016  10 to 19                                                           STF329
H022    H0220017  20 to 49                                                           STF329
H022    H0220018  50 or more                                                         STF329
H022    H0220019  Mobile home or trailer                                             STF329
H022    H0220020  Other                                                              STF329
H023            SOURCE OF WATER                                                      STF329
H023            Universe: Housing units
H023    H0230001Public system or private company                                     STF329
H023            Individual well:
H023    H0230002  Drilled                                                            STF329
H023    H0230003  Dug                                                                STF329
H023    H0230004Some other source                                                    STF329
H024            SEWAGE DISPOSAL                                                      STF329
H024            Universe: Housing units
H024    H0240001Public sewer                                                         STF329
H024    H0240002Septic tank or cesspool                                              STF329
H024    H0240003Other means                                                          STF329
H025            YEAR STRUCTURE BUILT                                                 STF329
H025            Universe: Housing units
H025    H02500011989 to March 1990                                                   STF329
H025    H02500021985 to 1988                                                         STF329
H025    H02500031980 to 1984                                                         STF329
H025    H02500041970 to 1979                                                         STF329
H025    H02500051960 to 1969                                                         STF329
H025    H02500061950 to 1959                                                         STF329
H025    H02500071940 to 1949                                                         STF329
H025    H02500081939 or earlier                                                      STF329
H025A           MEDIAN YEAR STRUCTURE BUILT                                          STF329
H025A           Universe: Housing units
H025A   H025A001Median year structure built                                          STF329
H026            YEAR STRUCTURE BUILT                                                 STF329
H026            Universe: Vacant housing units
H026    H02600011989 to March 1990                                                   STF329
H026    H02600021985 to 1988                                                         STF329
H026    H02600031980 to 1984                                                         STF329
H026    H02600041970 to 1979                                                         STF329
H026    H02600051960 to 1969                                                         STF329
H026    H02600061950 to 1959                                                         STF329
H026    H02600071940 to 1949                                                         STF329
H026    H02600081939 or earlier                                                      STF329
H027            TENURE BY YEAR STRUCTURE BUILT                                       STF329
H027            Universe: Occupied housing units
H027            Owner occupied:
H027    H0270001  1989 to March 1990                                                 STF329
H027    H0270002  1985 to 1988                                                       STF329
H027    H0270003  1980 to 1984                                                       STF329
H027    H0270004  1970 to 1979                                                       STF329
H027    H0270005  1960 to 1969                                                       STF329
H027    H0270006  1950 to 1959                                                       STF329
H027    H0270007  1940 to 1949                                                       STF329
H027    H0270008  1939 or earlier                                                    STF329
H027            Renter occupied:
H027    H0270009  1989 to March 1990                                                 STF329
H027    H0270010  1985 to 1988                                                       STF329
H027    H0270011  1980 to 1984                                                       STF329
H027    H0270012  1970 to 1979                                                       STF329
H027    H0270013  1960 to 1969                                                       STF329
H027    H0270014  1950 to 1959                                                       STF329
H027    H0270015  1940 to 1949                                                       STF329
H027    H0270016  1939 or earlier                                                    STF329
H028            YEAR HOUSEHOLDER MOVED INTO UNIT                                     STF329
H028            Universe: Occupied housing units
H028    H02800011989 to March 1990                                                   STF329
H028    H02800021985 to 1988                                                         STF329
H028    H02800031980 to 1984                                                         STF329
H028    H02800041970 to 1979                                                         STF329
H028    H02800051960 to 1969                                                         STF329
H028    H02800061959 or earlier                                                      STF329
H029            TENURE BY YEAR HOUSEHOLDER MOVED INTO UNIT                           STF329
H029            Universe: Occupied housing units
H029            Owner occupied:
H029    H0290001  1989 to March 1990                                                 STF329
H029    H0290002  1985 to 1988                                                       STF329
H029    H0290003  1980 to 1984                                                       STF329
H029    H0290004  1970 to 1979                                                       STF329
H029    H0290005  1960 to 1969                                                       STF329
H029    H0290006  1959 or earlier                                                    STF329
H029            Renter occupied:
H029    H0290007  1989 to March 1990                                                 STF329
H029    H0290008  1985 to 1988                                                       STF329
H029    H0290009  1980 to 1984                                                       STF329
H029    H0290010  1970 to 1979                                                       STF329
H029    H0290011  1960 to 1969                                                       STF329
H029    H0290012  1959 or earlier                                                    STF329
H030            HOUSE HEATING FUEL                                                   STF329
H030            Universe: Occupied housing units
H030    H0300001Utility gas                                                          STF329
H030    H0300002Bottled                                                               tank    or LP gSTF329
H030    H0300003Electricity                                                          STF329
H030    H0300004Fuel oil                                                              kerosen etc.   STF329
H030    H0300005Coal or coke                                                         STF329
H030    H0300006Wood                                                                 STF329
H030    H0300007Solar energy                                                         STF329
H030    H0300008Other fuel                                                           STF329
H030    H0300009No fuel used                                                         STF329
H031            BEDROOMS                                                             STF329
H031            Universe: Housing units
H031    H0310001No bedroom                                                           STF329
H031    H03100021 bedroom                                                            STF329
