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Welcome! You got a Rainforest to save!

My name is Luis Enrique Vidal and I am a member of Mission 2006
Luis E VIdal Picture
I form part of Group 9 : Systems Interactions. You can contact us at rain9@mit.edu

Class Goal in General:

Develop a way to characterize and monitor the well-being of one of the last true frontiers on Earth – the Amazon Basin rainforest – and devise a set of practical strategies to ensure its preservation.

Our Goal and Future Completed Mission is:

Our team mission is to gain an understanding of mathematical modeling of biological systems as well as an understanding of actual ecological processes occuring in the Reainforest.  We will apply this knowledge, along with useful information from other groups, to create two models of specific examples of interactions in the Rainforest.  We will use these models to make recommendations on some vital parameters necessary to maintain ecological equilibrium.

Map of the amazon river

Weekly work:

September 23 -30 :
  • I have been reading ecology books to get a general sense of how ecological systems work.  I have been searching through Vera and the Hayden Library to further my knowledge of the topic since our group goal for the week was to get our feet wet in the material so we can predetermine which system we should consider doing a model of.
  • Basically I am learning more about the problem to get plausible and more complicated ways to solve it .
  • I contact our mentors and we are going to meet Marc Mander tentatively on Wendnesday.
  • Our other mentor Michael Rucker is unavailable to meet us on Wednesday since he is working near the Hoover Dam at the moment.
amazon rainforest
October 1-7 :

  1. Read part of the book: "Pilot Analysis of Global Ecosystems: Forrest Ecosystem" from E. Matthews, R. Payne, M. Rohweder and S. Murray. Learned that:
        1. Forrestextent is a basic measure of condition; if global forrest shrinks, provision of goods and services from ecosystems will be reduced, in absence of human action
        2. Measures of biological condition of the world's forest are extremely difficult to develop, given data limitations and controversy over such concepts as ecosystem health .
        3. Thespread of "transition zones" (agriculture practiced at the margins of intact forest), road construction and use of fire are leading indicators of environmental change.
        4. The mixed forest/ agriculture zone which are spreading rapidly at the edges of formerly intact forest, are not often recorded as forest conversion.
        5. Less than 8% of the global forest area is legally protected. Legal safeguards appear ineffective against logging, poaching and other forms of development.
        6. Forest near human settlement or transportation routes have high concentrations of non-native species, which have been introduced deliberately or accidentally. Most are benign, but some invasive plants and insects pest have done extensive damage to both production and amenity forest. 
        7. Moderate estimates of future species extinction rates in tropical forest range from 1 to 5 percent per decade. However, this measures have high level of uncertainty.
        8. Forest soils and vegetation store about 40 percent of all carbon in the terrestrial biosphere.
  2. Read part of the book: "Amazonia" by Pergan Press. Learned that:
        1. Deforestation far exceeds regrowth.
        2. Tropical metane forest are disappearing faster than any other tropical forest type.
        3. Ground cover vegetation appears more important than tree cover in preventing erosion, but erosion rates under shifting cultivation are ten times higher than in natural forest.
        4. Species-Area Curve serve as Predictors of the Biodiversity Impacts of Forest Lost.
        5. Precipitation rate of 2-3 meters produces dense network of streams and rivers.
        6. The plant cover of the Amazon Basin in its actual appearance depends upon the amount of water in the atmosphere and the amount and distribution of precipitation during the year.
  3. Decided with the group to focus on the lowland rainforest and tentatively focus our models on two topics between: water flow, canopy density, energy flow or nutrient cycle.
diagram of forest layers
October 8 - 14 :

  1. Search for a species profile of the Amazon to determined which species to use in our developing models. In the mean time I have find this databases:
          1. Animal Diversity - database of animals by Museum of Zoology of the University of Michigan. Offers good in depth articles of any animal that one searches.
          2.  Amazon Plant Database - A complete database of the known plants of the Amazon listed in various methods; i.e. common name, botanical name, etc.
          3. Tropical Database of Biodiversity of Brasil  - Brazilian database of tropical species used by the scientific and tachnologic community within Brazil. Its purpose is to serve as an information tool and conservation/ awareness resource
  2. Searching and reading information about lowland rainforrest. Some links that I have found are:
          1.  Goverment of Brasil Information - website of the Enviroment Ministry of Brazil
          2. Factors influencing species composition in tropical lowland rain forest: does soil matter
          3. Experimental test in lowland tropical forest shows top-down effects through four trophic levels.

