
According to the Brazilian Government:

"For the very reason of implementing the infraestructure required for local ecotourism, the Amazon Coordination Secretariat created the Programme to Develop Ecotourism in the legal Amazon, also known as Green Tourism/Proecotour.

The programme is financed by the Interamerican Development Bank to be implemented in two stages. The first (2000-2003) is the pre-investment stage, with resources around US$ 13.8 million, including capacity building, technical assistance, studies and planning for protected areas and ecotourism centers, public infraestructure and projects for the second stage, which is expected to have resources on the order of US$ 200 million. The idea is to invest in selected centers in each state of the region, so that they do not compete among themselves, but rather seek their insertion in this promisingecotourism market, by means of differenciated and suplementary routes, always based on partnerships between public and private sectors.

Ecotourism is more than just an economic activity of the Amazon, it is an alternative for sustainable development of the region. The dynamics caused by the organizational and sustainable presence of ecotourism, built upon appropriate legislation, is capable of integrating communities into a new labor market. It can, most of all, treansform individuals involved with ecotourism activities into efficient inspectors of the environmental quality of the region."

Tourism Statistics by Nationality
    Tourism in Brazil as grown rapidly over the past decade, becomeing a larger share of the GNP.  However, understanding growth and its limits depends on understanding the consumer.