H031    H03100032 bedrooms                                                           STF329
H031    H03100043 bedrooms                                                           STF329
H031    H03100054 bedrooms                                                           STF329
H031    H03100065 or more bedrooms                                                   STF329
H032            BEDROOMS                                                             STF329
H032            Universe: Vacant housing units
H032    H0320001No bedroom                                                           STF329
H032    H03200021 bedroom                                                            STF329
H032    H03200032 bedrooms                                                           STF329
H032    H03200043 bedrooms                                                           STF329
H032    H03200054 bedrooms                                                           STF329
H032    H03200065 or more bedrooms                                                   STF329
H033            TENURE BY BEDROOMS                                                   STF329
H033            Universe: Occupied housing units
H033            Owner occupied:
H033    H0330001  No bedroom                                                         STF329
H033    H0330002  1 bedroom                                                          STF329
H033    H0330003  2 bedrooms                                                         STF329
H033    H0330004  3 bedrooms                                                         STF329
H033    H0330005  4 bedrooms                                                         STF329
H033    H0330006  5 or more bedrooms                                                 STF329
H033            Renter occupied:
H033    H0330007  No bedroom                                                         STF329
H033    H0330008  1 bedroom                                                          STF329
H033    H0330009  2 bedrooms                                                         STF329
H033    H0330010  3 bedrooms                                                         STF329
H033    H0330011  4 bedrooms                                                         STF329
H033    H0330012  5 or more bedrooms                                                 STF329
H034            BEDROOMS BY GROSS RENT                                               STF330
H034            Universe: Specified renter-occupied housing units
H034            No bedroom:
H034              With cash rent:
H034    H0340001    Less than $200                                                   STF330
H034    H0340002    $200 to $299                                                     STF330
H034    H0340003    $300 to $499                                                     STF330
H034    H0340004    $500 to $749                                                     STF330
H034    H0340005    $750 to $999                                                     STF330
H034    H0340006                                                                  $1 000 or mSTF330
H034    H0340007  No cash rent                                                       STF330
H034            1 bedroom:
H034              With cash rent:
H034    H0340008    Less than $200                                                   STF330
H034    H0340009    $200 to $299                                                     STF330
H034    H0340010    $300 to $499                                                     STF330
H034    H0340011    $500 to $749                                                     STF330
H034    H0340012    $750 to $999                                                     STF330
H034    H0340013                                                                  $1 000 or mSTF330
H034    H0340014  No cash rent                                                       STF330
H034            2 bedrooms:
H034              With cash rent:
H034    H0340015    Less than $200                                                   STF330
H034    H0340016    $200 to $299                                                     STF330
H034    H0340017    $300 to $499                                                     STF330
H034    H0340018    $500 to $749                                                     STF330
H034    H0340019    $750 to $999                                                     STF330
H034    H0340020                                                                  $1 000 or mSTF330
H034    H0340021  No cash rent                                                       STF330
H034            3 or more bedrooms:
H034              With cash rent:
H034    H0340022    Less than $200                                                   STF330
H034    H0340023    $200 to $299                                                     STF330
H034    H0340024    $300 to $499                                                     STF330
H034    H0340025    $500 to $749                                                     STF330
H034    H0340026    $750 to $999                                                     STF330
H034    H0340027                                                                  $1 000 or mSTF330
H034    H0340028  No cash rent                                                       STF330
H035            TENURE BY TELEPHONE IN HOUSING UNIT                                  STF330
H035            Universe: Occupied housing units
H035            Owner occupied:
H035    H0350001  With telephone                                                     STF330
H035    H0350002  No telephone                                                       STF330
H035            Renter occupied:
H035    H0350003  With telephone                                                     STF330
H035    H0350004  No telephone                                                       STF330
H036            AGE OF HOUSEHOLDER BY TELEPHONE IN HOUSING UNIT                      STF330
H036            Universe: Occupied housing units
H036            15 to 59 years:
H036    H0360001  With telephone                                                     STF330
H036    H0360002  No telephone                                                       STF330
H036            60 to 64 years:
H036    H0360003  With telephone                                                     STF330
H036    H0360004  No telephone                                                       STF330
H036            65 to 74 years:
H036    H0360005  With telephone                                                     STF330
H036    H0360006  No telephone                                                       STF330
H036            75 years and over:
H036    H0360007  With telephone                                                     STF330
H036    H0360008  No telephone                                                       STF330
H037            TENURE BY VEHICLES AVAILABLE                                         STF330
H037            Universe: Occupied housing units
H037            Owner occupied:
H037    H0370001  None                                                               STF330
H037    H0370002                                                                    1STF330
H037    H0370003                                                                    2STF330
H037    H0370004                                                                    3STF330
H037    H0370005                                                                    4STF330
H037    H0370006  5 or more                                                          STF330
H037            Renter occupied:
H037    H0370007  None                                                               STF330
H037    H0370008                                                                    1STF330
H037    H0370009                                                                    2STF330
H037    H0370010                                                                    3STF330
H037    H0370011                                                                    4STF330
H037    H0370012  5 or more                                                          STF330
H038            AGGREGATE VEHICLES AVAILABLE BY TENURE                               STF330
H038            Universe: Occupied housing units
H038            Total:
H038    H0380001  Owner occupied                                                     STF330
H038    H0380002  Renter occupied                                                    STF330
H039            RACE OF HOUSEHOLDER BY VEHICLES AVAILABLE                            STF330
H039            Universe: Occupied housing units
H039            White:
H039    H0390001  None                                                               STF330
H039    H0390002  1 or more                                                          STF330
H039            Black:
H039    H0390003  None                                                               STF330
H039    H0390004  1 or more                                                          STF330
H039            American Indian                                                       Eskimo  or Aleut:
H039    H0390005  None                                                               STF330
H039    H0390006  1 or more                                                          STF330
H039            Asian or Pacific Islander:
H039    H0390007  None                                                               STF330
H039    H0390008  1 or more                                                          STF330
H039            Other race:
H039    H0390009  None                                                               STF330
H039    H0390010  1 or more                                                          STF330
H040            VEHICLES AVAILABLE                                                   STF330
H040            Universe: Occupied housing units with householder of Hispanic origin
H040    H0400001None                                                                 STF330
H040    H04000021 or more                                                            STF330
H041            AGE OF HOUSEHOLDER BY VEHICLES AVAILABLE                             STF330
H041            Universe: Occupied housing units
H041            15 to 64 years:
H041    H0410001  None                                                               STF330
H041    H0410002  1 or more                                                          STF330
H041            65 years and over:
H041    H0410003  None                                                               STF330
H041    H0410004  1 or more                                                          STF330
H042            KITCHEN FACILITIES                                                   STF330
H042            Universe: Housing units
H042    H0420001Complete kitchen facilities                                          STF330
H042    H0420002Lacking complete kitchen facilities                                  STF330
H043            GROSS RENT                                                           STF330
H043            Universe: Specified renter-occupied housing units
H043            With cash rent:
H043    H0430001  Less than $100                                                     STF330
H043    H0430002  $100 to $149                                                       STF330
H043    H0430003  $150 to $199                                                       STF330
H043    H0430004  $200 to $249                                                       STF330
H043    H0430005  $250 to $299                                                       STF330
H043    H0430006  $300 to $349                                                       STF330
H043    H0430007  $350 to $399                                                       STF330
H043    H0430008  $400 to $449                                                       STF330
H043    H0430009  $450 to $499                                                       STF330
H043    H0430010  $500 to $549                                                       STF330
H043    H0430011  $550 to $599                                                       STF330
H043    H0430012  $600 to $649                                                       STF330
H043    H0430013  $650 to $699                                                       STF330
H043    H0430014  $700 to $749                                                       STF330
H043    H0430015  $750 to $999                                                       STF330
H043    H0430016                                                                  $1 000 or mSTF330
H043    H0430017No cash rent                                                         STF330
H043A           MEDIAN GROSS RENT                                                    STF330
H043A           Universe: Specified renter-occupied housing units paying cash rent
H043A   H043A001Median gross rent                                                    STF330
H044            AGGREGATE GROSS RENT                                                 STF330
H044            Universe: Specified renter-occupied housing units paying cash rent
H044    H0440001Total                                                                STF330
H045            RACE OF HOUSEHOLDER BY GROSS RENT                                    STF331
H045            Universe: Specified renter-occupied housing units
H045            White:
H045              With cash rent:
H045    H0450001    Less than $200                                                   STF331
H045    H0450002    $200 to $299                                                     STF331
H045    H0450003    $300 to $499                                                     STF331
H045    H0450004    $500 to $749                                                     STF331
H045    H0450005    $750 to $999                                                     STF331
H045    H0450006                                                                  $1 000 or mSTF331
H045    H0450007  No cash rent                                                       STF331
H045            Black:
H045              With cash rent:
H045    H0450008    Less than $200                                                   STF331
H045    H0450009    $200 to $299                                                     STF331
H045    H0450010    $300 to $499                                                     STF331
H045    H0450011    $500 to $749                                                     STF331
H045    H0450012    $750 to $999                                                     STF331
H045    H0450013                                                                  $1 000 or mSTF331
H045    H0450014  No cash rent                                                       STF331
H045            American Indian                                                       Eskimo  or Aleut:
H045              With cash rent:
H045    H0450015    Less than $200                                                   STF331
H045    H0450016    $200 to $299                                                     STF331
H045    H0450017    $300 to $499                                                     STF331
H045    H0450018    $500 to $749                                                     STF331
H045    H0450019    $750 to $999                                                     STF331
H045    H0450020                                                                  $1 000 or mSTF331
H045    H0450021  No cash rent                                                       STF331
H045            Asian or Pacific Islander:
H045              With cash rent:
H045    H0450022    Less than $200                                                   STF331
H045    H0450023    $200 to $299                                                     STF331
H045    H0450024    $300 to $499                                                     STF331
H045    H0450025    $500 to $749                                                     STF331
H045    H0450026    $750 to $999                                                     STF331
H045    H0450027                                                                  $1 000 or mSTF331
H045    H0450028  No cash rent                                                       STF331
H045            Other race:
H045              With cash rent:
H045    H0450029    Less than $200                                                   STF331
H045    H0450030    $200 to $299                                                     STF331
