Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Department of Urban Studies and Planning

11.520: A Workshop on Geographic Information Systems
11.188: Urban Planning and Social Science Laboratory

Spatial Data Models: Spatial Analysis II (Raster Models)

October 15, 2008

based on materials by Michael Flaxman, Joseph Ferreira, Thomas H. Grayson & Xiongjiu Liao

Administrative Notes

Raster vs. Vector Data Models for GIS

Vector (model boundaries of spatial features) - our focus so far

Comparing Field and Object Models

Types of Rasters

Technical Formats


Commonly "8 bit" meaning up to 255 discrete types can be stored

Sometimes 16 bit, so many more discrete values can be stored (~65,000)

Floating Point

Similarly, can be either "single precision" (float)

Double precision (double)

Logical Types

Examples / Common Raster Data Uses

Creating Raster Maps

Two major methods:

Classifying raw imagery

Using Remote Sensing (beyond scope of this class, but important, powerful, semiautomated technique)

"By Hand" such as in Photoshop with Magic Wand Tool (not standard professional method, but gives a good understanding of issues)

Rasterizing Digitized Vector Features from CAD or GIS


Design with nature.
Do your unified analysis of natural features represented using raster with vector bounds

Examples: which parcels have average slope > 15%
which census blocks are prone to flooding?

Efficiency in large area studies

Example: Calculating stream buffers for every stream in Oregon

In vector Arc/Info, 2+ days of processing time

In raster grid, <1 minute for same stream network

Raster Analyses: Neighbors and 'Map Algebra'

Raster Difficulties

Edge Effects

When NOT to Use Raster Representations

Raster <-> Vector Conversions

General Strategy

Example: Manipulating terrain and land cover in Raster

Suggested Additional Readings on Raster Models

The NCGIA Core Curriculum in GIScience
Unit TOC Section Unit Author
Table of Contents (TOC)      
Representing Fields 2.4 054 Michael F.Goodchild
Rasters 2.4.1 055 Michael F. Goodchild
Representing Networks 2.6 064 F. Benjamin Zhan

Worboys, Michael F. GIS: A Computing Perspective. London: Taylor & Francis, 1995.
Chapter 4: Models of Spatial Information

More abstract, general, and mathematical than the NCGIA core curriculum notes

(Minimal discussion of raster models in the Ormsby 'Getting to Know ArcGIS' book)

Created by Joseph Ferreira, Jr., 3 November 1999
Extensively rewritten for Fall 2000 by Thomas H. Grayson
Modified 2004-06 by Joseph Ferreira, Xiongjiu Liao, and Michael Flaxman
Last modified 14 October 2008 by Joseph Ferreira

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