Mission 2006 (12.000)
Instructor: Prof. K.V. Hodges
last updated: 29 October 2002
Team 1: Public Relations, Data Management, Legal, and Political Affairs
Josef Miler
Section 3: Goals of The WeekMission Statement and Team Goals
Section 1: Area of Expertise
Section 2a: Research to Date <---------------------------------------------------[***LOTS OF NEW MATERIAL***]
Section 2b: Conservation Solutions <-------------------------------------------[***LOTS OF NEW MATERIAL***]
- To finalize our public relations mission statement
- To create a sample contact letter for domestic and internation public relations
- To research the CONAMA
- Amazon Region Protected Areas (ARPA) Project:
-Indigenous Peoples
-Resettlement Action Plan
-Amazon Region Protected Areas Project
-Environmental Impact Assessment
-Integrated Safeguards Data Sheet (Updated)
- LexisNexis
- MIT Home
- Mission 2006 Home
- Mission 2006 Team 1: Public Relations, Legal Affairs, and Politics
- further resource links will be updated when research bibliography is formalized
Section 5: Contact Information:
- contact Josef Miler via email
- contact Professor Hodges via email