Team 10 Definition of an A

-investigate and evaluate the economic and social cost/benifit relationship of preserving the Amazon

-investigate and evaluate past development of the region and its social and economic impact
    -applying these judgments to the Mission's proposed plan of sustainable development

-develop strategies to maintain or improve local economic and social stability and counteract possible adjustments inherent to the Mission plan.

    -analyze the present economic status as well as possible ramifications of the projects on the region, both     on a local scale, and in a global context.   examples of pertinent factors may         include:
        -the effects of limitations on exported goods.
        -the effects tourism-related changes.
        -the effects of foreign economic intrusion into the region.

    -analyze the present social conditions as well as possible ramifications of the projects on Amazonian     society.   examples of pertinent factors may include:
        -the ethics of restrictive policies that limit the behavior of indigenious populations
        -the cultural awareness of the project
        -forcasting the response of Amazonian society to the project.

-plan a budget for the project and allocate money to each aspect that requires funds

-research into possible sources of funding for the project

-determine to what extent preservation of the rainforest in its present state and/or controlled development of the region is socially and economically sustainable

-collaborate with other teams at least once every two weeks to help maintain strategies that are economically and socially feasible
    - each team member will act as a liasion to at least one other team; we will review and revise all of the     other teams' plans to verify social and economic feasibility