Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Department of Urban Studies and Planning
11.520: A Workshop on Geographic Information Systems
11.188: Urban Planning and Social Science Laboratory
Presentation Tips, Test Feedback, & Project Work
November 17, 2010, Joseph Ferreira
Two Items due on Stellar today:
Lab #8
Project Mini-Proposal
No new lab exercises or homework
focus on individual project work
especially, do you have appropriate data for useful spatial analysis
Initial feedback & discussion of test
Project presentation tips (using Cherrie Abbanat's slides)
Test Feedback
Test could be an (abbreviated) example of a possible project
Test focus: examining bike routes and bike rack patterns in Chicago
Project focus: who benefits from bike infrastructure; why are they done in a particular way; what obstacles limit bike usage in American cities
Project would require a little more digging and spatial analysis
Project could provide context and first step in a longer study
Answers will be online by Monday's lab
Hopefully, grading will be done by then as well
Comments on common issues and difficulties
Test data source
I forgot to add it to the test! (Shan found the data and provided these URLs)
Chicago GIS data:
Census 2000 data:
Another useful link:
Data Queries
Queries could be done in Access or ArcMap
But, Access table had all of Illinois - need to join with Chicago-area table
When dividing to get percentages, zero-demominator can cause problems
First select tracts with non-zero entries
Or be sure the calculation worked for all but the non-zero entries and put NULL in the rest
Join-by-location is easiest way to move census tract ID to the bike rack attribute table
Test ambiguities
Bike rack 'location' - we intended that you consider each attribute record to be a separate location
Even with TotInstall>2 restriction, some records have the same lat/lon locations
We accept counts that are either number of rows or (if you tell us what you did) unique lat/lon
Bike route count - we intended that you consider each attribute record to be a separate route
Records are polylines not individual line segments
But, in some cases, multiple records show the same address so distinguishing 'routes' could be tricky
We accept counts that are either number of rows or (if you tell us what you did) unique addresses
Hard to get all of Cook County on page while still seeing useful detail
Turning off track outline can help
Adjusting symbology high/low range can limit size of bike rack symbols
More than one classification choice is acceptable
Consider 'standard deviation' to emphasize outliers for skewed distributions
We recognize that lab machines have trouble with 'histogram' generation in the classification window
Histogram always displays in the 'Statistics' window
Raster analysis
Try using 'zonal statistics' to get census tract average of distance to CBD
We held off adding this to the test!
The environment settings for ArcToolbox and for 'Spatial Analyst' menu can be different!
You could use the 'neighborhood statistics' tool to measure proximity to college students (similar to the senior citizens density in homework #3)
This too was beyond the scope of what we wanted on the test
File organization and performance issues for project work
C:\usertemp (or C:\temp) are local, desktop and I:\ is not
Set LOCAL locations in the environment for workspace and (especially) scratch space
Redundancy can be good!
Read-only copy of originals (e.g., test10data)
Local working copies
proj10_working folder
that you move from network to C:\usertemp and back
Many MXDs: 11.520_proj10_working1.mxd, 2, 3, ...
Use Access: 11.520_proj10_working.mdb
Multiple windows (especially in 37-312)
Use Data Frames with different joins, coordinates, etc.
Open multiple ArcMap sessions along with Access and Excel
Just keep the file versions straight
And you may need to close files if locked for another use
Use Data Frames with different joins, coordinates, etc.
Refresh issues in ArcMap
Sometimes, removing a table and adding it again will add the old version
Save ArcMap document, exit ArcMap, and restart - then add table
This happens if you edit the table outside ArcMap and do not change the name
Project Presentation Tips
Cherrie Abbanat's
powerpoint slides
Help from the GIS Services group in the MIT Libraries
send email to
Poster session at Spring APA meeting (in Boston)
Plan to submit an E-sized poster from your project
We will accept the poster in lieu of a writeup (but you still must do the oral presentation)
Monday's Lab (Nov. 22)
Work individually on project
Discuss project focus and data issues with us
Separate 20 minute meeting with undergrads
Group discussion about project and CI requirement
Meet in 37-312 lab at 2:15 on Monday, Nov. 22
Last modified 17 November 2010 [jf]
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