amazon basin

October 15 - 21:
  • Contact the Fauna group for information concerning on general information on how Fauna affects Flora.
  • Search for Interaction Equations to be used in the Friday meeting where the group is starting to gear our plan to achieve our two models. Since any system interaction model has to take into account population growth I have come across with some population equations that might give a preliminary building block to our model and then build up from it:
    • Rate of increase of number of individuals: ((Average birth rate per capita - Average death rate per capita)
    • Efficiency of energy Tranmission between species: E = P / (P + R) ; P = net production, R = respiratio n
    • Leslie Model
  • I will be researching more on the topics above during the week and in the same time will read ecology books to learn about interactions and equations to model it

  • October 22-28 :    

    1. Read  parts of the book "The Geometry of Ecological Interactions" by Dieckmann, Law and Metz.Learned about Predator and Prey models that:
        1. Predator and Prey population models have a very extensive history but their is a discrepancy between the behavior of these and that of natural prey and predator populations.
        2. Experimental studies show that equations used in classical models do indeed give a reasonable  qualitative description of the behavior of predator and prey populations.
        3. Since the models describe the interaction between Predator and prey  in laboratory experiments reasonably well (but fail to capture the properties of natural populations), and laboratory and natural prey and predator population are esentially the same, the spatial scale at which the predator-prey system exist must play a crucial role in preventing population oscillations in the field.
        4. Spatial scale at which observations of ecological systems are carried out strongly influences their outcome.
        5. Modeling population dynamics shuld intuitively start at the level of the individual, at which the organism reproduce, die, and interact, thus giving rise to population dynamics. At the individual level, it is appropiate to use a model that describes the whereabouts of all individual interactions between them. However, this is a very difficult task.
        6. Descriptions of the dynamics of the global population can be cast in terms of couple local populations when one abstracts individual-based descriptions of dynamics in terms of variables that are measurable at the scale of local populations.
        7. Individual-based Predator-prey model:
            1. The emerging spatial dynamics reflect a system of coupled local populations where the local populations have a characteristic spatial extent.
            2. The dynamics of the local populations are close to the dynamics of nonspatial, or homogeneously mixed, analogue of the spatial model.
            3. Reduces the study of the global population dynamics to finding the characteristic spatial scale of the local populations and studying the dynamics of the coupled set of local  populations.
            4. By this model we know the position of where the predator and prey live of a large lattice determined. Each of can move in different ways, but if there path coincides the predator esta the prey and reproducts at that point. If a prey sees a predator aborts if it has a baby; factors like this affect the model.
            5. Spatial interactions can only influence the population dynamics if the population densities are not spatially homogeneous.
        8. A deterministic Model of Two Coupled Local Populations :
            1. Uses the observation that at the characteristic spatial scale determinism is maximal ans that the populations behave as if they are well mixed.
            2. To describe the populations beyond the characteristic spatial scale, we couple a number of local populations diffusively by assuming that every individiual has a fixed probability of leaving its local population and migrating to another.
            3. Fluctuations in the densities in the local populations have been studied in how they affect the dynamics of the global population.
            4. Simpliest Predator to Prey Model is the Lotka-Volterra model
        9. In discrete-entity simulations and the simple multi-patch models, the occurrence of large amplitude oscillations is prevented by statistical stabilization.
        10. Discrete entity simulations account for all spatial scales, from the individual up to the system size. 
        11. The multi-patch models only distinguish scales larger than the local-population scale and are fully deterministic and phrased in terms of density. 
        12. There are 2 main differences between the discrete-entity simulation and the multi-patch models:
            1. Both the local dynamics and individualmovement in the discrete-entity simulations are strongly influenced by demographic stochasticity.
            2. The purely diffusive movement of individuals in the discrete-entity simulations need not necesarily lead to putely diffusive       movementbetween local populations.
    2. Learned basics of how to use computer programs to modelate and design our team models by using the programs:
              1. Vensim - modeling tool that allows visualization, documentation, simulation, analization and optimazation of systems interactions. It is simple and flexible for the construction of simulation models of all ranges of difficulty. It allows the a model in construction to be analyzed on the spot
              2. StarLogo - a programmable modeling environment designed to help  model and explore the workings of decentralized systems, such as bird flocks, traffic jams, and market economies.
              3. Stella - allows to represent key physical, biological and social processes operationally and sanity-check those representations through simulation.
              4. Model-It allows students to easily build, test, and evaluate qualitative models. We could create models that represent our take of the system interaction of the Amazon and run simulations in order to test our models.

