Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Department of Urban Studies and Planning
11.520: A Workshop on Geographic Information Systems
11.188: Urban Planning and Social Science Laboratory
Test and Project Feedback
November 19, 2008, Joseph Ferreira
Labs 4 and 5 handed back today, comments online this week
Homework #3 Part 2 (model builder) due next Monday, Nov. 24, to Stellar
No new lab exercises or homework - focus on individual project work
General test and project feedback today, individual results and feedback by end of week
Test Feedback
Answers are now online as a link in the test folder
Topics for review
Data manipulation in ArcMap vs. Access
- tradeoffs
Easy to do sorting and summarizing either way
Write access, DBF limits, and file proliferation issues in ArcMap
Table transfer and query skill issues in MS-Access
File organization for project work
C:\usertemp is local, I:\ is not
Setting locations in the environment: workspace and scratch space
Redundancy can be good!
Read-only copy of originals (test08data)
Local working copies
Test08_working folder
Many MXDs: 11.520_test08_working1.mxd, 2, 3, ...
Use Access: 11.520_test08_working.mdb
Use Data Frames with different joins, coordinates, etc.
Coordinate system issues
Lat/lon vs. national albers vs. north carolina state plane
Data Frame vs. on-disk vs. dialog box settings
Making use of Data Frames
Grid issues in spatial analyst
Spatial analysis and raster manipulation
Color/pattern/transparency choices for visualization
Normalization issues
votes compared to what (McCain vs. Obama, Counts vs. Percents, ...)
Coordinate system for the grid
Mask for restricting proximity operations
Further analyses
Let's look further into delta_votes and distance-to-MSA
Delta_votes percentage changes
Use of zonal stats tools to get average distance of counties to MSAs
Last modified 19 November 2008 [jf]
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