Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Department of Urban Studies and Planning
11.520: A Workshop on Geographic Information Systems
11.188: Urban Planning and Social Science Laboratory
Online Data, Project Work and Presentation Tips
April 22, 2020, Joseph Ferreira
Lab #7: Part 2 due today, April 22
Project work:
See feedback on Stellar
Talk to us today via breakouts
Have you obtained and explored your key datasets?
Project presentations on Monday, May 11, TWO WEEKS FROM NEXT MONDAY
Utilize office/lab hours Thursday (10:30-noon) and Friday (12:30-2:00), zoom links on Stellar
Project presentation tips (using Cherrie Abbanat's slides)
Progress on projects (via one-on-one breakouts)
Project Presentation Tips
Brief (6-minute) presentation! plus a few minutes of discussion
Via screen-sharing on Zoom
See details, and past abstract examples, on 'projects' webpage:
Cherrie Abbanat's
powerpoint slides
Tips on technical presentations and writeups
Beware: You won't have time to do all that Cherrie suggests
But, use zoom to record and review your 'dress rehearsal'
Group discussion about project and CI requirement
Help from the GIS Services group in the MIT Libraries
send email to as well as
Next few class sessions
Work individually on project
Discuss project focus and data issues with us
Project Scope
Project ideas:
Most of you are reasonably settled on a project topic
What about project scope and expectations
In-lab tests are an (abbreviated) example of a possible project
For example: What geographic and socio-economic characteristics explain county-level differences in results; how has this changed over a few elections
In general
Project has a broad topic but focuses on a piece with a spatial component that can contribute to a broader inquiry (beyond scope of class)
Project involves finding new datasets and/or learning some new tools and applying them to open-ended inquiry of student's choosing
Project could provide context and first step in a longer study you anticipate in future semesters
File organization and performance issues for project work
If you have shapefiles and data > ~20 MB, set LOCAL locations in the environment for workspace and (especially) scratch space
Redundancy can be good!
Read-only copy of original datasets
Local working copies
proj20_working folder that you move from network to C:\temp and back
Many MXDs: 11.188_proj_v1.mxd, _v2, _v3, ...
Use Personal Geodatabase (MS-Access with extra tables): 11.188_proj_working.mdb to store datasets
Create it via ArcCatalog as a personal geodatabase so it has geospatial tables that ESRI wants before you can save new data into it
Use multiple windows (especially on machines with big screens)
Use Data Frames with different joins, coordinates, etc.
Open multiple ArcMap sessions along with Access and Excel and a text editor
Just keep the file versions straight and remember only one app can have write access to a dataset or map document
And you may need to close files if locked by another application
Refresh issues in ArcMap
Sometimes, removing a table and then editing it (outside of ArcMap) and adding the new version of it will add the
version (from cache)
Save ArcMap document, exit ArcMap, and restart - then add table
This happens if you edit the table outside ArcMap and do not change the name
Alternatively, give the edited table a new name before adding to ArcMap
When ArcMap is slow to redraw maps
If the mapped layer has joins to large tables (without indices), then redraw will be slow
You can always export the joined layer as a new shapefile and add it back for much faster performance
You can copy the symbology from one layer onto another layer
Saving and restarting ArcMap
After an hour or so of an active ArcMap session, ArcMap may get internally confused and fail to do a join or ArcToolbox operation
To fix, save ArcMap document (with new _v2... number), close ArcMap, and then restart
Last modified 1 April 2020 [jf]
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