    3. Had a tutorial with other members of the group in order to start learning to use Arc View in order to use its subset Population Viability Analysis and schedule another tutorial for Wednesday at 3:30.  

    October 28 - November 5:
    • Read "Regional application of an ecosystem production model for studies of biogeochemistry in Brazilian Amazonia" by Potter,Davidson,Klooster, Neptad, Negreiros and Brooks. This scientific paper talks about a model of ecosystem producion made in the Amazon, it is a little bit complicated terminology, but serves as an example of models made for the Amazon that take into consideration the aystem interaction. It helps our group by taking into account the steps and process done by this researchers to model an aspect of the Amazon. I also learned important information to take into account on our modeling like:
        • Tropical ecosystems are major locations for biogenic exchange of greenhouse gases, with the atmosphere, and potentially emission of reactive trospospheric gases.
        • Evidence from field measurements supports the hypothesis that tropical forest are the most important global biogenic source of N2 O and a major source of soil NO.
        • Considerable uncertainty remains as how seasonal rainfall patterns and timing interact with soil and land cover types to control carbon fluxes and emissions of the major trace gases in the Amazon region.
        • Understanding the coupling of ecosystem moisture, carbon, and nutrient flows is a key to advancements in tropical forest biogeochemistry, and to biosphere atmosphere coupling.
        • The movement and storage of rainfall through tropical plant canopies and soils affects many important ecosystem processes, including evapotranspiration, net primary production, and soil microbial activity that can produce or consume atmospheric trace gases.
        • Changes in the pressumed natural balance between net primary production and soil heterotrophic respiration is not known where and how changes most rapidly in the Amazon region. 
        • The interaction of climate variability, plant moisture use, and land cover change is not well understood with respect to the sustained productivity of vegetation in converted forest lands.
        • Direct measurements of whole ecosystem fluxes of moisture, carbon, and nitrogen can be very difficult and expensive to gather, especially in remote rainforest locations.
        • Large-scale field studies of terrestrial biogeochemistry are often founded on the principle that developement and testing of spatial simulations models are also required to predict patterns and changes in carbon and nutrient cycling dynamics, and to scale-up to regional estimates.
        • Ecosystem simulations can also help identify the types of ground-based measurements that are most neede to test new theories of biogeochemical cycling at intensive field study sites. 
        • The interaction between modelling and field studies is interactive and frequent.
        • The ecosystem modelling study done permits a reasonably detailed geographical analysis that demonstrates the potential interactions of relatively extensive land cover classes, rainfall gradients, and soil types in the Amazon during a hypothetical 'average' climate year.
        • The simulation model done helps formulate hypotheses that can be tested in tropical field studies, such as the Large Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia and to potentially identify within a geographical context which supporting parameter measurements need to be included in regional research campaigns in order to improve future modelling research.
        • Example of the modelling done:

        • Example of modelling
        • Solar radiation intercepted by persistent cloud cover over the Amazon basin is a primary limiting factor to evergreen forest bet primary production where the dry season typically does not last for more than one or two months.
        • Deep rooting and drought tolerance by trees in seasonally dry evergreen forest of the Amazon maintains primary production during dry seasons that typically does not last for more than two months.
        • Under conditions of similar seasonal rainfall and surfaceirradiance, the vegetation of converted forest lands is less productive on an annual basis than are relatively undisturbed forests in the Amazon region, mainly because of lower tolerance to drought of pasture and crop plants relative to the forest trees they are replacing.
        • Total soil carbon storage convaries with annual net primary production across the Amazon basin within broad texture classes, and hence will change as land cover alters ecosystem production.
        • Soil texture is the dominant controller of N2O:NO emission ratio over extensive areas of the Amzon basin.   
    • Read "Measuring Water Availability and Uptake in Ecosystem Studies" in the book "Methods in Ecosystem Science" by Sala, Jackson, Mooney and Howarth. This chapter is of great help to incorporating to one of our models the importance and effect of water availability and how to measure it. I have not finish reading this chapter by time constrains but in the mean time have learned that:
      • The 3 most common terms to determine soil water attributes are mass water content, volumetric water content, and soil water potential.
      • Soil water content calculated on a mass basis is defined as ((soil water mass) / (soil dry mass)) or ((wet soil mass - oven-dry soil mass) / (oven dry soil mass). Mass water percentage is calculated by multiplying this result by 100%.
      • Volumetric water content is equal to ((water volume) / (bulk soil volume)) or ((Soil water mass / density of water) / (bulk soil volume)).
      • Water potential based on the chemical properties of water is equal to: ((chemical potentisl of water i the system studied - chemical potential of pure, free water at a reference height, temperature and atmospheric pressure) / (partial molal volume of water)
      • There are four ways for meassuring water status on the environment: gravimetric measurements tecniques, methods for measuring water potential directly in the environment ( including plant pressure chamber, thermocouple psychrometry, and the filter paper method), time domain reflectometry and microwave radiiometry for remotely sensing soil moisture, a tecnique with considerable promise for ecosystem and landscape studies.
      • Simplified water cycle:
      •  Water cycle water cycle
      • The rest will be expanded on next weeks update
    • Went to the conference by the CEO of Rocky Mountain Institute and learned ways to develop an economy and system that reuses and maximizes the production and durability of product so at the end nature is conserved and greatly reduced the danger people do on them.
    • Learned more about modeling in Arc View with the group of doing a model in Arc View in our group and will continue the expansion of knowledge on the program in order to do a population viability analysis of a species that is very adversely affected by change on its environment as a detector of ecosystem health with a meeting onWednesday at the Rotch library with a person specialized in modeling programs.
    • Work on improving the outlook of my website but my 2 hour work did not do any good since my website when seen through the internet does not reflect the order in which I see when I update and design it.
    • Plans for next week: Finish reading the chapter in the book Methods in Ecosystem Science  and look for ways to simplify and understand the complex relationships and conections between key elements that will be part of our group's final 2 models. Also, try to finish my problem of how the website looks on the Internet.

    November 6 - 13:

