Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Department of Urban Studies
and Planning
11.188: Urban Planning and Social Science
Laboratory |
Lab Exercise #5 - In-Class Notes: Vector Spatial Analysis
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In this exercise you will use the spatial
analysis capabilities of ArcGIS to:
- Examine the location patterns of Cambridge stores by using the 'spatial
join' tools to tag store location data (bookstores, ice cream
shops, record stores) with the demographic characteristics of their
neighborhood. (This is a 'point-in-polygon' operation.)
- Estimate the number of children living near Ames Street by:
- Creating a buffer around Ames St.
- Intersecting the Ames street buffer with the
Cambridge blockgroup data
- Apportioning children in each block group that is
split by the buffer in proportion to the block group area in the
Lab #5 Issues:
- Join-by-location is different from select-by-location. Joining
actually moves attribute information across layers. Selecting only
affects which features are displayed (and which features can
subsequently be exported or operated upon).
- Join: no need to copy all attribute fields; can use the 'Fields' tab
in layer properties to turn fields on/off for display and joining
- Buffering Ames St. is similar to previous buffering done on Mass Ave;
but pay particular attention to the instructions on setting map and
display units.
- Apportioning Cambridge children to the parts of each block group that
falls within the buffer.
- Union and Intersect operations retain the old
polygon areas.
- You need to compute the new-polygon
areas after the buffer cuts the block groups into smaller sections.
- The Field/Calculate-geometry option simplifies the area
- But this lab shows you how to do it with Python code.
- Using Python code allows access to the internal data model,
which is a powerful key to building customized GIS apps.
General ArcMap Tips:
- Folder, shapefile, and table names:
- Use only letters and numbers with NO
spaces, special characters, etc.
- Start all names with a letter.
- Save early and often:
- Always have a recent unused copy of any MXD documents (the ArcMap
document mymapfile.mxd).
- Every time you start an ArcMap session from a saved document, save
it right away into an mxd document with a new name (version2, ver3,
or with the session's date).
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Last modified 2017- 2020 Joe Ferreira and Juan
Camilo Osorio.