9.  Pollution
(from Source 30.)

-Air pollution
        -Mainly due to rapid urbanization in several cities that lack infrastructure to support rapid population growth
                -4 most polluted:  Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte and Curitiba
                -Initiatives aimed at shaping how and where growth could occur
                -Population almost doubled since 1975, traffic has decreased by 3-%
                -Reduce population's reliance on cars
                        =>highly developed transportation system
        -Sao Paulo
                -In 1989, 50% of city smog resulted from factories and 50% from motor vehicles
                -In 1999, 10%    "                                            "                 90%    "     "
                -In 1999, pollution control program to leave motor vehicles at home one day a week
                        -Cut daily emissions of carbon monoxide by at least 550 tons

-Oil Spills
        -12 oil spills in 2000 in Brazil
        -Guanabara Bay among areas most trheatened by oil pollution
        -In 2000, Petrobras found guilty for leading approximately 1.06 million gallons of crude oil from Presidente Getuilio Vargas refinery (Repar( in the Barigui and Iguacu rivers in Parana

-Energy use and Carbon Emissions
        -Consumes 2.2% of world energy, yet responsible for only 1.4% of total world energy-related carbon emissions  (hydroelectricity)

brazil energy




The Massachusetts Institute of Technology                               Contact:  lacooney@mit.edu


Research Bibliography
***Note:  I will update these web-sites as correct bibliographical entries soon.

1.      Palaeoceanography  Environmental Change Research Centre

2.      Land Surface Hydrology and Water Chemistry The Large Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA)

3.     The source of the Amazon River was just recently discovered. Why did it take so long?  National Geographic Society

4.     Tropical Deforestation Fact Sheet   NASA Earth Observatory

5.     Effects of Deforestation

6.     Amazonia - Resiliency and Dynamism of the Land and its People  Nigel J.H. Smith, Emanuel Adilson S. Serrão, Paulo T. Alvim, and Italo C. Falesi,  United Nations University

7.    Solving the Amazon?s climate riddle  By Ginger Pinholster, SCIENCE

8.    Fish in the Trees   by Rachel Hauser, NASA Earth Observatory

9.    River Seasons  by Laura Cheshire, NASA Earth Observatory

10.  http://www.gsfc.nasa.gov/gsfc/educ/science/2001/01-04-01.htm

11.  Amazon Deconstruction:  Cause and Effect    camille, charlie, hsing hsing, maya, pete, University of Washington

12.  "Applications of Hillslope Process Hydrology in Forest Land Management Issues:  The Tropical North-East Australian Experience", Mike Bonell

13.  Dictionary of Geography, Oxford University Press

                    Bela Petry & Doron Grull
15.  "Analysis of the Streamflow Record Extension for the Xingu River at Babaquara  Maria Elvira Pineiro Maceira and Jorge Machado Damazio  

16.  Seasonal Variations in the evapotranspiration of a transitional tropical forest of Mato Grosso, Brazil  George Vourlitis, Nicolau Priante Filho, Mauro Hayashi, Jose de S. Nogueira, Fernando Caseiro, Jose Holanda Campelo 

17.  Towards improving natural resources use in Eastern Amazonia through a modified sequential agroforestry system  Sa, T.D. de A.; Vielhauer, K.; Kanashiro, M.; Denich, M. and Vlek, P.L.G.

18.  Cloud condensation nuclei in the Amazon Basin:  "Marine" conditions over a continent?  Gregory C. Roberts and Meinrat O. Andreae; Jingchuan Zhou; Paulo Artaxo

19.  Rates and Processes of Amazon Deforestation  Michael Glantz, Tandy Brook, Patricia Parisi

20.  Acid Rain   Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

21.  Effects of Acid Rain:  Lakes and Streams   EPA

 Sea surface temperatures impact weather in Amazon basin  Environmental News Network, By Robinson Shaw

23.  Giant spy eye opens on world's biggest rainforest, Environmental News Network, by Katherine Baldwin

24.  Aluminum Companies Urged to Scrap Plans for Amazon Dams  Glenn Switkes                              

25.   SIVAM

26.  Chapter 1:  Acidification and Regional air Pollution in the Tropics by H. Rodhe, E. Cowling, I.E. Galbally, J. N. Galloway and R. Herrera
        Edited by Henning Rodhe and Rafael Herrera, Acidification in Tropical Countries, John Wiley & Sons, 1988

27.  Chapter 8:  Acidification in Southeastern Brazil by L. M. Moreira-Nordemann, M. C. Forti, V. L. Di Lascio, C. M. do Espirito Santo and O. M. Danelon
        Edited by Henning Rodhe and Rafael Herrera, Acidification in Tropical Countries, John Wiley & Sons, 1988
28.  Tucurui Hydropower Complex Brazil, Final Report November 2000, Prepared for the World Commision on Dams

29.  Brazil Country Analysis Brief  Energy Information Administration

30.  Brazil:  Environmental Issues  Energy Information Administration

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology                               Contact:  lacooney@mit.edu