11.521: Computer-Based Analysis for Public Management |
11.523: Fundamentals of Spatial Database Management |
11.524: Advanced Geographic Information System Project |
select p.parcelid, add1, add2, count(fdate) firesThis set of queries will save the results of the previous join in a table and then add in one row for every parcel in the parcel table that didn't have a fire:
from parcels p, fires f
where p.parcelid = f.parcelid
group by p.parcelid, add1, add2;
create table t1holdf asNow, here's an 'outer join' SQL statement that redoes the original query in a way that adds
select p.parcelid, add1, add2, count(fdate) fires
from parcels p, fires f
where p.parcelid = f.parcelid
group by p.parcelid, add1, add2;insert into t1holdf
select parcelid, add1, add2, 0
from parcels
where parcelid NOT IN (select parcelid from fires);
select p.parcelid, add1, add2,
count(fdate) fires, sum(estloss)
from parcels p, fires
where p.parcelid = f.parcelid
group by p.parcelid, add1, add2;
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Written by Joseph Ferreira, Jr. on 9 Oct. 1997.
Converted to HTML by Thomas H. Grayson on 1 Feb. 2000.
Last modified: 4 February 2018 [rb]