Jonathan Karr

Remote Sensing and Hydrology 2002 (IAHS Publication no. 267)
Editors: Owe, Manfred; Brubaker, Kaye; Ritche, Jerry; and Rango, Albert
Date: April 2000
Location: Barker Library GB651.I61 no.267

Hydrology in the Humid Tropic Environment (IAHS Publication no. 253)
Editors: Johnson, Ivan A. and Fernandex-Jauregui, Carlos A.
Date: November 1996
Location: Barker Library GB651.I61 no.253

Modelling Soil Erosion, Sediment Transportation and Closely Related Hydological Processes (IAHS Publication no. 249)
Editors: Summer, W.; Klaghofer, E.; and Zhang, W.
Date: July 1998
Location: Barker Library GB651.I61 no.249

Hydrology, Water Resources and Ecology in Headwaters (IAHS Publication no. 248)
Editors: Kovar, K; Tappeiner, U.; Peter, N. E.; and Craig, R. G.
Date: April 1998
Location: Barker Library GB651.I61 no.248

Remote Sensing in Hydrology
Editors: Engman, E. T. and Gurney, R. J.
Date: 1991
Location: Barker Library GB656.2.R44.E54 1991

Trends in the hydrologic cycle of the Amazon basin
Authors: Costa, Marcos Heil adn Foley, Jonathan A.
Source: Journal of Geophysical Research V.104, D.12, P.14,189-14,198
Date: June 27, 1999
Location: Lindgren Library

Seasonal cycle and interannual variability in the Amazon hydrologic cycle
Author: Zeng, Ning
Journal of Geophysical Research V.104, D.8, P.9097-9106
Date: April 27, 1999
Location: Lindgren Library

Calculations of river-runoff in the GISS GCM: impact of a new land-surface parameterization and runoff routing model on the hydrology of the Amazon River
Authors: Maregno, J. A.; Miller, J. R.; Russell, G. L.; Rosenzweig, C. E.; and Abramopoulos, F.
Source: Climate Dynamics (1994) 10: 349-361
Date: 1994
Location: Lindgren Library

Discharge determination by Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCP): a moving bottom error correction method an d its application on the River Amazon at Obidos
Authors: Callede, Jacques; Guyor, Pascal Kosuth Jean-Loup; and Guimaraes, Valdemar Santors
Source: Hydrological Sciences
Date: December 2000
Location: Barker Library

Last updated: 10/30/2002 | Send comments to Jonathan Karr