Indigenous Demographics:

Indian tribes in Brazil are divided in to 206 different groups, speaking 170 different languages, of which the major tribes are listed below.

Major Indigenous Population in Brazil

Indigenous Tribes        Region or State        Population

Guarani            South - Central Brazil    41.000

Caingang            South Brazil            22.000

Ticuna            Amazonas            21.000

Terena            Moto Grosso do Sul        19.000

Guajajara            Maranhao            13.000

Xavante            Mato Grosso            10.000

Yanomâmi            Roraima - Amazonas    10.000

Macuxi            Roraima            9.500

Potiguara            Paraiba            7.600

Xacriaba            Minas Gerais        6.000

Fulni-ô            Pernambuco            5.000

Caripuna            Amapa            4.000

Pataxô            Bahia                3.900

Research: FUNAI, Ministry of Justice

indigenous population: 145,132
number of ethnic groups: 92
average population per group: 1,580
average density of indigenous population (km^2): 0.02

"The indigenous populations of the whole of Brazil (including areas that have not been taken into account in this report) was estimated by D. RIBEIRO (1979) at 99,700 people in 1957, whereas the present figure is of 228,000 (ACONTECEU, 1986)."