Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Department of Urban Studies and Planning

11.520: A Workshop on Geographic Information Systems
11.188: Urban Planning and Social Science Laboratory

Lab Exercise #6 - In-Class Notes: Vector Spatial Analysis


In this exercise you will use the spatial analysis capabilities of ArcGIS to:

Lab #6 Issues:

General ArcMap Tips:

Leftover from last Wednesday's lecture:

In last Wednesday's lecture, I illustrated the use of 'Field/Calculate-geometry' to find the XY centroids of blockgroup polygons in the 5-town area around Cambridge. We could have used VBA script to pull the XY values from the in-memory data model. In fact the lecture notes show how to do this.

  • Do you understand what the VBA script is doing? How and why is it different from the script used in this exercise?

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    Last modified 16 October 2010 by Joe Ferreira.