Jonathan Karr

A new approach to rainfall recording and analysis

Authors: Tan, S. K., and Chiew, Y. M.
Source: Water Management of the Amazon Basin, (35-44)
Editors: Braga, Benedite P. F., Jr., and Fernandez-Jauregui, Carlos A.

Date: August 1991


Applications of hillslope process hydrology in forest land management issues: the tropical north-east australian experience

Authors: Bonell, Mike
Source: Water Management of the Amazon Basin, (45-82)
Editors: Braga, Benedite P. F., Jr., and Fernandez-Jauregui, Carlos A.

Date: August 1991

  • Effect of land-use change
    • Poorly managed land-use change can compact soil and destroy surface macropores, dramatically reducing soil water infiltration capacity, thereby increasing runoff
      • This leads to reduced recharge of soil and groundwater stores, leading to diminished dry season flows
    • Conversion of forests to grasslands increases delayed flow (dry-weather flow)
      • During extended dry periods, converted grasslands will have higher groundwater levels due to decreased evapotranspiration
    • The sum od these two effects determines the net change in groundwater levels
  • Runoff rates highly correlated to rain intensity
    • Also related to Ks value, slope,
  • Overland flow dominates humid and semi-aric environments (low Ks)

Water and salt balances of the Bolivian Amazon

Authors: Roche, M. A., et al.
Source: Water Management of the Amazon Basin, (83-94)
Editors: Braga, Benedite P. F., Jr., and Fernandez-Jauregui, Carlos A.

Date: August 1991

  • Rainfall data
    • Madre de Dios basin: 
      • 2500-7000mm on the andean flank
      • 1800-2500mm on the plain
      • 2380mm average
    • Beni River basin
      • 800-1000mm on summit in andean part
      • 400mm in upper part of hot valleys (Yungas) in andean part
      • 350-500mm in most protected zones - behind upper summiits of the Cordilleera
      • 1720mm in main part of andean basin
      • 1650-2000mm in plains, with mean of 1810mm
      • 1755mm average
    • Mamoré andean basin
      • 480mm in the most semi-arid zone
      • 6000mm at the foot of the andes
      • 750mm average in Rio Grande basin
      • 3000mm on the oriental watersheds
      • 800mm in Amazon plain
      • 3000mm in Ichilo basin
      • 1900mm at head of Madeira river
      • 800-1900mm toward north
      • 1000-4000mm toward west
      • 1850mm average
    • Itenez River basin
      • 900mm in the south
      • 18000mm in the east
      • 1900mm in the northeast
      • 1375mm average
    • Upper Madeira basin
      • 1705mm average
  • Evapotranspiration
    • Two methods of evaluation
      • The water balance, that is the differernce between precipitation and discharge
      • Formulas
      • Differences of two methods are 0-14%
      • Evapotranspiration remains the most difficult evalutation of the water balance
    • Data
      • 610mm in the semi-arid Rio Grande basin 
      • 1520mm in the Orthon River basin
      • 780mm in Andean part of Beni River basin
      • 1220mm in oriental basins of Mamoré River
      • 800mm in the Bolivian andean part of the upper Madeira River basin
      • 63-68% of precipitation , 33-37% is runoff

Water resources management for energy generation purposes in streams presenting strong seasonal flow variations - planning aspects -

Authors: Petry, Bela, and Grull, Doron
Source: Water Management of the Amazon Basin, (95-105)
Editors: Braga, Benedite P. F., Jr., and Fernandez-Jauregui, Carlos A.

Date: August 1991

  • Three fundamental questions to use of river for hydroelectric power
    • Need to provide adequate river regulation and construct hydropower developments along important streams characterized by large seasonal variation without excessive environmental impacts
      • The question of reservoir storage capacities and flooded areas becomes important
    • Distance to be covered by energy transmission if many of the best hydropower sites are located deep into the amazon
      • Consider environmental impacts of implementation of lines as well as high cost
    • Inter-regional exchange of energy and the differences in hydrologic cycles between drainage basins in different regions of the country require revision of planning practices to incorporate the variation in of energy generation capabilities, their time patterns, the possibility of thermal complementation

Possible climatic impacts of amazonia deforestation

Authors: Nobre, Carlos A.
Source: Water Management of the Amazon Basin, (245-260)
Editors: Braga, Benedite P. F., Jr., and Fernandez-Jauregui, Carlos A.

Date: August 1991

  • Amazonina rainforest is highly efficient in recycling water vapor back into the atmosphere
  • Different types of vegetation might not be as efficient in maintaining high rates of evapotranspiration
  • Great diffuculty in modeling the effects of deforestation on climate
    • Studies have been too abstract to predict regional changes
    • Until resolution is at 1000km, regional changes cannot be predicted

Climate variability and its effects on amazonian hyrdology

Authors: Molion, Luiz Carlos Baldicero
Source: Water Management of the Amazon Basin, (261-274)

Editors: Braga, Benedite P. F., Jr., and Fernandez-Jauregui, Carlos A.

Date: August 1991

  • Hydologic cycle is the major singel heat source for th atmosphere in the form of latent heat, which is realeased through condensation of atmospheric moisture
  • Three scales of rainfall producing mechanisms
    • Continental / large scale
      • Solar radiation absorbed at the surface is primarily used for evaporating water (latent heat, 80-90% of energy) and for heating the air (sensible heat, balance of energy)
      • Intertropical Convergence Zone in the Atlantic (ITCZA), the convergence of Northern and Southeren hemisphere trade winds
    • Sinoptic scale (1000km)
      • Southern hemisphere cold fronts or frontal systems which penetrate into Amazonia any time of the year
        • Winter systems generally characterized by a sharp 15-20º temperature decrease which lasts 3-5 days
        • Generally NW-SE oriented and cross the coast between latitudes 15-25ºS during summer
      • Northern hemisphere frontal systems may also have similar effect
    • Subsinoptic scale (500-1000km)
      • Instability or squall lines of the atmosphere
        • Highest frequency is in July
        • Occassionaly propagate inland
        • Maybe due to convergence of sea breeze
        • May also be associated with waves in the trade wind field tiggerred by frontal systems deep penetraton over the subtropical Atlantic
    • Meso scale (100km)
      • Convective cell and clusters of Cbs
        • Produce intense precipitation of short duration in random locations
    • Microscale (1-10km)
      • Small convective cells
        • Form during the morning hours and precipitation around 14-15hrs local time
  • Interannual variability
    • El niño phenomenon contributes to this
Note:  Thank you to Professor Raphael Bras for the loan of Water Management of the Amazon Basin.

Last updated: 10/15/2002 | Send comments to Jonathan Karr