Class will generally meet Monday, 7:05 - 9:00 PM in Room 9-451. Guest speakers will present either during the Monday evening slot or occassionally during other time slots (most likely lunchtime and, on occasion, during the Fall 2014 PhD workshop, Wed., 12:30 - 2:00, in the same room):
This list of 11.522 presentations will be updated as student-led sessions are scheduled. Note: Some of these web links are not world readable so browser access is 'forbidden.' Restricted access materials are available on the class Stellar site: Alternatively, to access them from machines supporting AFS, you need to be on the 11.522 mailing list and use your MIT email ID together with OpenAFS or sftp. Note that the course homepage: is the same location as: \\afs\\course\11\11.522\www
8-Sept |
15-Sept |
- Discussion of JAPA article: Echinique, et al., "Growing Cities Sustainably: Does Urban Form Really matter?" JAPA, Vol. 78:2 (2012), :pp 121-137. )
- Related discussion on PLANET listserv for Planning Academics
- See web links from the 11.522 'Resources' webpage
- Extension of bank loan spreadsheet for 'population projection,' and 'Lowry' urban model
22-Sept |
- Evolution of urban models: Joe Ferreira
- Additoinal discussion
- Current use of urban models in urban and regional planning
- Impacts of GIS, web services, urban information infrastructure, crowdsourcing
29-Sept |
- Student-led discussion, part 1: Halley Reeves
- Topic Brief: Massachusetts Heat Exposure Response Model: Hot Weather Exposure and Hospitalizations in Massachusetts
- Articles to read (available at: ./11522/www/discusion_notes/papers and on Stellar)
- Metzger, K. B., Ito, K., & Matte, T. D. (2010). Summer Heat and Mortality in New York City: How Hot Is Too Hot? . Environmental Health Perspectives , 118 (1), 80-86. (called Metzger_SummerHeat_in_NYC.pdf on website and Stellar)
- Reid, C. E., O’Neill, M. S., Gronlund, C. J., Brines, S. J., Brown, D. G., Diez-Roux, A. V., et al. (2009). Mapping Community Determinants of Heat Vulnerability. Environmental Health Perspectives , 1731-1736. (called Reid2009_envt_health.pdf on website and Stellar)
- Student-led discussion, part 2:
Ben Golder
- Topic Brief: Implementing Public Services On The Web: A Case Study of the UK Government Digital Service
- Articles to read (Norris article available at: ./11522/www/discusion_notes/papers and on Stellar)
- Government Digital Service. (2014a). Digital by Default Service Standard. Service Design Manual: [Read the 'design strategy,' review the 26 criteria, and skim the rest]
- UK National Auditing Office. Government and IT - “a Recipe for Rip-Offs”:
Time for a New Approach. London, 2012. [Read the summary, introduction, and conclusions and skim the rest]
- Norris, D. F., & Reddick, C. G. (2012). Local E-Government in the United States: Transformation or Incremental Change? Public Administration Review, 73, 165–175. (called Norris_E-Government_in_US_2012.pdf on website and Stellar)
6-Oct |
- Student-led discussion, part 1: Roberto Ponce Lopez
- Student-led discussion, part 2: Gabriel Lanfranchi
- Topic Brief: Buenos Aires Metropolitan Region Urban Growth Model
- Articles to read (see: ./11522/www/discusion_notes/papers and on Stellar)
- Silva, E., Clarke, K.C., 2002. "Calibration of the SLEUTH urban growth model for Lisbon and Porto, Portugal," Comput. Environ. Urban 26, 525–552.
