Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Department of Urban Studies and Planning

11.520: A Workshop on Geographic Information Systems
11.188: Urban Planning and Social Science Laboratory

Continuation of Network Analysis and Interoperable Web Services


November 25, 2009, Joseph Ferreira, Jr.

(based, in part, on Fall 2003 notes by Visting Prof. Zhong-Rhen Peng)


  • Project title and abstract due Mon., Nov. 30

Outline for Today (all of today's topics are *not* covered on Monday's exam)

  • Questions and comments about material covered on Monday's Test
  • Finish earlier discussion of map mashups and interoperable geospatial services
    • Examples (and difficulties) accessing WMS services
    • Google Earth + Google Sketchup + WMS services
    • 'Intelligent Middleware" example
  • Introduce network analysis methods
  • Introduce 2.5D modeling in ArcGIS

Review a few points from last lecture

  • Using OGC-complaint web mapping services (i.e., WMS servers)
    • ArcGIS version 9.2 has trouble with WMS servers such as at MassGIS - ArcGIS version 9.3 is better but not in the lab.
      • Illustrate ArcGIS version 9.3 - specify version 1.1.1 in Add WMS Service dialog box
        • Try with "Political / Administrative Boundaries"
        • ArcGIS 9.3 still will render MassGIS WMS services only if Data Frame is set to lat/lon (WGS84)
        • Getting parameters to match required version, coordinate system, and bounding box (as well as layer) can be frustrating - in fact, much more frustrating than we had intended!
        • WMS servers *are* worthwhile for constantly changing layers or for gigantic layers (like imagery) that do not change and are maintained by someone else (and displayable in many different ways depending upon style, coordinates, etc.)
      • Part of the problem is that MassGIS and many clients now support multiple WMS protocol versions
    This URL (from last lecture and similar to those in lab exercise #8) does not specify WMS version level:
    ==> NOTE version information in error message reply:,900000,236500,902500&width=640&height=480&format=image/png&service=wms

    Error message returned by above URL when used as address in ordinary browser:

    <ServiceExceptionReport version="1.2.0">
    <ServiceException> Either the server is down or the request cannot be processed by the server: MHD Roads

    Adding "version=1.1.1" to parameters in the same URL now works: (the images are similar to the street map overlays shown in the next section),900000,236500,902500&width=640&height=480&format=image/png&service=wms  


    • Illustrate use in Google Earth - Illustrate once again and add some new features
    Image A: MassGIS Roads Overlay (in State Plane Coordinates) Image B: MassGIS Roads Overlay (in lat/lon)
    Image A

    Image B


  • Explore "GeoModeling" with Google Earth and Sketchup
    • In Google Earth, zoom in to the MIT campus
    • Place a to-scale model of Eiffel Tower on Briggs Field
      • Choose Add/Network-Link and select this file: M:\data\sketchup\eiffel_08nov06_v1.kmz
    • Keep Google Earth open and start Google Sketchup as well
      • Open the saved Eiffel Tower sketchup file in: M:\data\sketchup\eiffel_mit_08nov.skp - which is the following AFS locker folder:
        • /afs/
      • Click the "view your model in Google Earth" button (3rd from right side of tool bar)
        • The sketchup model will be placed into Google Earth in the same location as determined by SketchUp from the registered image that came from a Google Earth snapshot (when the saved KMZ file was made)
        • Some machines in the MIT labs will not allow this method of moving 3D models from SketchUp to Google Earth (do to file writing permission issuses). In that case, from Sketchup, choose File/Export/3D-Model and save your model to disk in KMZ format (zipped keyhole markup language, KML). Then open the file in Google Earth via Add/Network-Link.
    • Turn on 3D buildings in Google Earth and examine the scale of the Eiffel Tower compared with the playing fields and MIT buildings
    • Explore additional Google Earth and Sketchup capabilities - e.g., you can drape photos onto wire frame building models so the photos provide a realistic facade for the buildings
      • In Google Earth zoom to again to MIT campus looking pretty much straight down
      • In a blank Google Sketchup window, click the "Get Current View" toolbar icon to grab the surface image and location of you Google Earth location
        • Now build a sketchup model (for example a box)
        • Finally, click the "view your model in Google Earth" toolbar icon to move your model into Google Earth
    • For more information about downloading and using Google Earth and Sketchup see:
    Encoding proximity using a network (or graph) model, facilitates certain types of connectivity analyses


Network Analysis (not covered on test)

  • Encoding proximity using a network (or graph) model, facilitates certain types of connectivity analyses
    • Find shortest path along streets from Point A to Point B
    • Find shortest path through N cities (Traveling Salesman problem)
    • How far can you get in 30 minutes
  • Many transportation analyses use network data models
  • Many hydological analyses use network data models (runoff, flow, ...)

