11.188 Labs #2:  In-Lab Notes on Feb. 10, 2020

SCREEN SHARE: via WebEx: go to http://mit.webex.com/meet/jf

REMEMBER this lab is DUE TUESDAY, February 18, 
(and HOMEWORK SET #1 is online and DUE Monday, February 24)

LAB #3: Spatial queries and joins
  (1) Main Idea: Compare Cambridge housing prices with the 
      socio-economics of the neighborhood and proximity 
	  to Mass Ave
  (2) Gain more proficiency in thematic mapping and map 'layouts'
  (3) Add new columns to data tables
  (4) Merging, editing, saving data (e.g., to compute
      the percent with high school education)
  (5) Spatial joins to find neighborhood containing each sale
  (6) Buffering Mass Ave and comparing sales prices of 
      housing that is close/far
  (7) Computing statistics for 'selected sets' instead of all columns
  (8) Extracting Mass Ave street segments with a specific coordinate system
  (9) File locations and ArcMap startup: 
  -- Checking ArcMap's 'scratchspace' location to avoid performance problems
  -- You can start this week's lab with the same 11.188_lab2_web.mxd document
     and shapefiles as were bundled into the zipped cambridge_shapefiles for 
     last week's lab.  That way, you will have the MassGIS and ESRI web 
     services and you can add the additional shapefile (middle_county.shp) 
     after copying it to c:\temp.

Andrew File System (AFS) access problems:
   Sometimes, when you log in, the network is sluggish and your machine 
'times out' before authenticating your use of the Andrew File System lockers.
Logging out and back in again will usually resolve the problem since the
connections tend to be faster the second time around.  
   Alternatively, you can stay logged in and issue a few commands to renew
your credentials.  Here are the steps:
  (1)	Open a command (DOS) window by running the CMD command. (cmd.exe)
  (2)	Get fresh Kerberos tickets via ‘kinit’ (and providing the password for your Athena account when prompted)
  (3)	Get fresh AFS tickets via ‘aklog’
  (4)	Check that you have tokens for AFS via ‘tokens’
If this works, you will see your AFS tokens listed as YourAthenaID@athena.mit.edu
Any AFS locker can now be accessed by typing the full AFS path into Windows Explorer.
For example, the class locker is: \\afs\athena.mit.edu\course\11\11.188

Note that the lab machines no longer mount any AFS drives automatically.
That is one of the consequences of the 'no roaming profile' message that you now
see on screen when you log in. As long as you have AFS tokens, you will be able to
use the 'map network drive' option from right-clicking 'This PC' in Windows Explorer.
The three drives that we suggest you mount are:
(1) The class locker: Drive Q: as \\afs\athena.mit.edu\course\11\11.188
(2) The top of the AFS tree at MIT: Drive Z: \\afs\athena.mit.edu
(3) Your personal Athena locker: Drive I: as
\\afs\athena.mit.edu\user\<<1st initial>>\<<2nd initial>>\<<your-athena-id>> You will need to mount these drives each time you login.