Mission 2006

This webpage has been created for "Mission 2006", a course that is offered every year to incoming freshman who have a desire to challenge their problem-solving skills. In past years, the course has tackled creating a mission to Mars and setting up a deep-sea monitoring station. Now we focus our attention to the world with which we are most familiar, land!! Or more specifically, the Amazon rainforest. Our goal in Mission 2006 is to develop a way to monitor the well-being of the Amazon rainforest and create a set of practical strategies to ensure its preservation.

Questions for other groups:

1) Flora - what are the specific requirements of your key species from the soil in terms of nutrient levels, nitrogen/sulfur/phosphorus levels, pH?

2) Flora, Air, Water - what have you found about the nitrogen cycle? I would like to combine the information we have all found.




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