The goal of our group
"Our team mission is to gain an understanding of mathematical modeling of biological systems as well as an understanding of actual ecological processes occuring in the Rainforest. We will apply this knowledge, along with useful information from other groups, to create two models of specific examples of interactions in the Rainforest. We will use these models to make recommendations on some vital parameters necessary to maintain ecological equilibrium."
The following contents are what I have been researching
Sept 23, 2002
Our group does not assign specific topics to anyone yet, we decided to look for some interesting information about system interaction. I searched the website of The Woods Hole Research Center -WHRC, USA. I found some examples of system interaction. For example, leafcutting ants stimulate forest growth, mulches from common weeds act as excellent fertilizers, and rubber tappers are extraordinary cartographers.
Works Cited
The Future of Amazonia. Woods Hole Research Centor. 23
Sep. 2002. <>.
Also, I found information
about Avança Brasil Program, which will affect system interaction
in Amazon. The Brazilian government is making large-scale investments in
development projects in the Amazon region through its Avança Brasil
(Forward Brazil) Program. Among the government's goals for the next few
years are the
expansion of the paved road network into central Amazonia, and
the construction of ports, waterways, railways and hydroelectric power
plants.The Avança Brasil is predicted to the deforestation of 120,000
to 270,000 km2 of primary forest over the next 25 to 35 years. This program
could trigger three vicious feed back mechanisms of environmental impoverishment
in the region.
1. In the first vicious
feedback, the increased land supply along the highways will stimulate ranching
and subsistence agriculture, contributing to an increase in accidental
fires since these land uses depend upon fire as a management tool.
2.In the second feedback,
selective logging and drought events increase the flammability of large
areas of forest, and many forests catch fire.
3.In the third vicious
feedback, expanded deforestation enhanced by the two previous feedbacks
would inhibit rainfall, causing an increase in the occurrence of accidental
fires. These, in turn, would reinforce phenomena
that further inhibit rainfall. Rain is inhibited both by smoke
and by the reduction in evaporation that results from deforestation and
Finally, the plans
to build and pave roads in Amazonia could affect as much as one fourth
of the indigenous lands, national parks and priority areas for biodiversity
conservation. The immigration of colonists, ranchers and loggers stimulated
by the proposed all-weather roads poses a risk to these lands. These areas
have remained intact so far because they were "passively"protected by their
Works Cited
The Future of Amazonia.1 Jun. 2000. Woods Hole Research
Centor. 23 Sep. 2002. <>.
Overview of my thinking.
We are looking for some specific places, such as the place that is deforested, to model system interaction
1.I have to search for the place that has this problems.
I found Avança Brasil Program which affected the forest by planned
paving and/ or pavement recuperation of roads.
2.I have to search which areas does this program affect
I found a map that shows this
area. I found only the name of some national forests that will be affected,
such as Itaituba II, but I could not find the information about these national
forests on the website at that time.
3.I have to choose and indicate one area that worth spending time modeling
system interaction. Also I have to choose some plants and animals that
were common in this area and important for the economic of Amazon region.
I could not find the area
but I tried to find some plants that are important to people, such as Orbignya
Phalerata Martius (Babassu).
Areas prioritized for biodiversity
conservation affected by planned paving and/or pavement recuperation of
roads included in Avança Brasil.
indigenous lands that will be directly affected are: São Marcos,Yanomami,
Serra da Moça, Truaru, Sucuba, Raimundão, Canauanim,
Tabalascada, Malacacheta, Wai-Wai, Waimiri-Atroari,
Gavião,Paquiçamba, Arara, Koatinemo, Trincheira/Bacajá,
Rio Jumas, Cachoeira
Seca do Iriri, Kararaô, Parakanã,
Mãe Maria, Apurinã do Ig, Tauamirim,Lago Capanã, Ariramba,
Lago Jauari, Baú, Nove de Janeiro, Menkragnoti and Panará.