    • Read the book "Handbook of Ecosystem Theories and Management" edited by S.E.Jorgensen and F. Muller. Concentrated my reading on its chapter titled "Applications of Ecological Theory and Modelling to Assess Ecosystem Health" since this is the primary goal of my group's mission. Learned that:
        • To determine an ecosystem health one must let go the tempting analogy of ecosystem as an organisim, because it clearly is not. Rather, one must examine the properties of the complex system that enables it to persist and evolve in its natural way.
        • Most regions of the woirld present dysfunctional ecosystems resulting from the intrusion of human activity. Names a recent article of Science (Vol. 277, 25 July 1997) that provides evidence that there are no places left on Earthe that are unaffected by human activity and that eventually all ecosystems will have to be managed to one extent or the other.
        • The global impact of human activity on earth's biotic and abiotic has transformed between one third and one half of the Earth's land surface.
        • A quarter of the Earth's bird species have been driven to extinction and more than half of the accesible surface fresh water is being used by humans.
        • Demonstrated using mathematical modeling the possibility of ecological restoration of currently degraded land and that it can be demostrated that the coupling of managment intervention with the power of natural processes to restore their ecological functions produces new habitats for biodiversity.
        • Ecological theory and modelling contributes a major effort to better characterise ecosystem health and informs strategies for preventive health care of the earth's ecosystems.
        • Each living organism and its ennviroment form an individualistic system with the goal of survival and dynamics of systems with negative feedback control.
        • The irreversibility of biological processes results in mortality of individualistic systems whose survivors create an aimless community organisation.
        • Flows of energy and materials are undirectional and have the dynamics of systems with positive feedback control.
        • States of organisation of forrested landscapes determine baskets of benefits that satisfy human desires.
        • Simulation modelling and ecological modelling can be used to:
            • Establish the "norms" for operating characteristics for ecosystems, catchment areas, landscapes and regional environments.
            • Ascertain what abnormalities might develop with various stresses or combination of stresses.
            • Identify causal relationships in the evnt of unexpected deviations.
        • Ecological theory provides the foundation upon which to asses ecological condition.
        • Combined with modelling and quantification of the operating characteristics of ecosystems, the practitioner of ecosystem health is better able to assess existing situations as to evidence for pathology and better able to establish whether managment practices have been effective in providing remediation to damaged systems. 
        • One must be highly selective as to the significant parameters and variables that ought to be monitored (practical limitations bear heavily on what is realistic in this domain), and one needs to establish for those selected indicators, the normal operating ranges of healthy ecosystems.
        • One needs to pay attention to the risks od misdiagnosis through reliance on too few variables, on the role of human values in establishing the operating characteristics, and on the potential for the transmission of ecosystem pathology far from the site origin.
    • Also read the chapter of the above mention book titled: "Ecological Modelling: Sytems Analysis and Simulation"; after close reading and comprehension I learned that:
        • The concept that understanding the bahaviour of system components does not guarantee an understanding of the behaviour of the system.
        • The bahaviour of an individual component can be understood only within the context of the system of which it is a part. 
        • To develop predictive ecosystem theories, models are an effective way of dealing with the complexity generated by the interaction among ecosystem parts.
        • Ecological systems analysis and simulation, or ecological modelling, provides a powerfuyl approach for integrating our understanding of the diverse parts of ecosystems ina rigorous manner.
        • Systems anlysis is both a philosophical approach and a collection of techniques, including simulation, developed explicitly to address problems dealing with complex systems. It emphasises an holistic approach to problem solving and the uses of mathematical models to identify and simulate important characteristics of complex systems. 
        • A mathematical model is a set of equations that describes the interrelationships among objects. By solving the equations comprising a mathematical model we can mimic or simulate, the dynamic behavior of the system.
        • The goal of the systems approach within the context of ecosystem research is to provide a useful perspective on complex systems that promotes good research and development of predictive ecosystem theories.
