Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Department of Urban Studies and Planning

11.188: Urban Planning and Social Science Laboratory
11.205: Intro to Spatial Analysis (1st half-semester)

In-Lab Test - March 18, 2019

Test Instructions

Good luck!

Datasets for the Test

For this test, we will use datasets, in the class data locker, from past homework and labs plus a new shapefile and one new data table in a personal geodatabase. All shapefiles represent locations using Massachusetts State Plane coordinates (NAD83) in meters. All the required datasets are in the class data locker in a folder called: S:\11.188\test19data (which is the same folder location as Here's a summary of the datasets you will use:

ma_towns00type.shp Shapefile from MassGIS of political boundaries for the 351 Massachusetts municipalities. This is the same as the ma_towns00 shapefule that we have used in past labs except that we have fixed the 'Gayhead' vs. 'Aquinnah' name problem and added additional attribute columns describing the community types to which the various Massachusetts municipalities have been assigned. The community type columns come from the table called MA_COMM_TYPE in the personal geodatabase (in MS-Access format) that is also provided to you. Since we have already joined the community type table to shapefile of Massachusetts municipalities, you will not need to use the ma_comm_type table in MS-Access. However, it could prove useful if you choose to answer some of the questions via MS-Access queries rather than ArcGIS data manipulation.
EXITS_PT.shp Shapefile of points from MassGIS, that mark the location of all exits on limited-access highways (i.e., interstates and certain major State roads) in Massachusetts. Attributes include exit number and route number. you do not need additional information about the data layers but, if interested, further information is available from MassGIS at:
11.188_test19gdb.mdb A personal geodatabase (in MS-Access format) containing two tables (in addition to the GDB... tables that ArcGIS adds to MS-Access databases):

MASS_DOR_COMPARE contains financial data about the 351 Massachusetts cities and towns that have been extracted from the 'Community Comparison Report' published annually by the MA Dept. of Revenue (DOR). These data are for Fiscal Year 2015 (fy2015) and include 25 fields describing town characteristics including property valuations and tax levys. A spreadsheet with the full set of fields available in the community comparison report is not needed for the test. However, for your information, the latest version of the report is here:

MA_COMM_TYPE categorizes the 351 municipalities in Massachusetts into several 'Community Types.' The community types are distinguished by TYPE_CODE (with 9 categories) and a COMMUNITY_TYPE description (with 5 different labels). Other fields have the municipality names and codes in various numeric, text, upper case, etc. formats as well as the regional planning association associated with each municipality. The last two columns (MAPC and CTPS) indicate whether each municipality is a member of MAPC (in which case MAPC=1) and a member of CTPS (in which case CTPS=1).

A data dictionary with further information about all the fields in each table is visible in MS-Access by viewing the 'design view' for the table. (Right-click on the table name in the table of contents and choose 'design view'.)


A spreadsheet copy of the same MASS_DOR_COMPARE table saved in 11.188_test15_data.mdb. You can use either version to pull the table into ArcMap although it will be easier to do queries on the table if you work with the one in MS-Access.


An ArcMap document to get you started with some of the shapefiles and tables that you will need for the test. Open it after copying the entire test19_data folder to C:\temp.

Before starting to use these datasets, you should copy the entire 'test19data' directory to a local drive (C:\temp in Room W31-301.) Using the data from your local drive will speed up the processing and ensure that you have write access to the files - just be sure to copy the whole directory back to your network locker (drive I) before you leave! Once you have copied the test19data directory to a local drive, run the ArcMap document, 11.188_test19_start.mxd that is in the directory. This ArcMap document will load the shapefiles that you need to get started..

Part I: Short Answers (46 Points)

Question I-1 (12 points total, 3 points each)

Using the MA_DOR_COMPARE table in MS-Access (or Excel or ArcMap) answer the following questions about Massachusetts municipalities::

Question I-2 (14 points total, 4+4+6 points)

Using the MA_COMM_TYPE table in MS-Access, or the same tabled joined into the Mass town map in the ma_towns00type shapefile, answer the following questions about the community type categorization of Massachusetts municipalities: (NOTE: There are 351 rows in the MA_COMM_TYPE table but 631 rows in ma_towns00type because (as we saw in Lab #4) municipalities with islands and rivers are split into more than one polygon.)

Question I-3 (20 points total, 5 points each)

Use the EXITS_PT shapefile in your ArcMap session and answer the following questions:

Part II: Spatial Analysis and Mapping Using ArcGIS (54 Points + 4 bonus points)

Question II-1 (38 points total)

Part II-1A (25 points): Develop a thematic map showing the equalized property value per capita (EQV12_PER_CAPITA) for each municipality. Turn in a PDF version of a properly annotated ArcMap layout of this thematic map using quantile classification with 10 categories.

Part II-1B (8 points): Explain briefly what, if anything, your map seems to suggest regarding:

Part II-1C (5 points): Explain briefly a few pluses and minuses of using quantile classification to visualize the spatial distribution of equalized property value per capita among the 351 Massachusetts municipalities.

Question II-2 (4 points total)

For this question, we would like to compare the relationship between per capita property values (EQV12_PER_CAPITA) and the percent of each municipality's budget that comes from state aid (STATE_PCT).  Both values are availabble in MA_DOR_COMPARE.  The median (50th percentile) value of EQV12_PER_CAPITA is $137677 and the median value of STATE_PCT is 10.79%.

Part II-2A (2 points): What are the average values of EQV12_PER_CAPITA and STATE_PCT for municipalities in which the STATE_PCT is greater than the median value (10.79%)? average of EQV12_PER_CAPITA = ___________ and average of STATE_PCT = _______________

Part II-2A (2 points): What are the average values of EQV12_PER_CAPITA and STATE_PCT for municipalities in which the STATE_PCT is less than the median value (10.79%)? average of EQV12_PER_CAPITA = __________ and average of STATE_PCT = ______________

Question II-3 (4 points + 4 bonus points)

In ArcMap, select those municipalities that are in the Boston metro area (as indicated by CTPS=1 in MA_COMM_TYPE) and overlap any part of your 2 km buffer of the highway exits. (Hint: When you do a selection in ArcMap, you usually have a check box to specify whether to do a brand new selection or to select from the currently selected set.)

Part II-3A (2 points): How many polygons are in your selected set?  The number of selected polygons = ________________

Part II-3B (2 points): How many unique municipalities are in your selected set?  (Remember from Lab exercise #4 that some municipalities have more than one polygon in the ma_towns00type.) The number of selected municipalities = _____________

Part II-3C (4 bonus points - beyond 100 points): Generate a scatterplot chart that plots EQV12_PER_CAPITA versus STATE_PCT for those selected municipalities (in the CTPS regions and overlapping the 2km buffer). (Be sure to show only one point per municipality.) Include a PDF of your chart in your test submission.

Question II-4 (8 points): Coordinate Systems

Please note:

Last modified 18 March 2019. (Joe Ferreira)

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