H045    H0450031    $300 to $499                                                     STF331
H045    H0450032    $500 to $749                                                     STF331
H045    H0450033    $750 to $999                                                     STF331
H045    H0450034                                                                  $1 000 or mSTF331
H045    H0450035  No cash rent                                                       STF331
H046            HISPANIC ORIGIN BY GROSS RENT                                        STF331
H046            Universe: Specified renter-occupied housing units
H046            Not of Hispanic origin:
H046              With cash rent:
H046    H0460001    Less than $200                                                   STF331
H046    H0460002    $200 to $299                                                     STF331
H046    H0460003    $300 to $499                                                     STF331
H046    H0460004    $500 to $749                                                     STF331
H046    H0460005    $750 to $999                                                     STF331
H046    H0460006                                                                  $1 000 or mSTF331
H046    H0460007  No cash rent                                                       STF331
H046            Hispanic origin:
H046              With cash rent:
H046    H0460008    Less than $200                                                   STF331
H046    H0460009    $200 to $299                                                     STF331
H046    H0460010    $300 to $499                                                     STF331
H046    H0460011    $500 to $749                                                     STF331
H046    H0460012    $750 to $999                                                     STF331
H046    H0460013                                                                  $1 000 or mSTF331
H046    H0460014  No cash rent                                                       STF331
H047            MEALS INCLUDED IN RENT                                               STF331
H047            Universe: Specified renter-occupied housing units paying cash rent
H047    H0470001Meals included in rent                                               STF331
H047    H0470002No meals included in rent                                            STF331
H048            AGGREGATE GROSS RENT BY MEALS INCLUDED IN RENT                       STF331
H048            Universe: Specified renter-occupied housing units paying cash rent
H048            Total:
H048    H0480001  Meals included in rent                                             STF331
H048    H0480002  No meals included in rent                                          STF331
H049            INCLUSION OF UTILITIES IN RENT                                       STF331
H049            Universe: Specified renter-occupied housing units
H049    H0490001Pay extra for 1 or more utilities                                    STF331
H049    H0490002No extra payment for any utilities                                   STF331
H050            INCOME IN 1989
H050            Universe: Specified renter-occupied housing units
H050            Less than $10                                                        000:
H050    H0500001  Less than 20 percent                                               STF331
H050    H0500002  20 to 24 percent                                                   STF331
H050    H0500003  25 to 29 percent                                                   STF331
H050    H0500004  30 to 34 percent                                                   STF331
H050    H0500005  35 percent or more                                                 STF331
H050    H0500006  Not computed                                                       STF331
H050                                                                             $10 000 to $999:00:00
H050    H0500007  Less than 20 percent                                               STF331
H050    H0500008  20 to 24 percent                                                   STF331
H050    H0500009  25 to 29 percent                                                   STF331
H050    H0500010  30 to 34 percent                                                   STF331
H050    H0500011  35 percent or more                                                 STF331
H050    H0500012  Not computed                                                       STF331
H050                                                                             $20 000 to $999:00:00
H050    H0500013  Less than 20 percent                                               STF331
H050    H0500014  20 to 24 percent                                                   STF331
H050    H0500015  25 to 29 percent                                                   STF331
H050    H0500016  30 to 34 percent                                                   STF331
H050    H0500017  35 percent or more                                                 STF331
H050    H0500018  Not computed                                                       STF331
H050                                                                             $35 000 to $999:00:00
H050    H0500019  Less than 20 percent                                               STF331
H050    H0500020  20 to 24 percent                                                   STF331
H050    H0500021  25 to 29 percent                                                   STF331
H050    H0500022  30 to 34 percent                                                   STF331
H050    H0500023  35 percent or more                                                 STF331
H050    H0500024  Not computed                                                       STF331
H050                                                                             $50 000 or more:
H050    H0500025  Less than 20 percent                                               STF331
H050    H0500026  20 to 24 percent                                                   STF331
H050    H0500027  25 to 29 percent                                                   STF331
H050    H0500028  30 to 34 percent                                                   STF331
H050    H0500029  35 percent or more                                                 STF331
H050    H0500030  Not computed                                                       STF331
H050A           Universe: Specified renter-occupied housing units paying cash rent
H050A   H050A001Median gross rent as a percentage of household income in 1989        STF331
H051            IN 1989
H051            Universe: Specified renter-occupied housing units
H051            15 to 64 years:
H051    H0510001  Less than 20 percent                                               STF331
H051    H0510002  20 to 24 percent                                                   STF331
H051    H0510003  25 to 29 percent                                                   STF331
H051    H0510004  30 to 34 percent                                                   STF331
H051    H0510005  35 percent or more                                                 STF331
H051    H0510006  Not computed                                                       STF331
H051            65 years and over:
H051    H0510007  Less than 20 percent                                               STF331
H051    H0510008  20 to 24 percent                                                   STF331
H051    H0510009  25 to 29 percent                                                   STF331
H051    H0510010  30 to 34 percent                                                   STF331
H051    H0510011  35 percent or more                                                 STF331
H051    H0510012  Not computed                                                       STF331
H052            Universe: Specified owner-occupied housing units
H052            With a mortgage:
H052    H0520001  Less than $200                                                     STF331
H052    H0520002  $200 to $299                                                       STF331
H052    H0520003  $300 to $399                                                       STF331
H052    H0520004  $400 to $499                                                       STF331
