Jonathan Karr


As a team, the water group decided to research a variety of topics.  As a part of our teams goals, my personal goal is to characterize the flow of water through the Amazon basin.  Initial work into this subject consisted of defining the boundaries of the basin.  Subseqent work has primarily focused on water cycle, with particular emphasis on rainfall and evapotranspiration.  Ultimately, my goal is to relate the hydrological cycle to environmental changes, principally deforestation.

From what I have read thus far, research seems to indicate that deforestation is having strong impacts on the hydrological cycle.  This arises principally from a decrease in evapotranspiration due to a decrease in biomass.  Deforestation also has an averse affect on runoff since increased soil conductivity is a typical side effect of deforestation. This happens increase occurs as humans and vehicles traverse an area of land, thereby compacting the soil.  A decrease in biomass also means that there will be a severely decreased network of roots at the topsoil level and below, which allow for the loose topsoil to be easily washed away.  Ultimately this leaves only highly compacted
soil (high soil conductivity) and therefore high rates of runoff, since little water will be absorbed by the soil.  Further, runoff is increased due to the decrease in the density of surface macropores.

More in depth information on progress: Hydrologic Cycle | Rain guages and Satellites | Rainfall | Evapotranspiration

Current News

Webpage update; Evaluation of SIVAM project
Webpage update
Webpage update
Permission for image use granted

News Archive

Current Research Efforts

Analyzing the flow water through the Amazon, investigating measurement systems, looking for models of the water cycle

Analyzing the flow water through the Amazon, investigating measurement systems, looking for models of the water cycle

Past Mission 2006 work.

Current Reading

Readings on the SIVAM Project

Remote Sensing and Hydrology 2002; Hydrology, Water Resources and Ecology in Headwaters; Hydrology in the Humid Tropic Environment; Remote Sensing in Hydrology

Readings related to the water cycle from GEOBASE , Readings related to Amazon basin transportation from TRANSPORT , Readings related to feasibility of rivers for transportation from SILVERPLATTER

Past Mission 2006 work.

Last updated: 11/03/2002 | Send comments to Jonathan Karr