Of the 81 federal conservation units, 18 (22%) will be directly affected,
also four ecological stations (Caracaraí, Niquiá and Anavilhanas),
three national parks (Viruá, Chapada dos Guimarães and of
Amazônia), one biological reserve (Uatumã), one extractive
reserve (Tapajós-Arapiuns), five national forests (Tapajós,
Itaituba II, Itaituba I, Altamira and Humaitá), one ecological
reserve (Sauim Castanheiras) and two research
areas of the Forest Fragment Biological Dynamics Project.
Among the existing 73 state conservation units in Amazonia, eight (11 %)
would be directly impacted: six environmental protection areas (Caverna
do Moroaga, Margem Esquerda do Rio Negro, Margem Direita do Rio Negro,
Lago Cuniá, Cabeceiras do Rio Cuiabá and Chapada dos Guimarães),
one state park (Rio Negro\Setor Sul) and one sustainable yield state forest
(Rio Madeira). "
Works cited
Report of the Scenarios Project.1
Jun. 2000. Woods Hole Research Centor. 1 Oct. 2002. <>
An interesting plant in Amazonia
Orbignya phalerata Martius (Local names: 'Babassu' (Brazil); 'Cusi' (Bolivia))
The Babassu palm, showing the massive clusters of oil-rich fruits
Babassu palm in its native habitat
"The babassu palm is another plant native to the Amazon
Valley, with a widespread concentration in areas peripheral
to this region, especially northeastern Brasil. Throughout
distribution it forms the dominant vegetal cover over
millions of hectares of forest. The babassu palm is valued by
indigenous people for all of its parts, which provide
important uses. In fact, the babassu palm is known as the
"tree of life," as it
is so important to the existence of people
wherever it is found. For example, the leaves provide thatch
and can be woven into mats for constructing house walls, the
stems are used for timbers and, most importantly, the fruits
yield a variety of products. Some of the products of the fruit,
including fertilizer, alcohol tar and acetic acid, can only be
derived through industrial processing, while others, such as
edible oil, charcoal, and flour have been traditionally used by
indigenous peoples throughout the region. The fruits of
babassu look like small coconuts, born in clusters of a few
dozen to several hundred. Some trees can yield up to
one-half ton of fruits per year, and these are gathered and
cracked by hand on an upturned ax head to separate the
oil-rich kernel from the flour and shell which is later
converted to charcoal. The babassu palm has great
for reforestation of degraded tropical ecosystems. Although
it is somewhat slow going, taking 15 to 20 years to mature,
once established in an area it is an extremely aggressive
component of the ecosystem. As such, it could be
into many degraded sites, providing support for the soil, food
and shade to the local animal population, and products to
the humans that inhabit the region. "
Michael J. Balick. "Green Treasure-The Useful Plants of
the Amazon Valley." Journey Into Amazonia. 4 Feb. 2000. PBS. 1 Oct. 2002.
After the discussion, our group decided not to specifically focus on particular areas. We are interested to model system as general and we need some non-living system interaction. Therefore, I searched for the information about the nutrient cycles in rain forest in An Introduction to Tropical Rain Forests, second edition by Tic Whitemore.
Nutrient Cycles
I summaried the nutrient
cycle as following.
"Rain washes the air and
smoke containing nutrients, such as nitrogen and sulphur, which come from
the forest burning. 99% of water reaches the ground by penetrating the
canopy as throughfall and some rain reaches
the ground by trunk flow. The concentration
in throughfall is greater than in rainfall because rain leaches nutrients
from the leaves. Besides, the forest floor gets the nutrients from litterfall
is divided into two components: fine and coarse
litter. Fine litter is mainly leaves but also
includes flowers, fruits, and fine twigs. Coarse litter, which is brances,
limbs, and falling tree trunks.
the litter has decomposed the nutrients pass into the mineral soil and
may be taken up by the roots or leached out into streams. There may also
be nutrient input into the soil from the breakdown of soil minerals. These
may either be part of the rock on which the soil lies or in some places
may be volcanic ash which has been carried in after eruptions.
of the plant roots are in the top 0.1-0.3 m of the soil. The layer of roots
is important for the uptake of nutrients. Most tree species have mycorrhizas
and these enhance nutrient uptake, especially phosphorus.
rain forests receive small amounts of nutrients in rainfall. Some nitrogent
is converted to nitrates in thunderstorms. For othe nutrients, the
amounts received are highest near the sea and very low a long way inland.