        •  In relation to the physcial or biological sciences, a system is an organised collection of interrelated physical components characterised by a boundary and functional unity.
        • A system is any collection of 'communicating' materials and processes characterised by many recirpocal cause and effect pathways. A collection of interacting objects can be viewed as a system.
        • Systems analysis can be defined as the application of the scientific method to problems involving complex systems. The essence of systems analysis is on a braid problem solving strategy rather than in a collection of quantitative techniques.
        • A model is a formal description of the essential elements of a problem. They can be classified as:
            • Empirical versus mechanistic: Both developed primarily to describe and summarise a set of relationships, without regard for appropiate representation of processes or mechanisms that operate in the real system. Their goal is prediction, not explanation.
            • Deterministic versus stochastic: Deterministic models contains no ramdom variables and  its predictions under a specific set of conditions are always exactly the same. 
              Stochastic models are the opposite; one or more ramdom variables and predictions not always the same under a set of specific conditions.
            • Simulation versus analytical: Models that can be solved in closed form mathematically are analytical models.Models tha have no general analytic solution must be solved numrically using a specified set of arithmetic operations for each particular situation the model can represent, which are named simulation models. Many ecological models are simulation ones.Simulation models are composed of a series of arithmetic and logical operations that together represent the structure and behaviour of the system-of-interest.
        • Simulation is the process of using a model to mimic, or trace through step by step, the behaviour of the system we are studying.
        • There are four fundamental phases in the process of developing and using a system of models:
            • Conceptual model formation: Based on the clear objectives of the modelling project, one abstracts from the real system those components that must be considered to address our questions. By including this concepts within our model and excluding all others, we bind the system of interest. Next we categorise model components depending on their specific roles in describing the system structure and identify specific relationships among components that generate system dynamics. Then we formally represent the resulting conceptual model and finally, describe expected patterns of model behaviour.
            • Quantitative model specification: Using the conceptual model as a template for this quantitative development, we describe the rules governing the flow of materials in the model using mathematical equations. We choose a general qualitative structure of the model that lends itself well to description of complex models, because it facilitates decomposition of complex iterrelations into simpler cause-effect pathways. Then we develop the specific equations that collectively comprise the model. Finally, we translate our mathematical equations to a computer, executing the baseline simulation, and formally presenting model equations. 
            • Model evaluation: Evaluation of the model in terms of its relative usefulness for the specific purpose.We should examine a broad array of qualitative as well as quantitative aspects of model structure and behaviour. A sensitivity analysis must be performed, which provides valuable insight into the functioning of the model and also suggests that the level of confidence we should have in model predictions.
            • Model use: Assess if the model meets the objectives that were identified at the begginning of the modeliing task.The general scheme for model use follows exactly the same steps involved in addresing a question through expeimentation in the real world.
        • Formal exposure to system dynamics should be an integral part of the training of all ecologist interedted in the development of predictive theories of ecosystem dynamics.
        • Model of fluxes, storage and transformations of substances through ecosystems, watersheds and ladnscapes:
        • model example  
    • Read in the same book the chapter named: "Ecosystems as Functional Entities" and learned that:
        • Mathematical functions are variable quantities, dependent on one another.
        • System anaytical functions are subsets or the set of systemic relations.
        • Ecosystem analytical functions are observer defined esembles of ecological processes. They can, for example, be distinguished into the basic process classes of water processes, energy processes, matter processes, or community processes.
        • Socio-economic functions of ecological entities are natural processes which operate as essentials for human activities.
        • Example of an energetic flows and storages as parts of ecosystem function:
        • example of ecosystem function  

