Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Department of Urban Studies and Planning

Development in the Dudley Neighborhood

MIT Urban Information Systems
Intelligent Middleware Project

DNI Logo
DNI Parcels by Year Purchased

Dudley Neighbors, Inc. is a Community Land Trust that implements the community revitalization plans of the Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative (DSNI), which espouses development without displacement and includes affordable housing, economic development, open space, and other amenities of the Urban Village.

The table to the right shows the number of parcels and total acreage purchased by DNI by year of purchase.

The pinmap (below) displays the location of the DNI parcels on top of a Google (tm) map. Click on the pins to see additional information about each property.

This web page is part of a larger MIT project that is prototyping and testing an 'intelligent middleware' approach for sharing data within a metropolitan area in a manner that permits accumulating and utilizating local knowledge about neighborhood-scale land use, ownership, and market potential.

This MIT "Intelligent Middleware" project is sponsored by The Brookings Institution's Urban Markets Initiative and involves a collaboration of MIT, the Boston Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC), the Boston Department of Neighborhood Development (DND), The Boston Foundation, and the Dudley Street Neighorhood Initiative (DSNI).