What DID I Do?


New Groups

For the new groups i joined Charactorization Editor (which eventually got an S at the end when a few people joined me) and Ecotourism.

I, along with a few minions, read everything that the entire group had writen over the last semester and compiled them into one 100 page document.  Many parts had questions, which never got answered, so it was still a big hassle when we had to put it on the website, but that is where most of it is now anyway.  This document was also used to write the final presentation.

Somehow this naturally lead to me compiling the solutions as well, once again with my loyal followers, and so we did a similar thing with those.  They were compiled into one document with tons of questions, some of which actaully got answered this time, and sent out to the web page and final presentation groups, who used them for their final products.

For Ecotourism, Julie, Iris and I wrote up a solution which was presented at the final presentation and is on the website.

Two nights before the presentation it came to my attention that there were no presentable solutions to either logging or mining.  Juliana and I wrote those that night and now both logging and mining solutions can be found on the webpage or in the final presentation.


I was a presentor for the final presentation.  I presented the solutions for mining and logging.