H052    H0520005  $500 to $599                                                       STF331
H052    H0520006  $600 to $699                                                       STF331
H052    H0520007  $700 to $799                                                       STF331
H052    H0520008  $800 to $899                                                       STF331
H052    H0520009  $900 to $999                                                       STF331
H052    H0520010                                                                  $1 000 to $     249STF331
H052    H0520011                                                                  $1 250 to $     499STF331
H052    H0520012                                                                  $1 500 to $     999STF331
H052    H0520013                                                                  $2 000 or mSTF331
H052            Not mortgaged:
H052    H0520014  Less than $100                                                     STF331
H052    H0520015  $100 to $149                                                       STF331
H052    H0520016  $150 to $199                                                       STF331
H052    H0520017  $200 to $249                                                       STF331
H052    H0520018  $250 to $299                                                       STF331
H052    H0520019  $300 to $349                                                       STF331
H052    H0520020  $350 to $399                                                       STF331
H052    H0520021  $400 or more                                                       STF331
H052A           Universe: Specified owner-occupied housing units
H052A   H052A001With a mortgage                                                      STF332
H052A   H052A002Not mortgaged                                                        STF332
H053            Universe: Specified owner-occupied housing units
H053            Total:
H053    H0530001  With a mortgage                                                    STF332
H053    H0530002  Not mortgaged                                                      STF332
H054            COSTS
H054            Universe: Specified owner-occupied housing units
H054            White:
H054              With a mortgage:
H054    H0540001    Less than $300                                                   STF332
H054    H0540002    $300 to $499                                                     STF332
H054    H0540003    $500 to $699                                                     STF332
H054    H0540004    $700 to $999                                                     STF332
H054    H0540005                                                                  $1 000 to $     499STF332
H054    H0540006                                                                  $1 500 or mSTF332
H054              Not mortgaged:
H054    H0540007    Less than $100                                                   STF332
H054    H0540008    $100 to $199                                                     STF332
H054    H0540009    $200 to $299                                                     STF332
H054    H0540010    $300 to $399                                                     STF332
H054    H0540011    $400 or more                                                     STF332
H054            Black:
H054              With a mortgage:
H054    H0540012    Less than $300                                                   STF332
H054    H0540013    $300 to $499                                                     STF332
H054    H0540014    $500 to $699                                                     STF332
H054    H0540015    $700 to $999                                                     STF332
H054    H0540016                                                                  $1 000 to $     499STF332
H054    H0540017                                                                  $1 500 or mSTF332
H054              Not mortgaged:
H054    H0540018    Less than $100                                                   STF332
H054    H0540019    $100 to $199                                                     STF332
H054    H0540020    $200 to $299                                                     STF332
H054    H0540021    $300 to $399                                                     STF332
H054    H0540022    $400 or more                                                     STF332
H054            American Indian                                                       Eskimo  or Aleut:
H054              With a mortgage:
H054    H0540023    Less than $300                                                   STF332
H054    H0540024    $300 to $499                                                     STF332
H054    H0540025    $500 to $699                                                     STF332
H054    H0540026    $700 to $999                                                     STF332
H054    H0540027                                                                  $1 000 to $     499STF332
H054    H0540028                                                                  $1 500 or mSTF332
H054              Not mortgaged:
H054    H0540029    Less than $100                                                   STF332
H054    H0540030    $100 to $199                                                     STF332
H054    H0540031    $200 to $299                                                     STF332
H054    H0540032    $300 to $399                                                     STF332
H054    H0540033    $400 or more                                                     STF332
H054            Asian or Pacific Islander:
H054              With a mortgage:
H054    H0540034    Less than $300                                                   STF332
H054    H0540035    $300 to $499                                                     STF332
H054    H0540036    $500 to $699                                                     STF332
H054    H0540037    $700 to $999                                                     STF332
H054    H0540038                                                                  $1 000 to $     499STF332
H054    H0540039                                                                  $1 500 or mSTF332
H054              Not mortgaged:
H054    H0540040    Less than $100                                                   STF332
H054    H0540041    $100 to $199                                                     STF332
H054    H0540042    $200 to $299                                                     STF332
H054    H0540043    $300 to $399                                                     STF332
H054    H0540044    $400 or more                                                     STF332
H054            Other race:
H054              With a mortgage:
H054    H0540045    Less than $300                                                   STF332
H054    H0540046    $300 to $499                                                     STF332
H054    H0540047    $500 to $699                                                     STF332
H054    H0540048    $700 to $999                                                     STF332
H054    H0540049                                                                  $1 000 to $     499STF332
H054    H0540050                                                                  $1 500 or mSTF332
H054              Not mortgaged:
H054    H0540051    Less than $100                                                   STF332
H054    H0540052    $100 to $199                                                     STF332
H054    H0540053    $200 to $299                                                     STF332
H054    H0540054    $300 to $399                                                     STF332
H054    H0540055    $400 or more                                                     STF332
H055            Universe: Specified owner-occupied housing units with householder of
H055            Universe: Hispanic origin
H055            With a mortgage:
H055    H0550001  Less than $300                                                     STF332
H055    H0550002  $300 to $499                                                       STF332
H055    H0550003  $500 to $699                                                       STF332
