11.521/11.523: Lab #5: Raster Modeling with SQL and ArcGIS Spatial Analyst Screen Sharing: http://mit.webex.com/join/jf (0) Administrative -- Lab #4 due today, March 6 -- Problem Set A: due Thursday, March 8
-- Problem Set B: due next Thursday, March 15 ---- In Problem Set B, categorize all EAST BOSTON PARCELS by owner/landuse type ---- note you are *not* categorizing the zoning variances -- Today's Lab #5, Part I due next Tuesday (March 13) ; Part II (model builder) due Tuesday, April 3 (after Sping Break) -- In-lab test in two weeks (March 20), Practice tests from last two years are online -- Extra lab session Friday, March 10, from 12:15 - 2:15 pm in 9-554 --- Useful to discuss lab exercises and SQL questions --- Solutions to Lab #2 have been uploaded to Stellar (1) Purpose of Lab #5 -- Use raster methods to examine spatial pattern of housing value for East Boston Triple-deckers -- Create housing value 'surface' for visualization and interpretation -- Use 'spatial analyst' to interpolate East Boston housing value surface based on 1985-1995 residential housing sales -- Contrast a 'raster' approach with the parcel and block level estimates we have done using assessed value data -- Gain further experience with GIS+DBMS data manipulations and SQL queries -- Introduce use of Model Builder to package repeatable geospatial data processing steps -- SKIM THROUGH THE ENTIRE EXERCISE BEFORE STARTING --- Part I-1: thematic map of 1990 census block group median housing value --- Part I-2: cut East Boston into 50 meter raster grid cells --- Part I-3: interpolate grid cell housing values using real estate transaction data in Postgres --- Part II: build 'Model Builder' model of part of the grid cell interpolation steps -- If you have limited experience with raster-based GIS analysis, or you have never used Model Builder, review this lab #7 exercise from the 2015 Spring 11.188 GIS class: http://web.mit.edu/11.188/www16/labs/lab7/lab7.html (2) Details: in-lab examples -- Creating 50 meter grid with East Boston 'mask' --- Pay attention to environment settings: ---- coordinate system, cell size, cookie cutter location and extents, and mask -- Watch my demo of creating and using eboston_pd from bos_planning_districts ---- Managing coordinate system issues for the data layers ---- Set environment via Geoprocessing/Environments (for general defaults) or 'environments' button within each ArcToolbox tool ---- Easiest to convert bos_planning_districts to Mass State Plane NAD83-meters at outset -- Discuss BOSTON96.SALES -- Generating parcel centroids to facilitate nearest neighborhood averaging -- Parcel IDs for 1985-1995 sales are DIFFERENT from 2005 parcel IDs (i.e., you need the older 1996 parcel layer) -- SQL queries of 65K housing sales to get right East Boston subset for estimation -- Identifying 'arms length' sales -- Complex SQL queries using 'IN' and sub-queries -- Illustrate 'view' to get 'holdsales3' -- Note value of saved SQL queries and Model Builder models for multi-step procedures that need exploration and tweaking New Postgres tables for 1996 Boston data that are used in this lab: boston96.SALES - transaction records of boston residential property sales (1986-1995) boston96.PARCEL96 - Assessing data table for Boston 1996 properties (one row per assessing record) boston96.PARCEL96SHP - attribute table for parcel96 shapefile (one row per ground parcel) boston96.STCLASS - state landuse class code (same codes as in public.mass_landuse but fewer columns) boston96.SALECODE - codes for sales transactions (arms length, via foreclosure,...) These SQL queries can help us understand which columns are plausible primary keys: select count(*), count(distinct parcel_id), count(distinct base_id) from boston96.parcel96; -- 138001;138001;92161 ---- parcel_id is assessing record, base_id is ground parcel ID select count(*), count(distinct parcel96_), count(distinct parcel96_i), count(distinct parcel_id), count(distinct parcel_i_1), count(distinct base_id) from boston96.parcel96shp; -- 101213;101213;6572;6551;99859;91982 ---- parcel_i_1 should be a unique parcel/unit id and base_id a unique ground parcel for joining to the assessing data. However, there are some duplicates and we have used parcel96_ as a primary key for the table. (3) Performance issues -- Be aware of the speed difference between on-disk vs. on-net shapefile, grid, or worksace use in ArcGIS -- Make sure big files and heavy processing are done locally -- Your Desktop and C:\user are *not* local drives. Use C:\TEMP or a local USB drive
-- using a local geodatabase for workspace and scratch space will help, especially if they are all
within a C:\temp folder that you can copy to a flash drive or the cloud before you leave. (4) Test in two weeks - Tuesday, March 20, in W31-301 at 4 pm -- Practice tests (from last two years) are available online -- We will review test coverage during Thursday's class -- test is designed for 1.5 hours but we will give you longer (all 3 hours)