In central and upper Amazonia,
there is an important distinction between rain forests on deep soils which
receive nutrients solely in rainfall and others with soil parent material
within the rooting zone which also receive them from that material. In
the former, nutrient cycles are almost closed, and recycling is very important.
In the latter the cycles are more open. The amounts of most nutrients lost
in streamwater vary with the lithology of the catchment. Losses are lower
from infertile soils especially from those of Amazonia.
There is also less annual nutrient loss from forests in seasonal climates.
Phosphorus and nitrogent does not follow this pattern.
forests on flat terrain or older deep soils, such as Central
Amazonia (which is the most extensive very
deep soil) have no input from decomposing rock like the rain forests on
rugged, hilly terrain where the soil is shallow. Although there is addition
of nutrients at the bottom of the soil in old deep soils, it is beyond
rooting depth, outside and uncoupled from the ecosystem."
After the special discussion, our group wants to find some relationship
among plants, animals, air, soil and water. I search for the relation between
air and plant in Forest Ecology: A Foundation for Sustainable Management,
2nd Edition by J.P.Kimmins.
Effects Of Wind On Vegetation
Works cited
We decided to look for some equation modeling ecology system and each
person present one interesting equation to the group.
I found the model for a deterministic one-predator-one-prey
system with continuous growth of Lotka and Volterra in page 41 of
Ecosystems by Robert M. May.
The equation is
d H(t) / dt = H(t) [a-alpha* P(t)]
dP(t) / dt = P(t) [-b+beta*H(t)]
H(t) = the populations of prey
P(t) = the populations of predator
a=the birth rate of the prey
b=the death rate of the predator
alpha, beta=the interaction between the species (all are positive numbers)
"These equation constitute the simplest representation of the essentials of the nonlinear predator-prey interaction (41)."
I have been reading the user's manual of Vensim. Vensim is a program that can create the relationship among factors and drawing graphs from an equation representing the relation among factors. We can change the value of variable to see the effects toward other factors and compare the original value with the new value by using graph.
We will try to use this program to represent the relationship among different ecosystem's factors, such as plants, animals, water, soil and atmosphere. Also, we will try to find some equations that relate each factors and try to experiment with the value of variable and see what happpens, what is the effects to other factors if a value of one factor changes.
Also, I think that if we want to find a way to preserve the Amazon rain forest, we should know the definition of "ecosystem health", so that we know the scope of our work and what should we do to retain the health of ecosystem in Amazon rain forest.
On page 507, Kimmins, the author of Forest Ecology, cited Kolb et al. (1994) who use the combination of "our understanding of ecological succession, ecosystem function, the physical environment, and population and community ecology."
"Kolb et al. proposed that a healthy forest ecosystem should have the following characteristics:
Works cited
Kimmins, J.P. Forest Ecology: A Foundation for Sustainable Management. 2nd Edition. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1997.
6 Nov 2002
I have been reading how to using Vensim to model a system on Roadmap, a web guiding to model a system by using Stella and Vensim. Following the guide, I built an example of model, "The Stock, Flow, and Feedback Structure" This model focusing on what affects federal debt. Some of variables are Net Federal Deficit, Total Government Expense and Government Revenues. In this model, I insert equations connecting among variables, intial value and unit to each variable and the program create graphs representing relations. I can simulate a model, vary the value of a variable and study the effect to the system by looking at a graph.
This information will hopefully help the group creating ecosystem models.
Works Cited
Repenning, Nelson. "Formulating Models of Simple System Using Vensim PLE." Road Maps: A Guide to Learning System Dynamics. <>
11 Nov 2002
Our group has a specialy meeting at McCormick House. We found a carbon cycle diagram that we could use Vensim to present and stimulate the model. The good thing for this diagram is that it has the approximate rate of interaction between variables. For example, deforestation will affect the total amount of C in the atmosphere with rate X. We are finding some initial values such as total amount of C in Amazon rainforest and the rate of deforestation to put in the model.