H055    H0550004  $700 to $999                                                       STF332
H055    H0550005                                                                  $1 000 to $     499STF332
H055    H0550006                                                                  $1 500 or mSTF332
H055            Not mortgaged:
H055    H0550007  Less than $100                                                     STF332
H055    H0550008  $100 to $199                                                       STF332
H055    H0550009  $200 to $299                                                       STF332
H055    H0550010  $300 to $399                                                       STF332
H055    H0550011  $400 or more                                                       STF332
H056            Universe: Owner-occupied mobile homes or trailers
H056            Total:
H056    H0560001  With a mortgage                                                    STF332
H056    H0560002  Not mortgaged                                                      STF332
H057            Universe: Owner-occupied condominium housing units
H057            Total:
H057    H0570001  With a mortgage                                                    STF332
H057    H0570002  Not mortgaged                                                      STF332
H058            HOUSEHOLD INCOME IN 1989
H058            Universe: Specified owner-occupied housing units
H058            With a mortgage:
H058    H0580001  Less than 20 percent                                               STF332
H058    H0580002  20 to 24 percent                                                   STF332
H058    H0580003  25 to 29 percent                                                   STF332
H058    H0580004  30 to 34 percent                                                   STF332
H058    H0580005  35 percent or more                                                 STF332
H058    H0580006  Not computed                                                       STF332
H058            Not mortgaged:
H058    H0580007  Less than 20 percent                                               STF332
H058    H0580008  20 to 24 percent                                                   STF332
H058    H0580009  25 to 29 percent                                                   STF332
H058    H0580010  30 to 34 percent                                                   STF332
H058    H0580011  35 percent or more                                                 STF332
H058    H0580012  Not computed                                                       STF332
H058A           Universe: Specified owner-occupied housing units
H058A   H058A001With a mortgage                                                      STF332
H058A   H058A002Not mortgaged                                                        STF332
H059            Universe: Specified owner-occupied housing units
H059            Less than $10                                                        000:
H059    H0590001  Less than 20 percent                                               STF332
H059    H0590002  20 to 24 percent                                                   STF332
H059    H0590003  25 to 29 percent                                                   STF332
H059    H0590004  30 to 34 percent                                                   STF332
H059    H0590005  35 percent or more                                                 STF332
H059    H0590006  Not computed                                                       STF332
H059                                                                             $10 000 to $999:00:00
H059    H0590007  Less than 20 percent                                               STF332
H059    H0590008  20 to 24 percent                                                   STF332
H059    H0590009  25 to 29 percent                                                   STF332
H059    H0590010  30 to 34 percent                                                   STF332
H059    H0590011  35 percent or more                                                 STF332
H059    H0590012  Not computed                                                       STF332
H059                                                                             $20 000 to $999:00:00
H059    H0590013  Less than 20 percent                                               STF332
H059    H0590014  20 to 24 percent                                                   STF332
H059    H0590015  25 to 29 percent                                                   STF332
H059    H0590016  30 to 34 percent                                                   STF332
H059    H0590017  35 percent or more                                                 STF332
H059    H0590018  Not computed                                                       STF332
H059                                                                             $35 000 to $999:00:00
H059    H0590019  Less than 20 percent                                               STF332
H059    H0590020  20 to 24 percent                                                   STF332
H059    H0590021  25 to 29 percent                                                   STF332
H059    H0590022  30 to 34 percent                                                   STF332
H059    H0590023  35 percent or more                                                 STF332
H059    H0590024  Not computed                                                       STF332
H059                                                                             $50 000 or more:
H059    H0590025  Less than 20 percent                                               STF332
H059    H0590026  20 to 24 percent                                                   STF332
H059    H0590027  25 to 29 percent                                                   STF332
H059    H0590028  30 to 34 percent                                                   STF332
H059    H0590029  35 percent or more                                                 STF332
H059    H0590030  Not computed                                                       STF332
H060            OF HOUSEHOLD INCOME IN 1989
H060            Universe: Specified owner-occupied housing units
H060            15 to 64 years:
H060    H0600001  Less than 20 percent                                               STF333
H060    H0600002  20 to 24 percent                                                   STF333
H060    H0600003  25 to 29 percent                                                   STF333
H060    H0600004  30 to 34 percent                                                   STF333
H060    H0600005  35 percent or more                                                 STF333
H060    H0600006  Not computed                                                       STF333
H060            65 years and over:
H060    H0600007  Less than 20 percent                                               STF333
H060    H0600008  20 to 24 percent                                                   STF333
H060    H0600009  25 to 29 percent                                                   STF333
H060    H0600010  30 to 34 percent                                                   STF333
H060    H0600011  35 percent or more                                                 STF333
H060    H0600012  Not computed                                                       STF333
H061            VALUE                                                                STF333
H061            Universe: Specified owner-occupied housing units
H061    H0610001Less than $15                                                               0STF333
H061    H0610002                                                                 $15 000 to $     999STF333
H061    H0610003                                                                 $20 000 to $     999STF333
H061    H0610004                                                                 $25 000 to $     999STF333
H061    H0610005                                                                 $30 000 to $     999STF333
H061    H0610006                                                                 $35 000 to $     999STF333
H061    H0610007                                                                 $40 000 to $     999STF333