- Richard E. Klosterman. (2001) "A New Tool for a New Planning: The What if?TM Planning Support System," Chapter 5 in Planning Support Systems: Integrating Geographic Information Systems, Models and Visualization Tools. (Edited with Richard K. Brail), 2001. (Pages. 85 – 100)
13-Oct |
20-Oct |
- Student-led discussion, part 1: Jon Goldman
- Topic Brief:: Population Estimation and FEMA Flood Maps
- Articles to read (see: ./11522/www/discusion_notes and on Stellar)
- Fielding, J., & Burningham, K. (2005). Environmental inequality and flood hazard. Local Environment, 10(4), 379–395. doi:10.1080/13549830500160875. (called Fielding_Environmental_inequality_2005.pdf on website and Stellar)
- Maantay, J., & Maroko, A. (2009). Mapping urban risk: Flood hazards, race, & environmental justice in New York. Applied Geography, 29(1), 111–124. doi:10.1016/j.apgeog.2008.08.002. (called Maantay_Mapping_urban_risk_2009.pdf on website and Stellar)
- Part 2: Continuation of discussion led by Gabriel Lanfranchi on Oct. 6
27-Oct |
- Student-led discussion, part 1: Marcel Williams
- Topic Brief:: The Connection between the Built Environment and Travel Patterns
- Articles to read (see: ./11522/www/discusion_notes and on Stellar)
- Krizek, Kevin J. "Residential relocation and changes in urban travel: does neighborhood-scale urban form matter?." Journal of the American Planning Association 69.3 (2003): 265-281. (called Krizek_relocation_2011.pdf on website and Stellar)
- Handy, Susan L., and Kelly J. Clifton. "Evaluating neighborhood accessibility: Possibilities and practicalities." Journal of Transportation and Statistics 4.2/3 (2001): 67-78. (called Handy_Clifton_2001.pdf on website and Stellar)
- Student-led discussion, part 2: Hector Flores-Ramirez
- Topic Brief: Mapping for Social Prevention of Violence and Crime in Mexico
- Articles to read (see: ./11522/www/discusion_notes and on Stellar)
- Pattavina, April, Glenn Pierce and Alan Saiz (2002), “Urban Neighborhood Information Systems: Crime Prevention and Control Applications”, Journal of Urban Technology, vol. 9 no. 1, 37-56. (called Pattavina_urban_info_sys_for_crime.pdf on website and Stellar)
- Sampson, Robert J., Stephen Raudenbush, Felton Earls (1997), “Neighborhoods and Violent Crime: A Multilevel Study of Efficacy”, Science, vol. 277, no. 5238, 918-924. (called Sampson_collective_efficacy.pdf on website and Stellar)
- [skim this chapter] Anselin, Luc, Jacqueline Cohen, David Cook, Wilpen Gorr, and George Tita, “Spatial Analysis of Crime”, in D. Duffy (ed), Criminal Justice 2000, vol 4. (Measurement and Analysis of Crime and Justice), 2000. (called anselin_spatial_analysis_of_crime.pdf on website and Stellar)
3-Nov |
- Student-led discussion, part 1: Owen Deutsch
- Topic Brief:: Towards Active Enforcement of Affordable Housing Agreements: New York City as a Case Study
- Articles to read (see: ./11522/www/discusion_notes and on Stellar)
- Alnsour, J., & Meaton, J. (2009). Factors affecting compliance with residential standards in the city of Old Salt, Jordan. Habitat International, 33, 301-309. (called Alnsour_compliance_with_standards_2009.pdf on website and Stellar)
- Schneider, R., & Zwick, P. (1990). Searching for substandard housing in Alachua County: A case study. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 14(4), 273. (called Schneider_substandard_housing_1990.pdf on website and Stellar)
- Weil, D. (2005). Public enforcement/private monitoring: Evaluating a new approach to regulating the minimum wage. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 58(2), 238. (called Weil_Public_Enforcement_2005.pdf on website and Stellar)
- Part 2: General discussion Part 2: Progress on individual projects and retrospective on Seminars to date:
- Roundtable update on individual projects (topic, data, tools, issues)
- Comparing and contrasting notions of
- Planning support systems
- Public data, and
- Urban information infrastructure
10-Nov |
17-Nov |
24-Nov |
1-Dec |
- Final Project Presentations
8-Dec |
- Final Project Presentations