    November 14 - 21:

    • Read the book Applied Population Ecology by H. R. Akçakaya, M. Burgman and L. Ginzburg and learned about population viability analysis that:
        • Population viability analysis (PVA) is a process of identifying the threats faced by a species and evaluating the likelihood that it will persist for a given time into the future. 
        • Population viability analysis is often oriented towards the conservation and management of rare and threatened species, with the goal of applying the principles of population ecology to improve their chances of survival. Threatened species management has two broad objectives. The short term objective is to minimize the risk of extinction. The longer term objective is to promote conditions in which species retain their potential for evolutionary change without intensive management. Within this context, PVA may be used to address three aspects of threatened species management: 
            • Planning research and data collection. PVA may reveal that population viability is insensitive to particular parameters. Research may be guided by targeting factors that may have an important impact on extinction probabilities or on the rank order of management options. 
            • Assessing vulnerability. Together with cultural priorities, economic imperatives and taxonomic uniqueness, PVA may be used to set policy and priorities for allocating scarce conservation resources.
            • Ranking management options. PVA may be used to predict the likely response of species to reintroduction, captive breeding, prescribed burning, weed control, habitat rehabilitation, or different designs for nature reserves or corridor networks.
        • Components of Population Viability Analysis:
        • Components of PVA
        • The most appropriate model structure for a population viability analysis depends on the availability of data, the essential features of the ecology of the species or metapopulation, and the kinds of questions that the managers of the population need to answer. 
        • We need to estimate the model parameters with field studies (and sometimes experiments). The kind of parameters that need to be estimated will depend on the model structure, and the type of data already available. 
        • For most PVA studies, this is the limiting step, because data are often insufficient. However, if a decision will be made no matter what, it is better if the decision-maker has some input from a PVA, even if the data are not perfect. If a parameter is not known very well, then a range of numbers can be used for that parameter instead of a single number.
        • Building a model is a method of combining the existing information into predictions about the persistence of species under different assumptions of environmental conditions and under different conservation and management options. When building a model, it is important to keep a list of assumptions made.
        • The structure of the model and the questions addressed usually determine how the results will be presented. In most cases, the model will include random variation (stochasticity), which means that the results must be presented in probabilistic terms, i.e., in terms of risks, probabilities or likelihoods. 
        • Often, the model must be run many times, with different combinations of the low and high values of each parameter to make sure that all uncertainty in parameter values is accounted for. This provides a way to measure the sensitivity of results to each parameter. Sensitivity analysis is useful for determining which parameters need to be estimated more carefully. 
        • A minimum viable population (MVP) is one that meets "the minimum conditions for the long-term persistence and adaptation of a species or population in a given place" (Soulé 1987a: 1). It is theoretically sufficiently large to protect against extinctions caused by harmful and unpredictable genetic, demographic or environmental factors over a given period of time (generally expressed in hundreds of years). Determination of a generic, rule-of-thumb MVP size has been the subject of considerable effort and debate and, based solely on long-term conservation of genetic diversity, should be considered equivalent to an effective population size (Ne) of several hundred 
        • Ne is defined as the size of an ideal population which maintains the same genetic diversity as the real population , and is equivalent to the number of breeding animals per generation. It is a function of social organization and population demographics, and as a standardized measure permits comparison between species, between populations of the same species, and between the same population at different times. It is usually only a fraction of actual population size (N), because not all animals in the population are breeders. The smaller the ratio of Ne to N, the greater the chance for genetic drift and the greater the level of inbreeding characterizing a species.
        •  A population size sufficient to mitigate environmental and catastrophic uncertainty (habitat change, or an epidemic or natural disaster) should be considerably larger than one required only to conserve genetic diversity . Taking these factors into account, viable populations are thus expected to be of the order of several thousand individuals.
        •  MVP size decreases sharply if the population is not completely isolated, but maintains even a low rate of genetic migration from other populations. Simulation models indicate that immigration of new animals can substantially reduce a population's extinction risk.
    • Read "Predictive accuracy of population viability analysis in conservation biology" by Barry w. Brook, Julian J. O'Grady, Andrew P. Chapman,  Mark A. Burgman, H. resit Akcakaya and Richard Frankham, and learned that:
        • Population Viability Analysis is widely applied in conservation biology to predict extinction risks for threatened species and to compare alternative options for their management. It can also be used as a basis for listing species as endangered under World Conservation Union criteria.
        • There is considerable scepticism regarding the predictive accuracy of population viability analysis. Some factors that prove this are:
            • The confidence intervals are so wide that the analysis provides little or no information about the magnitude of extinction probabilities.
            • The data is inconclusive and unssupportived many times.
            • Risk estimates for individual species are very imprecise.
        • PVA is a sufficient accurate tool for categorizing and managing endangered species, its results provide strong empirical justification for its use of categorizing the vulnerability of endangered species and evaluating options for their recovery.

    November 21- 28:

    • Between the whole process of rearranging teams, I managed to read and learned more about population viability analysis in order to finish our models. I read "Emerging issues in Population Viability Analysis" by J. Michael Reed, L. Scott Mills, John B. Dunning Jr, Eric S. Menges, Kevin S. McKelvey, Robert Frye, Steven R. Beissinger, Marie-Charlotte Anstett and Phillip Miller and learned that:
        • There is no single process that constitutes PVA, but all approaches have in common an assessment of a population's risk of extinction or its projected population growth either under current conditions or expected from proposed management.
        • As model sophistication increases, and software programs that facilitate PVA without the need for modeling expertise become more available, there is greater potential for the misuse of models and increased confusion over interpreting their results.
        • PVA is a powerful tool in conservation biology for comparing alternative research plans and relative extinction risks among species. However it should be used with caution for many reasons:
            • Because PVA is a model, its validity depends on the  appropriatness of the model's structure and data quality.
            • Results should be presented with appropiate assesment of confidence.
            • Model construction and results should subject to external review
            • Model structure, input, and results should be treated as hypothesis to be tested
            • PVA should not be used to detemine minimun population sizes or the specific probability of reaching extinction.
        • The definition of PVA should be restricted to development of formal quantitative models.
        • One should focus more research to determine how pervasive density dependence feedback is across species.
        • The most appropriate use of PVA may be for comparing the relative effects of potential managment actions on population growth or persistence.
        • PVA is:
          • one of the most powerful and pervasive tools in conservation biology.
          • an assesessment of the risk of reaching some threshold, such as extinction, or the projected growth for a population, either under current conditions or those predicted for proposed management.
          • important to review and assess as a tool in conservation biology.
          • used increasingly in policy development and management planning.
          • popular by its models' ability to provide apparently precise results.
        • PVA should not be used superficially.
        • Early viability assessment focused on estimating minimum viable population size, a concept that has long been recognized.
        • Despite recognition that population viability is determined by a combination of factors, the first viability analyses focused on subsets of factors.
        • Increasingly sophisticated models are required if one wishes to account for strong interspecific interactions, such as mutualism.
        • The primary factor affecting viability of many rare species is loss of habitat.
        • Populations can be affected by the actual loss of habitat from a region, by changes in the suitability of remaining habitat patches, or by landscape factors such as isolation or connectedness of the habitat fragments remaining after habitat loss.
        • If the spatial distribution of habitat potentially affects the viability of a study population, than a PVA developed for this population must explicitly deal with changes in habitat quality and quantity across space.
        • When a species is limited by the amount of suitable habitat present within a region, but is unaffected by the distribution of habitat patches, then a researcher can conduct a PVA by tracking the total amount of habitat present in the landscape.
        • Models must integrate space to a greater degree than by simply tracxking total amounts of habitat.
        • Forest management plans that could change the spatial distribution of suitable habitat could therefore have dramatic effects on an endangered animal.
        • Models that incorporate the exact spatial and temporal location of objects into their structure are said to be spatiallly explicit.
        • Individual-based simulation models assign to individuals habitat-specific demographics traits based on where individuals are, and they move individuals based on specific dispersal rules. This models average across individuals to gain population statistics, such as time to extinction or population size at specific moments in a simulation period.
        • Spatially explicit models have been used to address at least two kinds of conservation questions that are simulation of populations on hypothetical landscapes and the examination of potential effects of a specific landscape change proposed for a specific, real-world landscape.
        • The most valuable uses of spatial PVA models may be in the identification of extreme population responses to landscape change and possibly to rank landscape-change scenarios and their potential to affect target populations.
        • Spatially explicit models add the requirements of severe unique kinds of data: the distribution and quality of habitat in the real world, local habitat-specific  demography, and an idea of dispersal patterns and movement rules. 
        • Spatially explicit models must specify the habitat needs of the population so that the model can determine how individuals are distributed across the landscape at each time step.
        • Spatially explicit models require information on how organisms disperse across complex landscapes.
        • Modeling studies can assess the effects of estimation errors for various dispersal parameters on the performance of spatial PVAs.
        • Spatial explicit models may be greatly susceptible to error propagation and should be used with caution.
        • Sensitivity analysis can complement the predictions that arise from PVA by providing constructive insights into factors that most affect population growth or quasi-extinction probability.
        • There are several approaches for conducting sensitivity analysis, ranging from analytical sensitivity and elasticity analysis.
        • Sensitivity analysis can benefit researchers by identifying factors whose estimation is most critical for population-level studies. It can include spatial dynamics, thereby evaluating the relative impact of within population processes on metapopulation persistence or growth.
        •  Although sensitivity analysis helps identify actions that can be taken after traditional PVA has identified a problem, it is a critical to account for not only the extent to which equal changes in different vital rates affect population growth or extinction, but also the amount that different rates could change.

    Important sites from Mission 2006:

    Useful links:

    1) Brazil Embassy in Washington        
    2) Rainforest Facts                                
    3) Environmental Organizations Directory
    4) IBAMA                                              

    Rainforest photos:

    amazon forest

    Amazon river

    Amazon forest 2

    amazon river



        Lets remember that our efforts are for future generations like the one seen here!!!!!!!!! 

    Amanda Gisela (baby)

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    December 9, 2002

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