H061    H0610008                                                                 $45 000 to $     999STF333
H061    H0610009                                                                 $50 000 to $     999STF333
H061    H0610010                                                                 $60 000 to $     999STF333
H061    H0610011                                                                 $75 000 to $     999STF333
H061    H0610012                                                                $100 000 to $     999STF333
H061    H0610013                                                                $125 000 to $     999STF333
H061    H0610014                                                                $150 000 to $     999STF333
H061    H0610015                                                                $175 000 to $     999STF333
H061    H0610016                                                                $200 000 to $     999STF333
H061    H0610017                                                                $250 000 to $     999STF333
H061    H0610018                                                                $300 000 to $     999STF333
H061    H0610019                                                                $400 000 to $     999STF333
H061    H0610020                                                                $500 000 or mSTF333
H061A           MEDIAN VALUE                                                         STF333
H061A           Universe: Specified owner-occupied housing units
H061A   H061A001Median value                                                         STF333
H062            AGGREGATE VALUE BY MORTGAGE STATUS                                   STF333
H062            Universe: Specified owner-occupied housing units
H062            Total:
H062    H0620001  With a mortgage                                                    STF333
H062    H0620002  Not mortgaged                                                      STF333
H063            Universe: Occupied housing units
H063            Total:
H063              Owner occupied:
H063    H0630001    With a mortgage                                                  STF333
H063    H0630002    Not mortgaged                                                    STF333
H063    H0630003  Renter occupied                                                    STF333
H064            PLUMBING FACILITIES                                                  STF333
H064            Universe: Housing units
H064    H0640001Complete plumbing facilities                                         STF333
H064    H0640002Lacking complete plumbing facilities                                 STF333
H065            PLUMBING FACILITIES                                                  STF333
H065            Universe: Vacant housing units
H065    H0650001Complete plumbing facilities                                         STF333
H065    H0650002Lacking complete plumbing facilities                                 STF333
H066            RACE OF HOUSEHOLDER BY PLUMBING FACILITIES                           STF333
H066            Universe: Occupied housing units
H066            White:
H066    H0660001  Complete plumbing facilities                                       STF333
H066    H0660002  Lacking complete plumbing facilities                               STF333
H066            Black:
H066    H0660003  Complete plumbing facilities                                       STF333
H066    H0660004  Lacking complete plumbing facilities                               STF333
H066            American Indian                                                       Eskimo  or Aleut:
H066    H0660005  Complete plumbing facilities                                       STF333
H066    H0660006  Lacking complete plumbing facilities                               STF333
H066            Asian or Pacific Islander:
H066    H0660007  Complete plumbing facilities                                       STF333
H066    H0660008  Lacking complete plumbing facilities                               STF333
H066            Other race:
H066    H0660009  Complete plumbing facilities                                       STF333
H066    H0660010  Lacking complete plumbing facilities                               STF333
H067            PLUMBING FACILITIES                                                  STF333
H067            Universe: Occupied housing units with householder of Hispanic origin
H067    H0670001Complete plumbing facilities                                         STF333
H067    H0670002Lacking complete plumbing facilities                                 STF333
H068            AGE OF HOUSEHOLDER BY PLUMBING FACILITIES                            STF333
H068            Universe: Occupied housing units
H068            15 to 64 years:
H068    H0680001  Complete plumbing facilities                                       STF333
H068    H0680002  Lacking complete plumbing facilities                               STF333
H068            65 years and over:
H068    H0680003  Complete plumbing facilities                                       STF333
H068    H0680004  Lacking complete plumbing facilities                               STF333
H069            Universe: Occupied housing units
H069            Owner occupied:
H069              Complete plumbing facilities:
H069    H0690001    1.00 or less                                                     STF333
H069    H0690002    1.01 to 1.50                                                     STF333
H069    H0690003    1.51 or more                                                     STF333
H069              Lacking complete plumbing facilities:
H069    H0690004    1.00 or less                                                     STF333
H069    H0690005    1.01 to 1.50                                                     STF333
H069    H0690006    1.51 or more                                                     STF333
H069            Renter occupied:
H069              Complete plumbing facilities:
H069    H0690007    1.00 or less                                                     STF333
H069    H0690008    1.01 to 1.50                                                     STF333
H069    H0690009    1.51 or more                                                     STF333
H069              Lacking complete plumbing facilities:
H069    H0690010    1.00 or less                                                     STF333
H069    H0690011    1.01 to 1.50                                                     STF333
H069    H0690012    1.51 or more                                                     STF333
H070            PLUMBING FACILITIES BY UNITS IN STRUCTURE                            STF333
H070            Universe: Housing units
H070            Complete plumbing facilities:
H070    H0700001                                                                    1 detacheSTF333
H070    H0700002                                                                    1 attacheSTF333
H070    H0700003                                                                    2STF333
H070    H0700004  3 or 4                                                             STF333
H070    H0700005  5 to 9                                                             STF333
H070    H0700006  10 to 19                                                           STF333
H070    H0700007  20 to 49                                                           STF333
H070    H0700008  50 or more                                                         STF333
H070    H0700009  Mobile home or trailer                                             STF333
H070    H0700010  Other                                                              STF333
H070            Lacking complete plumbing facilities:
H070    H0700011                                                                    1 detacheSTF333
H070    H0700012                                                                    1 attacheSTF333
H070    H0700013                                                                    2STF333
H070    H0700014  3 or 4                                                             STF333
H070    H0700015  5 to 9                                                             STF333
H070    H0700016  10 to 19                                                           STF333
