Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Department of Urban Studies and Planning

11.520: A Workshop on Geographic Information Systems
11.188: Urban Planning and Social Science Laboratory

GIS Principles & Methods

September 12, 2007, Joseph Ferreira, Jr.

(including contributions from Visting Prof. Zhong-Rhen Peng who taught the Fall 2003 class)

Administrative notes regarding lab exercises and schedule

Outline of Today

Components of GIS

Example GIS Applications - think about useful data models for each example

Examples to view and discuss: which are GIS? what to learn? how to add your own data/analyses?

Evolution of GIS: A Timeline from 1970s to now

  • Overview of ArcGIS software (with Lab #1 exercise on-screen)
  • 'Vector' data models for geospatial location

    Raster vs. vector data models

    Inflation-Adjusted 1989 Cambridge, MA Housing Sales Prices   
    Boston/Cambridge Streets superimposed on orthophoto.  Zoomed-in view shows raster nature of the ortho.

  • Last modified 12 September 2007 [jf]

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