2000 Census Variable Locator
This document will help you find the right census data file. The document includes information on the file naming structure.
Once you know which census table your data variable falls in you can find the Census data file that you need. Determine the 2000 Census data field you need. Find the data field in the Starting and Ending Matrix fields in the table below. Once you find your number scan across to find the appropriate Census file name.
Census File Naming Conventions
st = USPS state abbreviation
iii = the version number (or iteration) associated with the count (total population, race groups, American Indian and Alaska Native tribes, and Hispanic/Latino groups). These only apply to SF 2 and SF 4. In SF 1 and SF 3, the characteristic iteration will always be 000 (because the counts for those summary file releases are never updated).
yy = the number of the file. Valid codes are 01 through 76.
File Name
Number of |
Starting |
Ending |
stgeo.uf3 |
st00001.uf3 |
248 |
P1 |
P14 |
st00002.uf3 |
218 |
P15 |
st00003.uf3 |
241 |
P25 |
P37 |
st00004.uf3 |
227 |
P38 |
P46 |
st00005.uf3 |
220 |
P47 |
P50 |
st00006.uf3 |
250 |
P51 |
P67 |
st00007.uf3 |
213 |
P68 |
P91 |
st00008.uf3 |
245 |
P92 |
P138 |
st00009.uf3 |
203 |
P139 |
P145C |
st00010.uf3 |
245 |
P145D |
P145H |
st00011.uf3 |
235 |
P145I |
P146F |
st00012.uf3 |
246 |
P146G |
P147I |
st00013.uf3 |
241 |
P148A |
P149D |
st00014.uf3 |
245 |
P149E |
P150I |
st00015.uf3 |
239 |
P151A |
P154D |
st00016.uf3 |
240 |
P154E |
P159G |
st00017.uf3 |
239 |
P159H |
P160E |
st00018.uf3 |
164 |
P160F |
P160I |
st00019.uf3 |
247 |
PCT1 |
PCT8 |
st00020.uf3 |
204 |
PCT9 |
PCT15 |
st00021.uf3 |
222 |
PCT16 |
PCT17 |
st00022.uf3 |
235 |
PCT18 |
PCT19 |
st00023.uf3 |
233 |
PCT20 |
PCT24 |
st00024.uf3 |
233 |
PCT25 |
PCT27 |
st00025.uf3 |
221 |
PCT28 |
PCT32 |
st00026.uf3 |
106 |
PCT33 |
PCT34 |
st00027.uf3 |
221 |
PCT35 |
PCT37 |
st00028.uf3 |
162 |
PCT38 |
PCT43 |
st00029.uf3 |
205 |
PCT44 |
PCT48 |
st00030.uf3 |
224 |
PCT49 |
PCT51 |
st00031.uf3 |
205 |
PCT52 |
PCT56 |
st00032.uf3 |
243 |
PCT57 |
PCT61 |
st00033.uf3 |
243 |
PCT62A |
PCT63C |
st00034.uf3 |
234 |
PCT63D |
PCT64H |
st00035.uf3 |
231 |
PCT64I |
PCT66C |
st00036.uf3 |
233 |
PCT66D |
PCT67E |
st00037.uf3 |
223 |
PCT67F |
PCT68C |
st00038.uf3 |
245 |
PCT68D |
PCT68H |
st00039.uf3 |
247 |
PCT68I |
PCT69I |
st00040.uf3 |
243 |
PCT70A |
PCT70I |
st00041.uf3 |
245 |
PCT71A |
st00042.uf3 |
196 |
PCT71F |
PCT71I |
st00043.uf3 |
240 |
PCT72A |
PCT72B |
st00044.uf3 |
240 |
PCT72C |
PCT72D |
st00045.uf3 |
240 |
PCT72E |
PCT72F |
st00046.uf3 |
240 |
PCT72G |
PCT72H |
st00047.uf3 |
215 |
PCT72I |
PCT73A |
st00048.uf3 |
190 |
PCT73B |
PCT73C |
st00049.uf3 |
190 |
PCT73D |
PCT73E |
st00050.uf3 |
190 |
PCT73F |
PCT73G |
st00051.uf3 |
190 |
PCT73H |
PCT73I |
st00052.uf3 |
231 |
PCT74A |
PCT75C |
st00053.uf3 |
236 |
PCT75D |
PCT75G |
st00054.uf3 |
234 |
PCT75H |
PCT76D |
st00055.uf3 |
145 |
PCT76E |
PCT76I |
st00056.uf3 |
127 |
H1 |
H18 |
st00057.uf3 |
249 |
H19 |
H26 |
st00058.uf3 |
216 |
H27 |
H44 |
st00059.uf3 |
250 |
H45 |
H68 |
st00060.uf3 |
248 |
H69 |
H86 |
st00061.uf3 |
250 |
H87 |
H104 |
st00062.uf3 |
59 |
H105 |
H121 |
st00063.uf3 |
171 |
HCT1 |
HCT3 |
st00064.uf3 |
115 |
HCT4 |
HCT4 |
st00065.uf3 |
143 |
HCT5 |
HCT5 |
st00066.uf3 |
248 |
HCT6 |
HCT7 |
st00067.uf3 |
219 |
HCT8 |
HCT14 |
st00068.uf3 |
214 |
HCT15 |
HCT17 |
st00069.uf3 |
220 |
HCT18 |
HCT23 |
st00070.uf3 |
248 |
HCT24 |
HCT31C |
st00071.uf3 |
246 |
HCT31D |
HCT36D |
st00072.uf3 |
246 |
HCT36E |
HCT40I |
st00073.uf3 |
243 |
HCT41A |
HCT43I |
st00074.uf3 |
224 |
HCT44A |
HCT44G |
st00075.uf3 |
247 |
HCT44H |
HCT47F |
st00076.uf3 |
96 |
HCT47G |
HCT48I |
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