17 Nov 2002
Group 9 is broken down following Thursday's plan. I join the cycle group and we had a meeting on Sunday. In this meeting, we shared our knowledge about N cycle, water cycle and C cycle. Because of limited amount of time, we may only create only one model of C cycle by using Vensim. Also, we think that we should suggest some monitoring tecnique in the model such as using sattlelites.
For other cycles, we might draw diagrams to present their significances.
I worked with Jiwa from land group and used Vensim
to create Nitrogen cycle and nutrient cycle diagram. We produced a document
about Human Impact toward nitrogen cycle and nutrient cycle in Amazon rainforest.
Human impact toward nitrogen cycle and nutrient cycle in Amazon rainforest
(Adapted from figure 8.6, p. 170) Chameides, W.L., and E.M. Perdue. Biogeochemical Cycles: A Computer-Interactive Study of Earth System Science and Global Change. New York: Oxford University Press, Inc., 1997
(Adapted from fig 8.5, p.161) Whitmore, T.C. An Introduction to Tropical Rain Forests. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998.
These diagrams have been constructed for the purpose of illustrating the relationship between different states of nitrogen in the global environment. Human impact factors relevant to the Amazon region are illustrated in red, with blue arrows indicating their either decreasing or increasing effects on various stages of the nitrogen cycle. The Global Biogeochemical Cycle of Nitrogen diagram illustrates this dynamic process for the globe. The Inorganic Nutrient Cycle diagram shows the path of nitrogen and associated cations on a more detailed and rainforest-specific level. From these figures, the data obtained through experimental procedures can be more easily visualized and explained.
Disruptions to the Amazonian nitrogen cycle can be studied on both global and local scales. Considered globally, we can see human contributions to increased nitrous oxide levels (greenhouse gases) in the atmosphere due to slash-and-burn techniques for clearing the land. This method is combustion of organic matter, causing a release of this biological nitrogen in the form of N20 and NOx at a estimated global rate of 40 Tg (1012) per year .
Observed on a local scale of the Amazon basin itself, increases in fertilizer use have certain consequences for the native vegetation. The most measurable effect is that of water contamination due to fertilizer run-off. When excess nitrogen is applied to a region in the form of fertilizers, it is not retained by the soil as added fertility. Rather, this nitrogen (in the form of NO3-) is leached from the soil into the surrounding water system. This leads to eutrophication of surrounding bodies of water . In the soil itself, this process depletes the reservoir of positive ions (Ca2+, K+, etc.), which are transported with the negative nitrate ions. The presence of this available nitrogen also disrupts the natural nitrogen fixation sequence, as microorganisms are no longer required to provide a nitrogen source for the surrounding vegetation, and thus no longer participate in fixation . This presumably adds to the complexity for any kind of land rehabilitation, as the natural nitrogen fixation has been temporarily disabled.
Not only is the use of the land disruptive to the nitrogen cycle, but
also its conversation to such uses. When land is initially stripped
of its natural vegetation, the decaying biomass infuses the soil with nitrogen
compounds. If left fallow, this nitrogen is leached away, again with
associated cations, as there are no roots to absorb it . Also, without
vegetative cover, decomposer, such as worms and termites, and microorganism
populations, important for nutrient cycling, are diminished . If
cultivated, the demands of the crops often exceed the holding capacity
of the soil and fertilization is required, often carried out to excess,
with the effects previously outlined.
Works cited.
Vitousek, Peter M. et al. Human Alteration
of the Global Nitrogen Cycle : Causes and Consequences. Ecological Applications
(7) 1997.
Committee on Tropical Soils, Soils of the
Humid Tropics. National Science Academy 1972: 68
Whitmore, T.C. An Introduction
to Tropical Rain Forests. Newyork: Oxford University Press
1998: 16
Last updated Dec 8, 2002
This project is in Mission 2006 of Massachusetts Institute of Technology