Network Example: using US Census Bureau, TIGER Line Files

  • Geocoding Strategy using TIGER
    • Encode road network as street centerlines links connecting nodes (usually intersections)
    • Attach address information to each street segment
    • Use 'in reverse' to match street address to street segment to get approximate X,Y location
  • TIGER: Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing system
    • Examine attribute table and note columns for to/from information
    • US Census Bureau TIGER line file 2000, technical documentation
      • at Census:
      • in class locker:
  • Illustrative Example
    Street centerline road segments
    Attaching address ranges to road segments


What is a Network?

A network is a system of linear features connected at nodes
E.g, nodes could be where three or more street segments intersect.
The linear feature connecting any given pair of nodes is called an arc, or network link.
Each arc on a network is represented as an ordered pair of nodes, in the form from node i to node j, denoted by (i, j), and thus has direction.
A network representation that is good for transportation modeling may differ from a geographically accurate representation of the physical road (e.g., street centerline, handling exit ramps, 3D overpasses, etc.)


Other basic elements of a network:

A shortest path is the shortest (or least 'cost' path) from a source node (origin) to a destination node.  In practice, pathfinding seeks the shortest or most efficient way to visit a sequence of locations.

A tour is an enclosed path, that is, the first node and the final node on the path are the same node on the network.

A stop is a location visited  in a path or a tour.

Events or locations may be viewed as collection points (e.g., 'origins' or 'destinations' ) where certain resources are supplied or consumed.

A turn on a network is the transition from one arc to another arc at a node (there are 16 ways in which two intersecting roads can allow vehicle flow among the 4 links that 'connect' to the one node).

'Location-allocation' models often use network representation of connected places in order to determine the optimal locations for a given number of facilities (e.g., stores, restaurants, banks, factories, warehouses, libraries, hospitals, post offices, and schools) based on some criteria, assign people to the the 'nearest' facility.



Optional network analysis lab exercise (lab9_network written for old ArcView)


Reference for further information about GIS and networks:


Terrain Modeling and 3-Dimensional Visualization in ArcGIS

  • We need more that simple mashup overlays to do spatial analysis
    • ArcGIS has many such capabilities - but we need to get deeper into data structures and interfaces
    • Let's exam and illustrate some capabilities for representing surfaces and extruded heights
  • Representing height (Z)
    • Contour lines (each line is the locus of points at a constant elevation)
    • Surface models (2.5D)
      • DEM - digital elevation models (e.g., matrix of 30m elevations)
      • TIN - triangulated irregular network
        • approximate a smooth surface using interconnected triangles
        • quick visualization by shading triangles based on slope and aspect
      • Building a TIN from contour lines or DEM
      • Computing slope and aspect
    • 3D models
      • Add Z to points, lines, polygons
      • Add surfaces and volumes as objects defined by a collection of planar polygons
      • Recognize difference between extruding 2-D shapes and allowing sloped roofs with overhang
      • ArcGIS does *not* support olid modeling (as in Google Sketchup)
        • describe objects such as cylinders and spheres by continuous math functions
        • use computational geometry to handle intersections, differencing, etc.
  • 3D visualization - ArcScene and ArcGlobe
    • Example TIN model (for Boston)
      • M:\data\bostin\hpy_bos_t contains the TIN model
      • TIN was developed using ArcGIS from elevation (hypsography) data from USGS
      • Add 3D-Analyst extension for additional capabilities in ArcMap
      • Can use ArcGlobe to view 3D data
    • Surface analyses for: contour lines, slope and aspect estimates, hillshading
    • Using slope/aspect or hillshading for visualization and analysis
      • Darken as if lighted from northeast corner
      • Find all the south-facing roads
    • Draping layers on top of TIN: base heights, z-exaggeration, offset, ..




Interoperable Geospatial Services

  • If there is more time, continue with Powerpoint slides from Oct. 17 on Geospatial Web Services
  • Illustrate "Intelligent Middleware" using web services and open sourse GIS/RDBMS


Last modified 12 November 2008 [jf].
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