Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Department of Urban Studies and Planning

11.188: Urban Planning and Social Science Laboratory

11.205: Intro to Spatial Analysis (1st half-semester)
11.520: Workshop on GIS (2nd half-semester)

More Census Data, Queries, and Spatial Analysis Examples

February 26, 2020, Joseph Ferreira

Administrative notes:

  • Lab Exercise #4 (Census data) this week's lab is due Monday, March 9
  • Homework #1 is due today on Stellar
  • Two more labs (with only one lab exercise) plus homework, then in-lab open-book test: Monday, March 16
  • Optional, supervised lab time once again: Fridays 12:30-2:00 in 9-554

Today's Topics:

  • Continue discussion of map elements, Census data structure, and usage examples with ArcMap and MS-Access 
    • Basic concepts and links to detailed discussion
  • Examples of GIS mapping services and spatial analyses
    • MassGIS & Metro Boston "Data Commons"
    • 'Heat maps' of transit access and walkability
    • NYtimes analyses of government benefit distribution
    • DUSP PhD thesis: (Mi Diao, 2010), "Sustainable Metropolitan Growth Strategies: Exploring the Role of the Built Environment"

Review map elements, symbology, and color theory notes mentioned in earlier lecture:

Review Census notes from last lecture and lab exercise:

  • Census example from last week: median earnings of workers aged 16+
    • Compare male and female earnings for Cambridge block groups
    • Adjust classification breakpoints to facilitate comparison
  • Finding the right data:
    • Text search for relevant tables and variable names
    • Which state data file contains the table/variables of interest
    • Data definition issues: which columns? values are counts/percents/medians/
    • Summary level and normalization: what level of aggregation? what is 'universe'?
    • Joins and overlays: unique identifier of record, join to boundary files

Tutorials and training aides for MS-Access:

Examples of GIS mapping and spatial analysis

  • MassGIS:
    • The State's official GIS agency
    • Many of the datasets we use in class are maintained and freely distributed by MassGIS
    • Find boundary files for Mass cities and towns:
      • why three versions? polygons, arcs, multi-part-polygons
      • what are 'layers' vs. shapefiles vs. geodatabases?
      • which information is saved with which feature type?
  • Metro Boston data commons:
    • Boston'a metro area planning council (MAPC) maintains this community data commons
      • Originally, posted static maps and tables profiling cities and towns in region
    • It is 'under redevelopment'
      • Why redo? how to organize datasets? which interactive mapping tools to use?
  • A recent DUSP PhD thesis by Mi Diao
    • See maps of vehicle miles travelled and neighborhood characteristics in metro Boston (by 2550x250m grid cells): Figures 1-10)

Last modified 20 February 2020 by Joe Ferreira

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