Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Department of Urban Studies and Planning

11.520: A Workshop on Geographic Information Systems
11.188: Urban Planning and Social Science Laboratory

Lecture 12: Terrain Models, 3D & Course Wrapup


December 12, 2007, Joseph Ferreira


  • Project writeup due today on Stellar (and must be handed in by Friday to avoid penalty)
  • Course evaluations: extra copies are available today if you didn't already turn one in at the Monday project presentations


Presentation comments

  • Generally good timing, roadmaps, graphics, and oral presence
    • Occasionally too long
    • Be conscious of story line and nature of argument (note: could be process of inquiry and difficulties encountered, not just results and answer to question)
    • Occasional talking ahead of relevant graphics
  • Occasional issues with clarity of legends, scale, etc. (quantiles?, units, ...)
  • Limited graphics/diagrams showing analysis steps
  • Color Fidelity: Projector makes 12-class gradient maps even harder to see - try highlighting key cell ranges with easily distinguished colors
  • Note difference between homework and open-ended project:
    • more need for problem/project formulation (not just analysis)
    • Proliferation of files; use of local drive, C:\Usertemp
    • Data conversion and ArcGIS difficulties
    • Metadata importance (coordinates, data source, dates, categories,...)
    • Measurement issues (MAUP, normalization, good proxies)

Terrain Modeling and 3-Dimensional Visualization

  • Representing height (Z)
    • Contour lines (each line is the locus of points at a constant elevation)
    • Surface models (2.5D)
      • DEM - digital elevation models (e.g., matrix of 30m elevations)
      • TIN - triangulated irregular network
        • approximate a smooth surface using interconnected triangles
        • quick visualization by shading triangles based on slope and aspect
      • Building a TIN from contour lines or DEM
      • Computing slope and aspect
    • 3D models
      • Add Z to points, lines, polygons
      • Add surfaces and volumes as objects defined by a collection of planar polygons
      • Recognize difference between extruding 2-D shapes and allowing sloped roofs with overhang
      • Solid modeling
        • describe objects such as cylinders and spheres by continuous math functions
        • use computational geometry to handle intersections, differencing, etc.
  • 3D visualization - ArcScene and ArcGlobe
    • Example TIN model (for Boston)
      • M:\data\bostin\hpy_bos_t contains the TIN model
      • TIN was developed using ArcGIS from elevation (hypsography) data from USGS
      • Add 3D-Analyst extension for additional capabilities in ArcMap
      • Can use ArcGlobe to view 3D data
    • Surface analyses for: contour lines, slope and aspect estimates, hillshading
    • Using slope/aspect or hillshading for visualization and analysis
      • Darken as if lighted from northeast corner
      • Find all the south-facing roads
    • Draping layers on top of TIN: base heights, z-exaggeration, offset, ..
Course Wrapup
  • Review progression of topics/labs during semester
  • Highlight other tools/issues that we haven't had time to cover
    • Entering and Editing geometry
    • Handling one-to-many and many-to-many relationships
    • Additional analysis tools: geostatistics, network analysis, etc.
    • Interoperable geospatial services
  • Other classes
    • ESRI online virtual campus (talk to Lisa Sweeney in Rotch Library)
    • Spring: 11.521 (11.523/524) - spatial database management and advanced GIS project
    • Fall: 11.522 - research seminar on urban information systems
    • Spring: 11.220 - Quantitative Reasoning and Statistical Methods for Planning
    • Fall: 11.951 - Mike Flaxman's 'Simulating Sustainable Futures' studio
    • IAP activities
      • Workshop on MetroFuture plan for Boston: Community Viz model in ArcGIS
      • GIS minicourses taught by Dan Sheehan (IS&T) and Lisa Sweeney (Libraries)
      • TransCAD workshop at CTL
    • Harvard: GSD and Engineering classes
    • BU: remote sensing classes
  • Other opportunities: a number of students in 11.188 and 11.520 have used their acquired skills on subsequent UROP projects, RAs, intersnships, and various other professional and research opporunities (including redistricting Boston City Council after the 2000 census, building some of the tools and datasets in the Library's geodata repository, interning at various local planning agencies and firms, and participating in research projects connected with each of DUSP other program groups as well as CRE, CEE, the Energy Lab, and other MIT centers).

Last modified 12 December 2007 [jf]
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