H070    H0700017  20 to 49                                                           STF333
H070    H0700018  50 or more                                                         STF333
H070    H0700019  Mobile home or trailer                                             STF333
H070    H0700020  Other                                                              STF333
H071            Universe: Occupied housing units
H071            Complete plumbing facilities:
H071              1.00 or less:
H071    H0710001    1940 to March 1990                                               STF333
H071    H0710002    1939 or earlier                                                  STF333
H071              1.01 or more:
H071    H0710003    1940 to March 1990                                               STF333
H071    H0710004    1939 or earlier                                                  STF333
H071            Lacking complete plumbing facilities:
H071              1.00 or less:
H071    H0710005    1940 to March 1990                                               STF333
H071    H0710006    1939 or earlier                                                  STF333
H071              1.01 or more:
H071    H0710007    1940 to March 1990                                               STF333
H071    H0710008    1939 or earlier                                                  STF333
H072            IMPUTATION OF HOUSING ITEMS                                          STF333
H072            Universe: Housing units
H072    H0720001No items allocated                                                   STF333
H072    H0720002One or more items allocated                                          STF333
H073            IMPUTATION OF CONDOMINIUM STATUS                                     STF333
H073            Universe: Housing units
H073    H0730001Allocated                                                            STF333
H073    H0730002Not allocated                                                        STF333
H074            IMPUTATION OF PLUMBING FACILITIES                                    STF333
H074            Universe: Housing units
H074    H0740001Allocated                                                            STF333
H074    H0740002Not allocated                                                        STF333
H075            IMPUTATION OF SOURCE OF WATER                                        STF333
H075            Universe: Housing units
H075    H0750001Allocated                                                            STF333
H075    H0750002Not allocated                                                        STF333
H076            IMPUTATION OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL                                        STF333
H076            Universe: Housing units
H076    H0760001Allocated                                                            STF333
H076    H0760002Not allocated                                                        STF333
H077            IMPUTATION OF YEAR STRUCTURE BUILT                                   STF333
H077            Universe: Housing units
H077    H0770001Allocated                                                            STF333
H077    H0770002Not allocated                                                        STF333
H078            IMPUTATION OF YEAR HOUSEHOLDER MOVED INTO UNIT                       STF333
H078            Universe: Occupied housing units
H078    H0780001Allocated                                                            STF333
H078    H0780002Not allocated                                                        STF333
H079            IMPUTATION OF HOUSE HEATING FUEL                                     STF333
H079            Universe: Occupied housing units
H079    H0790001Allocated                                                            STF333
H079    H0790002Not allocated                                                        STF333
H080            IMPUTATION OF KITCHEN FACILITIES                                     STF333
H080            Universe: Housing units
H080    H0800001Allocated                                                            STF333
H080    H0800002Not allocated                                                        STF333
H081            IMPUTATION OF BEDROOMS                                               STF333
H081            Universe: Housing units
H081    H0810001Allocated                                                            STF333
H081    H0810002Not allocated                                                        STF333
H082            IMPUTATION OF TELEPHONE IN HOUSING UNIT                              STF334
H082            Universe: Occupied housing units
H082    H0820001Allocated                                                            STF334
H082    H0820002Not allocated                                                        STF334
H083            IMPUTATION OF VEHICLES AVAILABLE                                     STF334
H083            Universe: Occupied housing units
H083    H0830001Allocated                                                            STF334
H083    H0830002Not allocated                                                        STF334
H084            IMPUTATION OF MORTGAGE STATUS                                        STF334
H084            Universe: Specified owner-occupied housing units
H084    H0840001Allocated                                                            STF334
H084    H0840002Not allocated                                                        STF334
H085            IMPUTATION OF TENURE                                                 STF334
H085            Universe: Occupied housing units
H085    H0850001Allocated                                                            STF334
H085    H0850002Not allocated                                                        STF334
H086            IMPUTATION OF VACANCY STATUS                                         STF334
H086            Universe: Vacant housing units
H086    H0860001Allocated                                                            STF334
H086    H0860002Not allocated                                                        STF334
H087            IMPUTATION OF ROOMS                                                  STF334
H087            Universe: Housing units
H087    H0870001Allocated                                                            STF334
H087    H0870002Not allocated                                                        STF334
H088            IMPUTATION OF UNITS IN STRUCTURE                                     STF334
H088            Universe: Housing units
H088    H0880001Allocated                                                            STF334
H088    H0880002Not allocated                                                        STF334
H089            IMPUTATION OF VALUE                                                  STF334
H089            Universe: Specified owner-occupied housing units
H089    H0890001Allocated                                                            STF334
H089    H0890002Not allocated                                                        STF334
H090            IMPUTATION OF MEALS INCLUDED IN RENT                                 STF334
H090            Universe: Specified renter-occupied housing units paying cash rent
H090    H0900001Allocated                                                            STF334
H090    H0900002Not allocated                                                        STF334
H091            IMPUTATION OF GROSS RENT                                             STF334
H091            Universe: Specified renter-occupied housing units
H091    H0910001Allocated                                                            STF334
H091    H0910002Not allocated                                                        STF334
H092            Universe: Specified owner-occupied housing units
H092            With a mortgage:
H092    H0920001  Allocated                                                          STF334
H092    H0920002  Not allocated                                                      STF334
H092            Not mortgaged:
H092    H0920003  Allocated                                                          STF334
H092    H0920004  Not allocated                                                      STF334