§ Estimating reduction in outflow during Younger Dryas (?)
-Planktonic foraminifera 1.
§ Evapotranspiration
-Block of soil covered with vegetation, placed in container and replaced
in original site
-Input of precipitation measured with rain gauge and drainage from base
of block is recorded
-Block of soil repeatedly weighed, estimates loss of water by evapotranspiration
-Eddy covariance measurement and micrometeorological estimation techniques
- Eddy covariance measurement
-Directly quantifies surface-atomsphere exhange of mass and energy by measuring
turbulent transport of H20 vapor and heat
-Meausures Latent Heat Flux (Q sub e) and sensible heat flux (Q sub h)
-Sensors mounted above ground level (in Source 16 study, 42 m above
ground level or 12-14 m above forest canopy)
-Uses 3-dimensional sonic anemometer-thermometer (SWS-211/3K) and open-path
infrared gas analyzer (NOAA-ATDD) to measure mean and fluctutating guantities
of wind speed and temp. and H20 vapor
-Sensors sample and output data at 10 Hz
-Oriented in direction of mean wind at the upwind side of the tower to
minimize potential for flow distortion from tower
-H20 vaopr channel of the gas analyzer calibrated ever 2-4 weeks using
portable dew-point generator (LI-610, LI-COR, inc,. Lincoln, Nebraska)
-Raw H20 vapor fluctuations output as mean voltages and converted to densitites
by multiplying requisite calibration constant
-H20 vapor and sensible heat fluxes computed foollowing coordinate rotation
of wind vectors
-Micrometeorological Measurements
-Meausres net radiation (Q*)
-Uses ventialed net radiometer (Q*7.1)
-Soil heat flux meausred using heat flux transducers (n=2) buried apporximately
2 cm into surface litter layer
-Air temp and vapor pressure meausred at top of tower (40 m above ground
level) using relative humidity sensor (HMP-35)
-Vertical vapor pressure porofile meausered using wet- and dry-bulb psychrometers
at heights of 1, 4, 12, 20, 28 and 40 m above ground
-Vapor pressure deficit of atmosphere (VPD) calculated as difference between
saturation vapor pressure (e sub s) and actual vapor pressure (e sub a)
from relative humidity sensor and/or wet- dry-bulb psychrometer
-Precipitation measured using tipping-bucket rainfall gauge (2501, Sierra-Misco
Inc) 16.
§ Past Amazonian rainfall events
-Maslin and Burns: Examine biochemical composition of fossilized
§ Remote flow/discharge measurement
-Dr. Charles Vorosmarty/U New Hampshire: using 37 GHz passive microwave
data from NASA's Pilot Land Data System Archive, using ground based
station data
-Used 37 GHz passive microwave radiometers to detect signals produced by
variations in water height
-Data of river discharge produced, including input from tributaries and
water height differences due to seasons
§ Global River Discharge Database (RivDIS)
- Ground-based measurements
§ Brazilian Departmento Nacional de Aguas e Energia Eletrica (DNAEE)
-Ground-based measurements
§ Large-Scale Biosphere-Experiment in Amazonia (LBA)
-Remote sensing
-Ground-based measurements
-Process modeling 2.
§ River's origin
-National Geographic Society: Ground-based research 3.
§Monitoring needs
-Remote monitoring (ie. Saltellites) more necessary because of funding
cuts to ground-based monitoring 4.
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology Contact: lacooney@mit.edu
Research Bibliography
1. Palaeoceanography Environmental Change Research Centre
2. Land Surface Hydrology and Water Chemistry The Large Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA)
3. The source of the Amazon River was just recently discovered. Why did it take so long? National Geographic Society
4. Tropical Deforestation Fact Sheet NASA Earth Observatory
6. Amazonia - Resiliency and Dynamism of the Land and its People Nigel J.H. Smith, Emanuel Adilson S. Serrão, Paulo T. Alvim, and Italo C. Falesi, United Nations University
7. Solving the Amazon?s climate riddle By Ginger Pinholster, SCIENCE
8. Fish in the Trees by Rachel Hauser, NASA Earth Observatory
9. River Seasons by Laura Cheshire, NASA Earth Observatory
10. http://www.gsfc.nasa.gov/gsfc/educ/science/2001/01-04-01.htm
11. Amazon Deconstruction: Cause and Effect camille, charlie, hsing hsing, maya, pete, University of Washington
12. "Applications of Hillslope Process Hydrology in Forest Land Management Issues: The Tropical North-East Australian Experience", Mike Bonell
13. Dictionary of Geography, Oxford University Press
14. "WATER
Bela Petry & Doron Grull
"Analysis of the Streamflow Record Extension for the Xingu River at Babaquara
Maria Elvira Pineiro Maceira and Jorge Machado Damazio
16. Seasonal Variations in the evapotranspiration of a transitional tropical forest of Mato Grosso, Brazil George Vourlitis, Nicolau Priante Filho, Mauro Hayashi, Jose de S. Nogueira, Fernando Caseiro, Jose Holanda Campelo
17. Towards improving natural resources use in Eastern Amazonia through a modified sequential agroforestry system Sa, T.D. de A.; Vielhauer, K.; Kanashiro, M.; Denich, M. and Vlek, P.L.G.
18. Cloud condensation nuclei in the Amazon Basin: "Marine" conditions over a continent? Gregory C. Roberts and Meinrat O. Andreae; Jingchuan Zhou; Paulo Artaxo
Rates and Processes of Amazon Deforestation Michael Glantz, Tandy
Brook, Patricia Parisi
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Contact: lacooney@mit.edu