Jonathan Karr

Reading Archive

Water Management of the Amazon Basin (link is to online version)

Readings related to the water cycle from GEOBASE.

Readings about the overall water cycle of the Amazon

Readings pertaining to the modeling of water systems and overviews of the hydrography of the Amazon River Basin:
  • Comparison of rain gauge and radar data as input to an urban rainfall-runoff model
    • M. Quirmbach and G.A. Schultz
    • Water Science & Technology Vol 45 No 2 pp 27 33
  • How well does your model fit the data?
    • M. J. Hall
    • Journal of Hydroinformatics 3 (2001) 49-55
  • A virtual GIS-based hydrodynamic model system for Tamshui River.
    • Shin-Jye Liang and Frank Molkenthin
    • Journal of Hydroinformatics 3 (2001) 195-202
  • Main Brazilian Hydrographic Basins

Last updated: 11/03/2002 | Send comments to Jonathan Karr